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Post by klyoml »

[QUOTE="klyoml, post: 54055, member: 19238"]Is anyone having when pressing ( z ) the game crashes when i try to build?[/QUOTE]

edit: my frames drops to 2 fps when i try build

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Post by jonaaa »

[QUOTE="klyoml, post: 54066, member: 19238"]edit: my frames drops to 2 fps when i try build[/QUOTE]

I don't have any problems... Used the cracked 1.53 though.

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Post by nerf »


[USER=240]Squall8[/USER] thank you so much for sharing this table with us; it's amazing.

Is it possible to have a hotkey that when pressed, it sets the "Quantity" = "Total", so that when we mouse over an item in the inventory, it sets the items to the max stack size amount for that specific item (e.g. 1000/1000, 250/250, 10/10, 5/5, 1, etc). This is under the table item "Highlighted Item Pointer".

I noticed that the old script has something similar "Set Item To Max (Numpad 1)"? not sure as I don't understand table coding :(

If you don't want to add it to your script, would you be willing to help with the code so that I can add it?

keep up the great work.
Last edited by nerf on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Ravess »

[QUOTE="nerf, post: 54139, member: 20248"]hello,

[USER=240]Squall8[/USER] thank you so much for sharing this table with us; it's amazing.

Is it possible to have a hotkey that when pressed, it sets the "Quantity" = "Total", so that when we mouse over an item in the inventory, it sets the items to the max stack size amount for that specific item (e.g. 1000/1000, 250/250, 10/10, 5/5, 1, etc). This is under the table item "Highlighted Item Pointer".

I noticed that the old script has something similar "Set Item To Max (Numpad 1)"? not sure as I don't understand table coding :(

If you don't want to add it to your script, would you be willing to help with the code so that I can add it?

keep up the great work.[/QUOTE]

Right-click the value line and there'll be an option called "Set hotkeys". In the box that appears, press "Create hotkey" and then press the key you want to set as the hotkey, then the drop-down box below, select "Set value to:" and enter your ammount (I use 5) and finally press Apply. You can even get CE to play a sound to let you know it has been activated.

The downside to this is that it won't set max, but you can create multiple hotkeys to give you different amounts.

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No Mans Sky Next (Steam)

Post by igromanru »

[QUOTE="nerf, post: 54139, member: 20248"]hello,

[USER=240]Squall8[/USER] thank you so much for sharing this table with us; it's amazing.

Is it possible to have a hotkey that when pressed, it sets the "Quantity" = "Total", so that when we mouse over an item in the inventory, it sets the items to the max stack size amount for that specific item (e.g. 1000/1000, 250/250, 10/10, 5/5, 1, etc). This is under the table item "Highlighted Item Pointer".

I noticed that the old script has something similar "Set Item To Max (Numpad 1)"? not sure as I don't understand table coding :(

If you don't want to add it to your script, would you be willing to help with the code so that I can add it?

keep up the great work.[/QUOTE]

Here you go:

[CODE=lua]{ Game : NMS.exe


Date : 2018-08-06

Author : Igromanru

Set item Quantity to Total.

Works with Highlighted Item Pointers from Cedric and Squall8.







Just place the script under Highlighted Item Pointers and assign a hotkey for activation toggle.
Last edited by igromanru on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 2 times in total.

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No Mans Sky Next (Steam)

Post by nerf »

[QUOTE="igromanru, post: 54161, member: 1599"]Here you go:

[CODE=lua]{ Game : NMS.exe


Date : 2018-08-06

Author : Igromanru

Set item Quantity to Total.

Works with Highlighted Item Pointers from Cedric and Squall8.







Just place the script under Highlighted Item Pointers and assign a hotkey for activation toggle.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for the code. Can you hold my handle another time and tell me where exactly to paste the code? if I open the current script posted on the first page of this thread, at which line do I paste it?

sorry, I'm totally incompetent with CE.

I tired adding this after "Inv. Row" under "Highlighted Item Pointers" but it doesn't work. I'm for sure doing it wrong...



"Set Item Quantity to Total (F1)"

{ Game : NMS.exe


Date : 2018-08-06

Author : Igromanru

Set item Quantity to Total.

Works with Highlighted Item Pointers from Cedric and Squall8.






Set Value






[QUOTE="Ravess, post: 54159, member: 19076"]Right-click the value line and there'll be an option called "Set hotkeys". In the box that appears, press "Create hotkey" and then press the key you want to set as the hotkey, then the drop-down box below, select "Set value to:" and enter your ammount (I use 5) and finally press Apply. You can even get CE to play a sound to let you know it has been activated.

The downside to this is that it won't set max, but you can create multiple hotkeys to give you different amounts.[/QUOTE]

thank you [B][USER=19076]Ravess[/USER][/B], I'm going to see if I can get the code from [B][USER=1599]igromanru[/USER][/B] to work as it would be automatic, just press the hotkey and all done :)
Last edited by nerf on Mon Aug 06, 2018 7:07 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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No Mans Sky Next (Steam)

Post by igromanru »

I recommend you to learn some Cheat Engine basics at first...

Last edited by igromanru on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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No Mans Sky Next (Steam)

Post by nerf »

After following your steps, I was curious to what I was missing, so I opened the modified CT file in notepad++ and I was using the incorrect type for the hotkey "Set Value" instead of "Toggle Activation". as far as I can tell, that's the only difference.

Again, thank you for fixing my issue and also for taking the time to show me :)

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Post by Sauce »

@Squall I finally got around to playing some more, and the new inventory stats option doesn't crash my game, I was able to edit my multi-tool. The only thing that is weird is that if I try to edit my ship stats, the pointers jump around a bunch and I can't really edit them (flip between 0 and my multi-tool stats). Not a huge issue.

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No Mans Sky Next (Steam)

Post by cedricvdg »

[QUOTE="igromanru, post: 54161, member: 1599"]Here you go:

[CODE=lua]{ Game : NMS.exe


Date : 2018-08-06

Author : Igromanru

Set item Quantity to Total.

Works with Highlighted Item Pointers from Cedric and Squall8.







Just place the script under Highlighted Item Pointers and assign a hotkey for activation toggle.[/QUOTE]

There's a much easier way to do this... Right click Quantity -> Set Hotkeys -> Create Hotkey -> Enter your desired hotkey -> Select Set value to: from the dropdown -> In the set value field type with parentheses: (Total) -> Apply and Exit

Yes you can use other values based on their description, in Squall8's table that would be the value from Total.


[USER=240]@Squall8[/USER] Two more experimental scripts

1. Spawn Freighter Battle after every warp (Freighter Farming)

2. Kill All Pirates (Use together with Spawn Freighter Battle to instantly win the battle)

[CODE]{ Game : NMS.exe


Date : 2018-08-05

Author : Cedric

Always summons freighter battle after teleport



aobscanmodule(alwaysbattle,NMS.exe,75 27 48 8B 0D E7 4F DB 01) // should be unique


db 90 90




db 75 27




"NMS.exe"+7D9E26: 0F B7 05 DF 64 52 01 - movzx eax,word ptr [NMS.exe+1D0030C]

"NMS.exe"+7D9E2D: 66 89 45 F4 - mov [rbp-0C],ax

"NMS.exe"+7D9E31: FF 15 31 C5 35 01 - call qword ptr [NMS.exe+1B36368]

"NMS.exe"+7D9E37: 48 8B 0D 0A 50 DB 01 - mov rcx,[NMS.exe+258EE48]

"NMS.exe"+7D9E3E: 4C 8D 4D 28 - lea r9,[rbp+28]

"NMS.exe"+7D9E42: 48 81 C1 C8 37 03 00 - add rcx,000337C8

"NMS.exe"+7D9E49: 4C 8D 45 D8 - lea r8,[rbp-28]

"NMS.exe"+7D9E4D: 48 8D 55 E8 - lea rdx,[rbp-18]

"NMS.exe"+7D9E51: E8 3A B1 E1 FF - call NMS.exe+5F4F90

"NMS.exe"+7D9E56: 85 C0 - test eax,eax

// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------

"NMS.exe"+7D9E58: 75 27 - jne NMS.exe+7D9E81

"NMS.exe"+7D9E5A: 48 8B 0D E7 4F DB 01 - mov rcx,[NMS.exe+258EE48]

// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------

"NMS.exe"+7D9E61: 48 81 C1 00 73 37 00 - add rcx,00377300

"NMS.exe"+7D9E68: E8 53 8F FA FF - call NMS.exe+782DC0

"NMS.exe"+7D9E6D: 84 C0 - test al,al

"NMS.exe"+7D9E6F: 75 10 - jne NMS.exe+7D9E81

"NMS.exe"+7D9E71: F7 05 D9 4F DB 01 FD FF FF FF - test [NMS.exe+258EE54],FFFFFFFD

"NMS.exe"+7D9E7B: 74 04 - je NMS.exe+7D9E81

"NMS.exe"+7D9E7D: B2 01 - mov dl,01

"NMS.exe"+7D9E7F: EB 02 - jmp NMS.exe+7D9E83

"NMS.exe"+7D9E81: 32 D2 - xor dl,dl

"NMS.exe"+7D9E83: 48 8B 0D BE 4F DB 01 - mov rcx,[NMS.exe+258EE48]


[CODE]{ Game : NMS.exe


Date : 2018-08-05

Author : Cedric

Instantly kills pirate ships



aobscanmodule(killpirates,NMS.exe,41 2B 96 C4 01 00 00) // should be unique





mov [r14+000001C4], edx


sub edx,[r14+000001C4]

jmp return


jmp newmem







db 41 2B 96 C4 01 00 00





"NMS.exe"+A6986D: 4A 8B 0C E9 - mov rcx,[rcx+r13*8]

"NMS.exe"+A69871: E8 EA 80 FC FF - call NMS.exe+A31960

"NMS.exe"+A69876: 4C 8B F0 - mov r14,rax

"NMS.exe"+A69879: 48 85 C0 - test rax,rax

"NMS.exe"+A6987C: 0F 84 FB 02 00 00 - je NMS.exe+A69B7D

"NMS.exe"+A69882: 8B 80 C0 01 00 00 - mov eax,[rax+000001C0]

"NMS.exe"+A69888: F3 0F 10 25 3C 78 30 01 - movss xmm4,[NMS.exe+1D710CC]

"NMS.exe"+A69890: 85 C0 - test eax,eax

"NMS.exe"+A69892: 7E 43 - jle NMS.exe+A698D7

"NMS.exe"+A69894: 8B D0 - mov edx,eax

// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------

"NMS.exe"+A69896: 41 2B 96 C4 01 00 00 - sub edx,[r14+000001C4]

// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------

"NMS.exe"+A6989D: B9 00 00 00 00 - mov ecx,00000000

"NMS.exe"+A698A2: 0F 49 CA - cmovns ecx,edx

"NMS.exe"+A698A5: 66 0F 6E C9 - movd xmm1,ecx

"NMS.exe"+A698A9: 0F 5B C9 - cvtdq2ps xmm1,xmm1

"NMS.exe"+A698AC: 66 0F 6E C0 - movd xmm0,eax

"NMS.exe"+A698B0: 0F 5B C0 - cvtdq2ps xmm0,xmm0

"NMS.exe"+A698B3: F3 0F 5E C8 - divss xmm1,xmm0

"NMS.exe"+A698B7: 41 0F 2F CB - comiss xmm1,xmm11

"NMS.exe"+A698BB: 77 0B - ja NMS.exe+A698C8

"NMS.exe"+A698BD: 41 0F 28 CB - movaps xmm1,xmm11

Last edited by cedricvdg on Mon Aug 06, 2018 9:17 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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No Mans Sky Next (Steam)

Post by nerf »

@[USER=8355]cedricvdg[/USER] : that would be a very easy method. It's not working for me. Can you take a look at the screenshot and see if I did something wrong?

the hotkey "F1" works for other items, so it shouldn't be an issue.

I right-clicked Quantity and followed your steps.

having trouble including an image, so using 3rd party host:

[URL='']hotkey screenshot[/URL]

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No Mans Sky Next (Steam)

Post by nerf »

[QUOTE="nerf, post: 54178, member: 20248"]@[USER=8355]cedricvdg[/USER] : that would be a very easy method. It's not working for me. Can you take a look at the screenshot and see if I did something wrong?

the hotkey "F1" works for other items, so it shouldn't be an issue.

I right-clicked Quantity and followed your steps.

having trouble including an image, so using 3rd party host:

[URL='']hotkey screenshot[/URL][/QUOTE]

if I set the "Set value to: 10", it will set the stack to 10 when I press the hotkey. i'm just having trouble getting it to set it to (Total).

I also tried adding a second hotkey entry after (same key) to freeze the value but because it doesn't resolve (Total), it just sets it to whatever the last value I moused over.

maybe i'm missing something?
Last edited by nerf on Tue Aug 07, 2018 12:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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this is my way to make the item quantity become the total

first you make the quantity become the children of total and then just group config it to change according to its value and set the hotkey to increase the total value by 0

voila, pardon my english

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No Mans Sky Next (Steam)

Post by igromanru »

[QUOTE="nerf, post: 54178, member: 20248"]@[USER=8355]cedricvdg[/USER] : that would be a very easy method. It's not working for me. Can you take a look at the screenshot and see if I did something wrong?

the hotkey "F1" works for other items, so it shouldn't be an issue.

I right-clicked Quantity and followed your steps.

having trouble including an image, so using 3rd party host:

[URL='']hotkey screenshot[/URL][/QUOTE]

Delete "[Old]" some hotkeys are already set in old scripts.

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Post by SaucyJack »

EDIT: you can delete this comment; I'm an idiot.
Last edited by SaucyJack on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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