Anyone using drummer battle trophy table still able to get battle trophy achievement on steam? I think it won't let you do that but it seems like if you don't unlock all battle trophy for all characters and then unlock a single trophy for another character, the unlocked battle trophy from cheat will still be registered on your achievement lol.
Also can you add bytesize battle trophy from his new table to your updated table? It'll probably be great if we can compile all of them in one table.
I got another request, add a multiplier to how fast BEAT is learned e.g. 2x or 3x.
This I would say is much more useful than a exp multipler as there is already many in game mechanics for exp multiplier and everytime I play this game I am overlevelled, but there is no in game mechanics to speed up beat levelling.
Last edited by chrcoluk on Tue Dec 05, 2017 6:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
3 - Add an option to toggle learnt battle trophies, I wish to learn most trophies normally, but I also wish to avoid farming certain ones which are completely ridiculous, auto learning them 'all' is just too cheap. So ideally each one with its own toggle.
Which would be the point of getting the trophy Pointers, to toggle them from On to Off to On again (why you would want to toggle learnt trophies off I'm not sure, maybe I'm not reading it right). Remember though, we're talking about 900 trophies, 100 for each character, each with their own address blocks. Finding the trophies for one character is likely not going to help with any of the others.
There are a number of things on this table that already make some of the more tedious trophies gettable, though I am pulling for the 'damage modifier' script to set a character to do X damage for those trophies (or for bringing enemies down to Y health).
Battle Trophies really don't do much until you get most of them for each character which isn't going to realistically happen until you hit end- and post-game.
been able to edit counters like kill counts would also work for me yes. It still leaves some very tough trophies behind but at least it would help still.
Perhaps a way to get this to work would be to add a memory scanner on selected trophy, and then allow selected trophy to be toggled. Rather than trying to get it to work for entire list, the tales of zesteiria cheat table works this way by using selected item, as does lightning returns and ff13-2.
So the process would be.
1 - enable scanner option in table
2 - select the battle trophy in game
3 - set on/off for the trophy in cheat table.
I may be jumping to conclusions but I believe the drop item option is only for the native creatures and what they drop. You wouldn't be able to use it to get an Onyx Blade from an Giant Fungus you must only use the option for what they drop I believe. It comes in handy when you have side missions and the required enemies won't drop the rare items fast enough.
hI, I find that method may help you, first you back to spaceship, then enable "No Item Requirement When Item Creating", after enable this cheat, you can place any Decoration in spaceship even you don't have this stuff(I don't why, but at least it is work while I restart a new game), then place the "shop machine" in spaceship and use "Modify Shop Items (Buy Something To Update Pointer)" set "shop machine" to sell "disintegration store", finally use Lymle field skill "recharge" to charge thunder ring
hI, I find that method may help you, first you back to spaceship, then enable "No Item Requirement When Item Creating", after enable this cheat, you can place any Decoration in spaceship even you don't have this stuff(I don't why, but at least it is work while I restart a new game), then place the "shop machine" in spaceship and use "Modify Shop Items (Buy Something To Update Pointer)" set "shop machine" to sell "disintegration store", finally use Lymle field skill "recharge" to charge thunder ring
I also found the Battle Trophy pointers with the ability to turn on and off specific ones you select for the character you select.
Thanks, I grabbed the latest table, is it in that yet, or you still working on it, as I seen another poster mentioned he is using it but I cannot find it. --edit-- found it, great stuff.
Regarding Beat S and B, if you struggling to get a multiplier for the exp gain for it since it uses some kind of hidden exp counter, then a one touch level 20 I would accept also which I will use on my NG+ so in affect just pretending I am carrying it over learnt from the first playthru, my issue really is regrinding beat on new playthrus as there is no in game method to speed it up and its tough on characters who join the party late as well.
I figured something out for this in EDIT13. Enjoy!
Can't you make so it would drop all possible items?
I figured this out and have it in EDIT 13.3.
Awsome, I knew you can do it since you made that looping Lua for other script.
Any way, I did find the Beat EXP, it's stored near after character base stats. It goes up by 1 per battle. And short after the two Beat EXP is current BEAT selection ID and Total Battle fought by that particular char. I did try to scan for what modify but all I can catch is the .net dll modifying it.
Can't you make so it would drop all possible items?
I figured this out and have it in EDIT 13.3.
Awsome, I knew you can do it since you made that looping Lua for other script.
Any way, I did find the Beat EXP, it's stored near after character base stats. It goes up by 1 per battle. And short after the two Beat EXP is current BEAT selection ID and Total Battle fought by that particular char. I did try to scan for what modify but all I can catch is the .net dll modifying it.
Thanks! The game copies the values to another memory location during battle and updates that and copies it back. I used what accesses the value to get where it copied it to in a battle and then what writes to that memory location to find the Beat EXP Multiplier.
Just gotta say that it's amazing how many options you're pumping out for the game, also I haven't changed any settings (Kernel mode or anything else whatsoever) and I'm having no problems activating options or crashing. Though when I activate any of the extra kernel mode settings some options become unavailable. Though since I have no issues I just wanted to point that out, but it seems to react differently for everyone.