Scripting for Dark Souls II SOTFS Movesets and Bullets on the end of attacks

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Scripting for Dark Souls II SOTFS Movesets and Bullets on the end of attacks

Post by drgoobahmuffin »

Recently, I have been trying to get back into Dark Souls II, and wanted to do some unique builds/runs with altered movesets and bullets on the ends of my attacks. I know how to do this using a cheat table, but it takes a fairly long period of time to set up every time I open the game. I'd like to make a script to be able to enable this at the click of a button, however, I'm fairly unskilled when it comes to coding and coding languages (practically no experience with assembly or lua). I was wondering if there was anywhere you all could point me for learning more about these languages from a noob perspective, or help with my overarching goal to make these scripts. I apologize for any inconvenience that may arise from my ignorance, and thanks in advance.

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Re: Scripting for Dark Souls II SOTFS Movesets and Bullets on the end of attacks

Post by MateySwag »

Pretty sure you wont be using lua but I imagine you could.

Can just do simple asm that uses the param + offset of weapon attack.

Code: Select all

   db E0 5C 16 02

   db 70 CA EB 01
   db 00 00 00 00

   db 00 00 00 00
This is pretty much what I mean it's pretty dated but iirc the [[[[BaseA]+18]+440]+D8]+0 is the WeaponAttackMotionParam. Been awhile since I've bothered with CE on anything DS so i can't really remember how to get the last offset.

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Re: Scripting for Dark Souls II SOTFS Movesets and Bullets on the end of attacks

Post by drgoobahmuffin »

Thank you! That Param is only for adding bullets, yes? What about altering the Moveset itself? (i.e. put running attack from bone fist on smelter sword etc). And the last offset on that param is just for which attack you want the bullet on? Sorry for all the questions, just trying to get this straight. Thank you again!

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Re: Scripting for Dark Souls II SOTFS Movesets and Bullets on the end of attacks

Post by drgoobahmuffin »

The better question would be how did you figure out that that is the WeaponAttackMotionParam? Is there a list or just common sense? Thanks!

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Re: Scripting for Dark Souls II SOTFS Movesets and Bullets on the end of attacks

Post by drgoobahmuffin »

Nvm I found out how you get the param. Thanks for all your help! I'll play around with it and see what I can do. If I have more questions I'll ask. Thanks again!

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Re: Scripting for Dark Souls II SOTFS Movesets and Bullets on the end of attacks

Post by MateySwag »

drgoobahmuffin wrote:
Tue Dec 05, 2017 3:54 pm
Thank you! That Param is only for adding bullets, yes? What about altering the Moveset itself? (i.e. put running attack from bone fist on smelter sword etc). And the last offset on that param is just for which attack you want the bullet on? Sorry for all the questions, just trying to get this straight. Thank you again!
I believe you would take the address of your attack and minus it from the address of the param then add an offset. In this case to use bullets on swings it was offset 38 or 3C in the Weapon attack motion param helper.

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Re: Scripting for Dark Souls II SOTFS Movesets and Bullets on the end of attacks

Post by drgoobahmuffin »

Thanks again! After some messing around, I figured it out. You add an offset to get to the address of the attack you are working with (the 5 digit hexadecimal above) to alter the moveset itself. If you want to add bullets, add their offset (038 or 03C) to the 5 digit offset described above (I converted to decimal and back to hexadecimal). Thank you again for all your help!

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