Only product stack 1 is working on 1.36 (Experimental) and stacking is pretty much all i want.
Would appreciate it if you can update those.
Thanks for the table btw!
Isn't it best waiting until the patch goes official before updating the table, since a) not everyone uses the experimental branch, and b) it's still open to change before release?
Just as amoebae said, it might be a waste in the end to make an update for the experimental patch. However if you think you're up for it, I can guide you through on fixing the stack modifier script.
Just as amoebae said, it might be a waste in the end to make an update for the experimental patch. However if you think you're up for it, I can guide you through on fixing the stack modifier script.
Well i am up for it as i need to learn this anyway because i'm in the process of making an internal that gets loaded by a proxy wrapper that i've allready made.
And i thought that a good pattern/AOB doesnt get outdated that fast as the stack script is AOB based right?
version 1.37 was released and of course they had to break my stacking toys. LOL
Any update to the table would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Here's another new script. Enabling this script will summon a freighter battle ever time you warp, so easy farming of S-Class freighters.
An additional script to make farming freighters that much easier. This script while turned on kills all pirates on exiting warp, finishing the battle and allows you to quickly check out the freighter