Hi, first time making a topic here, so here's the story.
I have 4 tables made by oyyzj that I downloaded by using the wayback machine due to me being unable to obtain these tables any other way as of now. The problem is that by opening them in cheat engine I get an error like this [Link]
Opening the Nocturne table in notepad shows that there's some other stuff that's not supposed to be there (I Think?). So this is why I came here so that the experts or basically anybody with the knowledge of basic coding can look this over for me. I'll go post the tables here and thanks for reading this topic and an infinite amount of praise to whoever can resolve the issue
Some tables that can't work.
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- What is cheating?
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Re: Some tables that can't work.
Unable to post tables apparently, help please?Axeman_Kilij wrote: ↑Wed Dec 06, 2017 7:09 pmI have 4 tables made by oyyzj that I downloaded by using the wayback machine due to me being unable to obtain these tables any other way as of now.
Re: Some tables that can't work.
You can only post tables in tables section. Just upload them to mediafire and link them or find them on here? All old cheat tables have been imported from CEF so they must be here
Anyway, it seems to be just a syntax error
Anyway, it seems to be just a syntax error
Re: Some tables that can't work.
Could also just post them as text (CT's are just text files, essentially).
Make sure you use the code tag, though, to preserve formatting.
Make sure you use the code tag, though, to preserve formatting.
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Re: Some tables that can't work.
So taking STN's comment on searching for them, while oyyzj uploaded three of the four tables I needed, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne and Persona 3 FES were not any of them (wasn't even able to get the P3FES table from the Wayback Machine so I might have to request him/her on that)
And now taking jungletek's suggestion of putting them in here in text. I probably only needed to post one of them because I think I see the problem here with all the text on top (this shows up on the rest of the tables I've downloaded from Wayback Machine). I wanted to see if I can fix it myself but then I realized there's some integral code needed for this to work in all of that somewhere. Anyway here's the stuff from the Nocturne Table
And now taking jungletek's suggestion of putting them in here in text. I probably only needed to post one of them because I think I see the problem here with all the text on top (this shows up on the rest of the tables I've downloaded from Wayback Machine). I wanted to see if I can fix it myself but then I realized there's some integral code needed for this to work in all of that somewhere. Anyway here's the stuff from the Nocturne Table
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<!-- END WAYBACK TOOLBAR INSERT --><cheattable cheatenginetableversion="16">
<options mohidechildren="1"/>
<description>"Demon 1 Skill 1"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Demon 2 Skill 1"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Demon 3 Skill 1"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Demon 4 Skill 1"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Demon 5 Skill 1"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Demon 6 Skill 1"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Demon 7 Skill 1"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Demon 8 Skill 1"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Demon 9 Skill 1"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Demon 10 Skill 1"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<options mohidechildren="1"/>
<description>"HERO STATS"</description>
<variabletype>Array of byte</variabletype>
<description>"Skill slots"</description>
<description>"Skill 1"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Skill 2"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Skill 3"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Skill 4"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Skill 5"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Skill 6"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Skill 7"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Skill 8"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Skill 9"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Skill 10"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Skill 11"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Skill 12"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Skill 13"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Skill 14"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Skill 15"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Skill 16"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Lv up points"</description>
<options mohidechildren="1"/>
<options mohidechildren="1"/>
<description>"Chakra Elixier"</description>
<description>"Blessed Fan"</description>
<description>"SP Items"</description>
<options mohidechildren="1"/>
<options mohidechildren="1"/>
<options mohidechildren="1" mobindactivation="1" morecursivesetvalue="1"/>
<description>"Bead Chain"</description>
<description>"Chakra Pot"</description>
<description>"Great Chakra"</description>
<description>"Soma Droplet"</description>
<description>"Bead of Life"</description>
<description>"Revival Bead"</description>
<description>"Balm of Rising"</description>
<description>"Sacred Water"</description>
<description>"Maragi Rock"</description>
<description>"Mabufu Rock"</description>
<description>"Mazio Rock"</description>
<description>"Mazan Rock"</description>
<description>"Mahama Rock"</description>
<description>"Mamudo Rock"</description>
<description>"Megido Rock"</description>
<description>"Megidola Rock"</description>
<description>"Poison Arrow"</description>
<description>"Wagtail Plume"</description>
<description>"Makajam Rock"</description>
<description>"Pot of Death"</description>
<description>"Magic Mirror"</description>
<description>"Attack Mirror"</description>
<description>"Dekaja Rock"</description>
<description>"Tetraja Rock"</description>
<description>"St Incense"</description>
<description>"Ma Incense"</description>
<description>"Vi Incense"</description>
<description>"Ag Incense"</description>
<description>"Lu Incense"</description>
<description>"Repulse Bell"</description>
<description>"Attract Pipe"</description>
<description>"Float Ball"</description>
<description>"Light Ball"</description>
<description>"Smoke Ball"</description>
<description>"Divining Water"</description>
<options mohidechildren="1"/>
<variabletype>4 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"HERO HP"</description>
<options mohidechildren="1"/>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"#1 HP"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"#2 HP"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"#3 HP"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"#4 HP"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"#5 HP"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"#6 HP"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"#7 HP"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"#8 HP"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"#9 HP"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"#10 HP"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"HERO MP"</description>
<options mohidechildren="1" mobindactivation="1" morecursivesetvalue="1"/>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<action>Set Value</action>
<description>"#1 MP"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"#2 MP"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"#3 MP"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"#4 MP"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"#5 MP"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"#6 MP"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"#7 MP"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"#8 MP"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"#9 MP"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"#10 MP"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"No RDM Battles"</description>
<variabletype>2 Bytes</variabletype>
<description>"Infinite Mana"</description>
<variabletype>Auto Assembler Script</variabletype>
//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat
aobscan(aob,0F B7 01 A3 60 8A * * C7 05 64 8A * * 00 00 00 00 8B 15 60 8A * * 8B 0D 80 8A * * 89 C8 C1 E8 0C 8B 04 85 30 00 * * BB * * * 30 01 C1 0F 88 * * * * 89 11 C7 05 D8 8C * * 7C 26 28 00 A1 F0 8D * * 83 C0 17 A3 F0 8D * * 2B 05 EC 24 * * 0F 88 * * FF FF E9)
newmem://Activate in battle once after you used 1 skill that consumes mana
mov word ptr [ecx],03E7
movzx eax,word ptr [ecx]
jmp returnhere
jmp newmem
//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
<description>"Skill list"</description>
<variabletype>Auto Assembler Script</variabletype>
//List of skills
//Warning: Only edit exist Skills slots, else bug!
//For Demons diff HEX = EC
//Skills HEX:
//001B - Megidolaon (Mega-Almighty, All)
//0029 - Mediarahan (Heal full, Party)
//0032 - Samrecarm (Revive 1 ally)
//0039 - Dekaja (Cancel -kaja, All)
//0042 - Rakukaja (Raises DEF, Party)
//0045 - Makarakarn (Repel Magic attacks)
//0046 - Tetrakarn (Repel Phy attacks)
//004D - Dekunda (Cancel -nda, Party)
//0083 - Deadly Fury (Phy, High-crit, All)
//009E - Holy Melody (Heals FULL ally or enemy, who has lowest %)
//00B0 - Fire Breath (Light-Fire, Multi)
//00B1 - Hellfire (Mid-Fire, Multi)
//00B2 - Prominence (Heavy-Fire, Multi)
//00B3 - Ragnarok (Mega-Fire, Single)
//00B4 - Ice Breath (Light-Ice, Multi)
//00B5 - Glacial Blast (Heavy-Ice, Multi)
//00B9 - Tornado (Heavy-Force, Multi)
//00BA - Wind Cutter (Mega-Force, Single)
//00C0 - Life Drain (Drain HP/MP, Single)
//00CB - War Cry (Lower Phy/Mag Atk great ALL)
//00CC - Fog Breath (Lower dodge/aim great ALL)
//00CE - Debilitate (Lower Atk/Def/Dod/Aim, All)
//00DA - Prayer (Full HP / ailments heal, Party)
//00DB - Beast Eye
//00DC - Dragon Eye
//00DD - Infinite Light
//00EB - Fire of Sinai (Heavy-Almighty, Multi)
//00FD - Apocalypse
//0093 - Freikugel
//0101 - Fire of Sinai (Mega-Almighty, Multi)
//010B - Roundtrip (Heavy-Elec, All)
//010C - Whirlwind (Heavy-Force, All)
//010D - Showtime (Heavy-Almighty, All)
//010F - Evil Gleam
//0114 - Red Capote (max dodge & aim)
//011E - Beast Roar (Almighty, All + heal user HP)
//012C - Bright Might (Passive, crit at full kagutsuchi)
//012D - Dark Might (Passive, crit at new kagutsuchi)
//012E - Drain Attack (Passive, improves normal attack Drains HP)
//012F - Reserve (Passive, improves normal attacks multiple hits)
//0130 - Attack All (Passive, Phy, All)
//0133 - Avenge (Passive, High-Phy, counter)
//0134 - Reserve (Performs one extra normal attack when crit)
//0143 - Void Phys
//0144 - Void Fire
//0145 - Void Ice
//0146 - Void Elec
//0147 - Void Force
//0148 - Void Expel
//0149 - Void Death
//014A - Void Curse
//014B - Void Nerve
//014C - Void Mind
//014D - Phys Drain
//014E - Fire Drain
//014D - Ice Drain
//0150 - Elec Drain
//0151 - Force Drain
//0152 - Phy Repel
//0153 - Fire Repel
//0154 - Ice Repel
//0155 - Elec Repel
//0156 - Force Repel
//0158 - Reserve (Revives with full HP/MP at random)
//015C - Victory Cry (Passive, Full HP/MP after battle)
//0160 - Reserve (Passive, Levitates self perm)
//0165 - Pierce (Passive, Null Phy Repel)
//Dante Skills:
//0106 - E & I
//0107 - Rebellion
//0108 - Bullet-Time
//0109 - Provoke
//010A - Stinger
//010B - Roundtrip
//010C - Whirlwind
//010D - Showtime
<comments>Warning: Only edit exist Skills slots, else bug!
For Demons diff HEX = EC
Skills HEX:
001B - Megidolaon (Mega-Almighty, All)
0029 - Mediarahan (Heal full, Party)
0032 - Samrecarm (Revive 1 ally)
0039 - Dekaja (Cancel -kaja, All)
0042 - Rakukaja (Raises DEF, Party)
0045 - Makarakarn (Repel Magic attacks)
0046 - Tetrakarn (Repel Phy attacks)
004D - Dekunda (Cancel -nda, Party)
0083 - Deadly Fury (Phy, High-crit, All)
009E - Holy Melody (Heals FULL ally or enemy, who has lowest %)
00B0 - Fire Breath (Light-Fire, Multi)
00B1 - Hellfire (Mid-Fire, Multi)
00B2 - Prominence (Heavy-Fire, Multi)
00B3 - Ragnarok (Mega-Fire, Single)
00B4 - Ice Breath (Light-Ice, Multi)
00B5 - Glacial Blast (Heavy-Ice, Multi)
00B9 - Tornado (Heavy-Force, Multi)
00BA - Wind Cutter (Mega-Force, Single)
00C0 - Life Drain (Drain HP/MP, Single)
00CB - War Cry (Lower Phy/Mag Atk great ALL)
00CC - Fog Breath (Lower dodge/aim great ALL)
00CE - Debilitate (Lower Atk/Def/Dod/Aim, All)
00DA - Prayer (Full HP / ailments heal, Party)
00DB - Beast Eye
00DC - Dragon Eye
00DD - Infinite Light
00EB - Fire of Sinai (Heavy-Almighty, Multi)
00FD - Apocalypse
0093 - Freikugel
0101 - Fire of Sinai (Mega-Almighty, Multi)
010B - Roundtrip (Heavy-Elec, All)
010C - Whirlwind (Heavy-Force, All)
010D - Showtime (Heavy-Almighty, All)
010F - Evil Gleam
0114 - Red Capote (max dodge & aim)
011E - Beast Roar (Almighty, All + heal user HP)
012C - Bright Might (Passive, crit at full kagutsuchi)
012D - Dark Might (Passive, crit at new kagutsuchi)
012E - Drain Attack (Passive, improves normal attack Drains HP)
012F - Reserve (Passive, improves normal attacks multiple hits)
0130 - Attack All (Passive, Phy, All)
0133 - Avenge (Passive, High-Phy, counter)
0134 - Reserve (Performs one extra normal attack when crit)
0143 - Void Phys
0144 - Void Fire
0145 - Void Ice
0146 - Void Elec
0147 - Void Force
0148 - Void Expel
0149 - Void Death
014A - Void Curse
014B - Void Nerve
014C - Void Mind
014D - Phys Drain
014E - Fire Drain
014D - Ice Drain
0150 - Elec Drain
0151 - Force Drain
0152 - Phy Repel
0153 - Fire Repel
0154 - Ice Repel
0155 - Elec Repel
0156 - Force Repel
0158 - Reserve (Revives with full HP/MP at random)
015C - Victory Cry (Passive, Full HP/MP after battle)
0160 - Reserve (Passive, Levitates self perm)
0165 - Pierce (Passive, Null Phy Repel)
Dante Skills:
0106 - E & I
0107 - Rebellion
0108 - Bullet-Time
0109 - Provoke
010A - Stinger
010B - Roundtrip
010C - Whirlwind
010D - Showtime
Re: Some tables that can't work.
I wonder how you saved these tables cause the whole webpage is saved with them lol. Anyway remove all that crap and start from <cheatentries>
If that doesn't work, paste in the header code from a test ct you make using new CE version to see if it works.
If that doesn't work, paste in the header code from a test ct you make using new CE version to see if it works.
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Re: Some tables that can't work.
Heck I'm not sure, I just downloaded them as if you downloaded a table from that site, heh. Well I got rid of it all and there's another hiccup in the form of this
Script Error:[string "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>..."]:1: unexpected symbol near '<\239>'
So there's that now, 239 is nowhere to be found on the cheat table and the lua script.
Script Error:[string "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>..."]:1: unexpected symbol near '<\239>'
So there's that now, 239 is nowhere to be found on the cheat table and the lua script.
- Noobzor
- Posts: 13
- Joined: Fri Mar 03, 2017 7:00 pm
- Reputation: 6
Re: Some tables that can't work.
So, two things. First off, even after ripping it out, it was missing the xml header. (Entirely unsure if this matters)
And the other thing is that cheat table xml tags are apparently case sensitive. And the entire table had lost all of its capitalization. So I added it back in.
I did it with some RegEx magic, but I don't know if CE has some way or manner to fix this shit by itself.
Here's a working table.
And the other thing is that cheat table xml tags are apparently case sensitive. And the entire table had lost all of its capitalization. So I added it back in.
I did it with some RegEx magic, but I don't know if CE has some way or manner to fix this shit by itself.
Here's a working table.
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CheatTable CheatEngineTableVersion="16">
<Options moHideChildren="1"/>
<Description>"Demon 1 Skill 1"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Demon 2 Skill 1"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Demon 3 Skill 1"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Demon 4 Skill 1"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Demon 5 Skill 1"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Demon 6 Skill 1"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Demon 7 Skill 1"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Demon 8 Skill 1"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Demon 9 Skill 1"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Demon 10 Skill 1"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Options moHideChildren="1"/>
<Description>"HERO STATS"</Description>
<VariableType>Array of byte</VariableType>
<Description>"Skill slots"</Description>
<Description>"Skill 1"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Skill 2"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Skill 3"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Skill 4"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Skill 5"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Skill 6"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Skill 7"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Skill 8"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Skill 9"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Skill 10"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Skill 11"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Skill 12"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Skill 13"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Skill 14"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Skill 15"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Skill 16"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Lv up points"</Description>
<Options moHideChildren="1"/>
<Options moHideChildren="1"/>
<Description>"Chakra Elixier"</Description>
<Description>"Blessed Fan"</Description>
<Description>"SP Items"</Description>
<Options moHideChildren="1"/>
<Options moHideChildren="1"/>
<Options moHideChildren="1" moBindActivation="1" moRecursiveSetValue="1"/>
<Description>"Bead Chain"</Description>
<Description>"Chakra Pot"</Description>
<Description>"Great Chakra"</Description>
<Description>"Soma Droplet"</Description>
<Description>"Bead of Life"</Description>
<Description>"Revival Bead"</Description>
<Description>"Balm of Rising"</Description>
<Description>"Sacred Water"</Description>
<Description>"Maragi Rock"</Description>
<Description>"Mabufu Rock"</Description>
<Description>"Mazio Rock"</Description>
<Description>"Mazan Rock"</Description>
<Description>"Mahama Rock"</Description>
<Description>"Mamudo Rock"</Description>
<Description>"Megido Rock"</Description>
<Description>"Megidola Rock"</Description>
<Description>"Poison Arrow"</Description>
<Description>"Wagtail Plume"</Description>
<Description>"Makajam Rock"</Description>
<Description>"Pot of Death"</Description>
<Description>"Magic Mirror"</Description>
<Description>"Attack Mirror"</Description>
<Description>"Dekaja Rock"</Description>
<Description>"Tetraja Rock"</Description>
<Description>"St Incense"</Description>
<Description>"Ma Incense"</Description>
<Description>"Vi Incense"</Description>
<Description>"Ag Incense"</Description>
<Description>"Lu Incense"</Description>
<Description>"Repulse Bell"</Description>
<Description>"Attract Pipe"</Description>
<Description>"Float Ball"</Description>
<Description>"Light Ball"</Description>
<Description>"Smoke Ball"</Description>
<Description>"Divining Water"</Description>
<Options moHideChildren="1"/>
<VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"HERO HP"</Description>
<Options moHideChildren="1"/>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"#1 HP"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"#2 HP"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"#3 HP"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"#4 HP"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"#5 HP"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"#6 HP"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"#7 HP"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"#8 HP"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"#9 HP"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"#10 HP"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"HERO MP"</Description>
<Options moHideChildren="1" moBindActivation="1" moRecursiveSetValue="1"/>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Action>Set Value</Action>
<Description>"#1 MP"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"#2 MP"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"#3 MP"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"#4 MP"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"#5 MP"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"#6 MP"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"#7 MP"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"#8 MP"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"#9 MP"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"#10 MP"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"No RDM Battles"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Infinite Mana"</Description>
<VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat
aobscan(aob,0F B7 01 A3 60 8A * * C7 05 64 8A * * 00 00 00 00 8B 15 60 8A * * 8B 0D 80 8A * * 89 C8 C1 E8 0C 8B 04 85 30 00 * * BB * * * 30 01 C1 0F 88 * * * * 89 11 C7 05 D8 8C * * 7C 26 28 00 A1 F0 8D * * 83 C0 17 A3 F0 8D * * 2B 05 EC 24 * * 0F 88 * * FF FF E9)
newmem://Activate in battle once after you used 1 skill that consumes mana
mov word ptr [ecx],03E7
movzx eax,word ptr [ecx]
jmp returnhere
jmp newmem
//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
<Description>"Skill list"</Description>
<VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
//List of skills
//Warning: Only edit exist Skills slots, else bug!
//For Demons diff HEX = EC
//Skills HEX:
//001B - Megidolaon (Mega-Almighty, All)
//0029 - Mediarahan (Heal full, Party)
//0032 - Samrecarm (Revive 1 ally)
//0039 - Dekaja (Cancel -kaja, All)
//0042 - Rakukaja (Raises DEF, Party)
//0045 - Makarakarn (Repel Magic attacks)
//0046 - Tetrakarn (Repel Phy attacks)
//004D - Dekunda (Cancel -nda, Party)
//0083 - Deadly Fury (Phy, High-crit, All)
//009E - Holy Melody (Heals FULL ally or enemy, who has lowest %)
//00B0 - Fire Breath (Light-Fire, Multi)
//00B1 - Hellfire (Mid-Fire, Multi)
//00B2 - Prominence (Heavy-Fire, Multi)
//00B3 - Ragnarok (Mega-Fire, Single)
//00B4 - Ice Breath (Light-Ice, Multi)
//00B5 - Glacial Blast (Heavy-Ice, Multi)
//00B9 - Tornado (Heavy-Force, Multi)
//00BA - Wind Cutter (Mega-Force, Single)
//00C0 - Life Drain (Drain HP/MP, Single)
//00CB - War Cry (Lower Phy/Mag Atk great ALL)
//00CC - Fog Breath (Lower dodge/aim great ALL)
//00CE - Debilitate (Lower Atk/Def/Dod/Aim, All)
//00DA - Prayer (Full HP / ailments heal, Party)
//00DB - Beast Eye
//00DC - Dragon Eye
//00DD - Infinite Light
//00EB - Fire of Sinai (Heavy-Almighty, Multi)
//00FD - Apocalypse
//0093 - Freikugel
//0101 - Fire of Sinai (Mega-Almighty, Multi)
//010B - Roundtrip (Heavy-Elec, All)
//010C - Whirlwind (Heavy-Force, All)
//010D - Showtime (Heavy-Almighty, All)
//010F - Evil Gleam
//0114 - Red Capote (max dodge & aim)
//011E - Beast Roar (Almighty, All + heal user HP)
//012C - Bright Might (Passive, crit at full kagutsuchi)
//012D - Dark Might (Passive, crit at new kagutsuchi)
//012E - Drain Attack (Passive, improves normal attack Drains HP)
//012F - Reserve (Passive, improves normal attacks multiple hits)
//0130 - Attack All (Passive, Phy, All)
//0133 - Avenge (Passive, High-Phy, counter)
//0134 - Reserve (Performs one extra normal attack when crit)
//0143 - Void Phys
//0144 - Void Fire
//0145 - Void Ice
//0146 - Void Elec
//0147 - Void Force
//0148 - Void Expel
//0149 - Void Death
//014A - Void Curse
//014B - Void Nerve
//014C - Void Mind
//014D - Phys Drain
//014E - Fire Drain
//014D - Ice Drain
//0150 - Elec Drain
//0151 - Force Drain
//0152 - Phy Repel
//0153 - Fire Repel
//0154 - Ice Repel
//0155 - Elec Repel
//0156 - Force Repel
//0158 - Reserve (Revives with full HP/MP at random)
//015C - Victory Cry (Passive, Full HP/MP after battle)
//0160 - Reserve (Passive, Levitates self perm)
//0165 - Pierce (Passive, Null Phy Repel)
//Dante Skills:
//0106 - E & I
//0107 - Rebellion
//0108 - Bullet-Time
//0109 - Provoke
//010A - Stinger
//010B - Roundtrip
//010C - Whirlwind
//010D - Showtime
<Comments>Warning: Only edit exist Skills slots, else bug!
For Demons diff HEX = EC
Skills HEX:
001B - Megidolaon (Mega-Almighty, All)
0029 - Mediarahan (Heal full, Party)
0032 - Samrecarm (Revive 1 ally)
0039 - Dekaja (Cancel -kaja, All)
0042 - Rakukaja (Raises DEF, Party)
0045 - Makarakarn (Repel Magic attacks)
0046 - Tetrakarn (Repel Phy attacks)
004D - Dekunda (Cancel -nda, Party)
0083 - Deadly Fury (Phy, High-crit, All)
009E - Holy Melody (Heals FULL ally or enemy, who has lowest %)
00B0 - Fire Breath (Light-Fire, Multi)
00B1 - Hellfire (Mid-Fire, Multi)
00B2 - Prominence (Heavy-Fire, Multi)
00B3 - Ragnarok (Mega-Fire, Single)
00B4 - Ice Breath (Light-Ice, Multi)
00B5 - Glacial Blast (Heavy-Ice, Multi)
00B9 - Tornado (Heavy-Force, Multi)
00BA - Wind Cutter (Mega-Force, Single)
00C0 - Life Drain (Drain HP/MP, Single)
00CB - War Cry (Lower Phy/Mag Atk great ALL)
00CC - Fog Breath (Lower dodge/aim great ALL)
00CE - Debilitate (Lower Atk/Def/Dod/Aim, All)
00DA - Prayer (Full HP / ailments heal, Party)
00DB - Beast Eye
00DC - Dragon Eye
00DD - Infinite Light
00EB - Fire of Sinai (Heavy-Almighty, Multi)
00FD - Apocalypse
0093 - Freikugel
0101 - Fire of Sinai (Mega-Almighty, Multi)
010B - Roundtrip (Heavy-Elec, All)
010C - Whirlwind (Heavy-Force, All)
010D - Showtime (Heavy-Almighty, All)
010F - Evil Gleam
0114 - Red Capote (max dodge & aim)
011E - Beast Roar (Almighty, All + heal user HP)
012C - Bright Might (Passive, crit at full kagutsuchi)
012D - Dark Might (Passive, crit at new kagutsuchi)
012E - Drain Attack (Passive, improves normal attack Drains HP)
012F - Reserve (Passive, improves normal attacks multiple hits)
0130 - Attack All (Passive, Phy, All)
0133 - Avenge (Passive, High-Phy, counter)
0134 - Reserve (Performs one extra normal attack when crit)
0143 - Void Phys
0144 - Void Fire
0145 - Void Ice
0146 - Void Elec
0147 - Void Force
0148 - Void Expel
0149 - Void Death
014A - Void Curse
014B - Void Nerve
014C - Void Mind
014D - Phys Drain
014E - Fire Drain
014D - Ice Drain
0150 - Elec Drain
0151 - Force Drain
0152 - Phy Repel
0153 - Fire Repel
0154 - Ice Repel
0155 - Elec Repel
0156 - Force Repel
0158 - Reserve (Revives with full HP/MP at random)
015C - Victory Cry (Passive, Full HP/MP after battle)
0160 - Reserve (Passive, Levitates self perm)
0165 - Pierce (Passive, Null Phy Repel)
Dante Skills:
0106 - E & I
0107 - Rebellion
0108 - Bullet-Time
0109 - Provoke
010A - Stinger
010B - Roundtrip
010C - Whirlwind
010D - Showtime
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