Star Wars Battlefront II Trainers and Cheats for PC
Star Wars Battlefront II Trainer +5 v11.20.2017 FullGame Origin : [Link] : Free Trainer + Premium Trainer
Author: BooBoo
Options: +5
Code: Select all
Numpad 1 = Infinit Health
Numpad 2 = Easy Kills
Numpad 3 = No Weapon Overheat
Numpad 4 = Instant Ability Cooldown
Numpad 5 = Freeze Ability Duration
!!! While playing pause the game and press the key F1
to activate the trainer. You may have to alt-tab out
of the game to activate the Trainer and the Options.!!!
All the options are self-explanatory. If you need
help with any of the options, please post all your
questions on the trainer's support page on our blog.