1-Put any item in the ship inventory.
2-Go to Cheat Engine, "Get Inventory List", change Item-1 to "T_SHIP_RAINBOW"
3-Change Item-1 "Installed to "True"
4-You are good to go.
Ive updated the gathering multiplier option and added it to the table below, everything in green is updated and anything else just let me know if it needs fixing
That doesn't work entirely for everything like it can't be used to create technologies that need something like storm crystals, chlorine, crystal sulphide and living pearls
Ive updated the gathering multiplier option and added it to the table below, everything in green is updated and anything else just let me know if it needs fixing
The sad news is none of the script work for me and I have test on ver 2.4 Mech suit.
Game is crash when Inf Jet fuel turns on. and on a few secs after the table have connected.
Base Pointer (GLOBAL DATA) This opens up some Global Values from game's internal scripting engine, like ship spawn weights (useful for forcing alot of exotics to spawn). This is an incomplete listing, for anyone who wishes to tinker: open up the base pointer address in the memory viewer to find a lot more stuff to mess with.
Always S Class This makes everything spawn as S-Class (Ships, Freighters and Multitools), this might conflict with spawning alot of exotics using weight changes
Current Mission This shows some data to the current mission, don't really mess with this unless you understand what it's doing. I will write an auto complete script at a later stage
Fleet Mission Same as above but for Fleet Missions.
Frigate Opens up some stats for your frigate when managing your fleet. (Allows you to change a lot of stuff)
Stats Pointer Used for debugging purposes, but opens up the stats for Reputation with the 3 alien factions, I might make this more complete at a later stage.
Updated for 1.57 !
Would some one Update the experimental stuff?
I tried that myselfe ... but I'm simply not skilled.
Also I would love to know how you fixed it if you can