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Post by danielyee »

dear all n adm..communities
hi all,can anyone do a table for Life is Hard
all resources
godly mode.
tq n appreciated..
many thanks

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Post by hanzo9283 »

No one still (sigh) ok....

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Post by LazerPazer »

anyone please))))

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Table Makers
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Post by BringChaos »

Made a quick one for resources on 2019.3.10ea-steam but should have a wide range of compatibility.
And here is a printout of the fields for the DayNightScript object if you want to quickly plug any other useful variables I missed
Offest : Variablename (Variable Type)
b64 : debug (type: System.Boolean)
b65 : drm (type: System.Boolean)
b66 : newyear (type: System.Boolean)
c : text (type: System.String)
10 : tutortext (type: System.String)
14 : source (type: System.String)
18 : tutorsource (type: System.String)
b67 : textFill (type: System.Boolean)
b68 : tutorFill (type: System.Boolean)
b6c : textTimer (type: System.Single)
b70 : textCounter (type: System.Int32)
b74 : tutorTimer (type: System.Single)
b78 : tutorCounter (type: System.Int32)
b7c : transition (type: System.Boolean)
b7d : jesterbought (type: System.Boolean)
b7e : monkbought (type: System.Boolean)
b7f : fightmove (type: System.Boolean)
b80 : spawned (type: System.Boolean)
b81 : wellGather (type: System.Boolean)
1c : spawnobj (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
20 : animobj (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
24 : mineobj (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
28 : mercobj (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
2c : randomspawner (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
30 : village (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
34 : playervillage (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
38 : portalmages (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
3c : showworker (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
b84 : socchooser (type: UnityEngine.Rect)
b94 : agrichooser (type: UnityEngine.Rect)
ba4 : facchooser (type: UnityEngine.Rect)
bb4 : defchooser (type: UnityEngine.Rect)
bc4 : trapr (type: UnityEngine.Rect)
bd4 : mouseclick (type: UnityEngine.Vector3)
be0 : leftNecr (type: System.Single)
be4 : rightNecr (type: System.Single)
be8 : mouseclickx (type: System.Single)
bec : mouseclicky (type: System.Single)
bf0 : delay (type: System.Single)
bf4 : mineBorderLeft (type: System.Single)
bf8 : mineBorderRight (type: System.Single)
bfc : mineint (type: System.Int32)
40 : mouseclickzone (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
44 : radius (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
48 : spellzone (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
4c : seasont (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
50 : hovert (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
54 : crossicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
58 : hammert (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
5c : soldiersmenu (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
60 : plus (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
64 : plusgray (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
68 : banner1 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
6c : banner2 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
70 : banner3 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
74 : banner4 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
78 : godfon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
7c : questpanel (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
80 : questpanelsmall (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
84 : tutorpanel (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
88 : wagont (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8c : wagontbig (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
90 : wagonthigh (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
94 : ratiot (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
98 : settlet (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
9c : ratios (type: System.String)
a0 : allQuests (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<System.String>)
a4 : currentQuests (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<System.String>)
a8 : allQuestNames (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<System.String>)
ac : currentNames (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<System.String>)
b0 : currentQuestIndexes (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Int32>)
c00 : questIndex (type: System.Int32)
b4 : herospell1 (type: System.String)
b8 : herospell2 (type: System.String)
bc : herospell3 (type: System.String)
c0 : herospell4 (type: System.String)
c4 : heroname (type: System.String)
c04 : counter (type: System.Int32)
c08 : flagchooseint (type: System.Int32)
c0c : godchooseint (type: System.Int32)
c10 : nordquestint (type: System.Int32)
c14 : ID (type: System.Int32)
c18 : waterradius (type: System.Int32)
c1c : riverrand (type: System.Int32)
c20 : minerand (type: System.Int32)
c24 : worldrand (type: System.Int32)
c28 : oldObjectsCount (type: System.Int32)
c2c : wrong (type: System.Boolean)
c2d : campaign (type: System.Boolean)
c2e : minebuilt (type: System.Boolean)
c2f : nordfight (type: System.Boolean)
c30 : fisherfound (type: System.Boolean)
c31 : norddestr (type: System.Boolean)
c32 : abordestr (type: System.Boolean)
c33 : plague (type: System.Boolean)
c34 : wizardfound (type: System.Boolean)
c35 : grainquest (type: System.Boolean)
c36 : desertfeast (type: System.Boolean)
c37 : feastmusic (type: System.Boolean)
c38 : seaspawn (type: System.Boolean)
c39 : resmin (type: System.Boolean)
c3a : one_click (type: System.Boolean)
c3b : questbool (type: System.Boolean)
c3c : nordquest (type: System.Boolean)
c3d : nordpay (type: System.Boolean)
c3e : hopfound (type: System.Boolean)
c3f : ryefound (type: System.Boolean)
c40 : flagchoose (type: System.Boolean)
c41 : necrdead (type: System.Boolean)
c42 : desertfound (type: System.Boolean)
c43 : desertbroken (type: System.Boolean)
c44 : ritual (type: System.Boolean)
c45 : move (type: System.Boolean)
c46 : pause (type: System.Boolean)
c47 : speeded (type: System.Boolean)
c48 : millbool (type: System.Boolean)
c49 : beerboom (type: System.Boolean)
c4a : statuebool (type: System.Boolean)
c4b : deschange (type: System.Boolean)
c4c : nordchangeb (type: System.Boolean)
c4d : sockill (type: System.Boolean)
c50 : villagestate (type: System.Int32)
c54 : curtime (type: System.Int32)
c58 : savedtime (type: System.Int32)
c5c : herolevel (type: System.Int32)
c60 : change (type: System.Int32)
c64 : nordchange (type: System.Int32)
c68 : sockillint (type: System.Int32)
c6c : facchoose (type: System.Boolean)
c6d : socchoose (type: System.Boolean)
c6e : agrichoose (type: System.Boolean)
c6f : defchoose (type: System.Boolean)
c70 : axe (type: System.Boolean)
c71 : overui (type: System.Boolean)
c72 : bearcheck (type: System.Boolean)
c8 : mercenaryface (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
cc : reaperface (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
d0 : nekrface (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
d4 : nagaface (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
d8 : headmanface (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
dc : gold (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
e0 : flagchoosemenu (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
e4 : modeattack (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
e8 : mode1 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
ec : mode2 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
f0 : mode3 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
f4 : fightmovet (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
f8 : defchooset (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
fc : facchooset (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
100 : agrichooset (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
104 : socchooset (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
108 : destroybuilding (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
c73 : caravantrade (type: System.Boolean)
c74 : caravanbad (type: System.Boolean)
c75 : caravangood (type: System.Boolean)
c76 : treasureFound (type: System.Boolean)
c78 : ctrade (type: System.Int32)
c7c : averagemood (type: System.Int32)
c80 : averagehyg (type: System.Int32)
c84 : godmood (type: System.Int32)
c88 : woodgive (type: System.Int32)
c8c : stonegive (type: System.Int32)
c90 : irongive (type: System.Int32)
c94 : seedsgive (type: System.Int32)
c98 : leathergive (type: System.Int32)
c9c : woodget (type: System.Int32)
ca0 : stoneget (type: System.Int32)
ca4 : ironget (type: System.Int32)
ca8 : vegsget (type: System.Int32)
cac : seedsget (type: System.Int32)
cb0 : leatherget (type: System.Int32)
cb4 : meatget (type: System.Int32)
cb8 : beerget (type: System.Int32)
cbc : value (type: System.Int32)
cc0 : movetimer (type: System.Single)
cc4 : housefighttimer (type: System.Single)
cc8 : caravantradetimer (type: System.Single)
ccc : godmoodtimer (type: System.Single)
10c : necrotown (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
110 : necrotown2 (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
114 : nordtown (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
118 : necromancer (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
11c : nordaxeguard (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
120 : refugee1 (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
124 : refugee2 (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
128 : refugee3 (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
12c : crowd (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
130 : crowdo (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
134 : littlecrab (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
138 : mano (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
13c : womano (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
140 : soldier (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
144 : caravan (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
148 : ncaravan (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
14c : caravandes (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
150 : caravannord (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
154 : tcaravan (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
158 : caravantropic (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
15c : lightobj (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
160 : wheat (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
164 : bush (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
168 : housefightobj (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
16c : SL (type: SaveLoad)
170 : godskin (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
174 : maps (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
178 : playskin (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
17c : pauseskin (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
180 : speedskin (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
184 : questskin (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
188 : backs (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
18c : choosing (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
190 : tutorbackward (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
194 : tutorlocked (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
198 : tutorbacklocked (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
19c : sleep1 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1a0 : sleep2 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1a4 : sleep3 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1a8 : sleept (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1ac : carryt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1b0 : drinkt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1b4 : gaveragemood (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1b8 : maveragemood (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1bc : baveragemood (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1c0 : hygienet (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1c4 : playt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1c8 : pauset (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1cc : speedt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1d0 : white (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1d4 : pesok (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1d8 : tuz (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1dc : goblin (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1e0 : gnom (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1e4 : sever (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1e8 : cloz (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1ec : wiped (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1f0 : controlfon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1f4 : polzun (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1f8 : bigfon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
1fc : window1 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
200 : window2 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
204 : window3 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
208 : resourcepanel (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
20c : extrapanel (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
210 : extratutorpanel (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
214 : wint (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
218 : springt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
21c : sumt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
220 : autt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
224 : open1s (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
228 : open2s (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
22c : open3s (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
230 : sock1 (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
234 : sock2 (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
238 : sock3 (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
23c : leftsmallskin (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
240 : rightsmallskin (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
244 : revives (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
cd0 : TooltipPos (type: UnityEngine.Vector2)
cd8 : ScrollPos (type: UnityEngine.Vector2)
ce0 : MousePosition (type: UnityEngine.Vector3)
cec : rooster (type: System.Boolean)
248 : abortutor1 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
24c : abortutor2 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
250 : abortutor3 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
254 : abortutor4 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
258 : abortutor5 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
ced : sure (type: System.Boolean)
cee : saveint (type: System.Boolean)
cef : saveshow (type: System.Boolean)
cf0 : exit (type: System.Boolean)
cf1 : saved (type: System.Boolean)
cf4 : woodtimer (type: System.Single)
cf8 : showaut (type: System.Boolean)
cf9 : showtutor (type: System.Boolean)
cfa : fucked (type: System.Boolean)
cfb : hunted (type: System.Boolean)
cfc : abortutor (type: System.Boolean)
d00 : notbusycount (type: System.Int32)
d04 : tutor (type: System.Int32)
d08 : abortutorint (type: System.Int32)
d0c : showautint (type: System.Int32)
d10 : showtimeraut (type: System.Single)
d14 : undertimer (type: System.Single)
d18 : dialog (type: System.Int32)
d1c : gabedialog (type: System.Int32)
d20 : ddialog (type: System.Int32)
d24 : days (type: System.Int32)
d28 : rainchance (type: System.Int32)
d2c : buildcount (type: System.Int32)
d30 : woodgain (type: System.Int32)
d34 : stonegain (type: System.Int32)
d38 : killed (type: System.Int32)
d3c : foodMade (type: System.Int32)
d40 : stargui (type: System.Int32)
d44 : pay (type: System.Int32)
d48 : foodtype (type: System.Int32)
d4c : hlebtype (type: System.Int32)
d50 : vegtype (type: System.Int32)
d54 : meattype (type: System.Int32)
d58 : skelint (type: System.Int32)
d5c : died (type: System.Int32)
d60 : Timer (type: System.Single)
d64 : darktimer (type: System.Single)
d68 : whitetimer (type: System.Single)
d6c : buildtimer (type: System.Single)
d70 : thiefstimer (type: System.Single)
d74 : wagontimer (type: System.Single)
d78 : positionx (type: System.Single)
d7c : Blend (type: System.Single)
d80 : SunsetBlend (type: System.Single)
d84 : discovered (type: System.Boolean)
d85 : hover (type: System.Boolean)
d86 : destruct (type: System.Boolean)
d87 : started (type: System.Boolean)
d88 : payed (type: System.Boolean)
d89 : settlegrade (type: System.Boolean)
d8a : foodchoose (type: System.Boolean)
d8b : atckup (type: System.Boolean)
d8c : shieldup (type: System.Boolean)
d8d : speed (type: System.Boolean)
d8e : sacred (type: System.Boolean)
d8f : dwarftec (type: System.Boolean)
d90 : dwarftecacc (type: System.Boolean)
d91 : dwarfdrill (type: System.Boolean)
d92 : dwarfmet (type: System.Boolean)
d93 : goblinmet (type: System.Boolean)
d94 : relations (type: System.Boolean)
d95 : travelchosen (type: System.Boolean)
d96 : dtravelcolon (type: System.Boolean)
d97 : dtravelchosen (type: System.Boolean)
d98 : dtravelfight (type: System.Boolean)
d99 : dtravelfighting (type: System.Boolean)
d9a : dtravelaway (type: System.Boolean)
d9b : dtravelleaving (type: System.Boolean)
d9c : travelaway (type: System.Boolean)
d9d : travelfight (type: System.Boolean)
d9e : travelhelp (type: System.Boolean)
d9f : dark (type: System.Boolean)
da0 : darkspellb (type: System.Boolean)
da1 : whitespellb (type: System.Boolean)
da2 : buildspellb (type: System.Boolean)
da3 : whitegod (type: System.Boolean)
da4 : nature (type: System.Boolean)
da5 : nogod (type: System.Boolean)
da6 : modern (type: System.Boolean)
da7 : looted (type: System.Boolean)
da8 : coboldover (type: System.Boolean)
da9 : open (type: System.Boolean)
daa : open1 (type: System.Boolean)
dab : open2 (type: System.Boolean)
dac : open3 (type: System.Boolean)
dad : open4 (type: System.Boolean)
dae : checking (type: System.Boolean)
daf : rain (type: System.Boolean)
db0 : mist (type: System.Boolean)
db1 : down (type: System.Boolean)
db2 : trdown (type: System.Boolean)
db3 : dungeon (type: System.Boolean)
db4 : arrived (type: System.Boolean)
db5 : tribute (type: System.Boolean)
db6 : paused (type: System.Boolean)
db7 : gunup (type: System.Boolean)
db8 : totemism (type: System.Boolean)
db9 : thiefs (type: System.Boolean)
dba : thiefsent (type: System.Boolean)
dbb : thieffailure (type: System.Boolean)
dbc : thiefsuccess (type: System.Boolean)
dbd : wagons (type: System.Boolean)
dbe : cutting (type: System.Boolean)
dbf : wagonability (type: System.Boolean)
dc0 : catapultability (type: System.Boolean)
dc1 : smeltability (type: System.Boolean)
dc2 : rabhunt (type: System.Boolean)
dc3 : pigtame (type: System.Boolean)
dc4 : hantame (type: System.Boolean)
dc5 : housefight (type: System.Boolean)
dc6 : wagonsent (type: System.Boolean)
dc7 : wagonbroken (type: System.Boolean)
dc8 : wagonfight (type: System.Boolean)
dc9 : wagonback (type: System.Boolean)
dca : diplomacy (type: System.Boolean)
dcb : dwarfdiplomacy (type: System.Boolean)
dcc : goblindiplomacy (type: System.Boolean)
dcd : tropicdiplomacy (type: System.Boolean)
dce : norddiplomacy (type: System.Boolean)
dcf : desertwar (type: System.Boolean)
dd0 : tropicwar (type: System.Boolean)
dd1 : tropicchoose (type: System.Boolean)
dd2 : roguewar (type: System.Boolean)
dd3 : roguepeace (type: System.Boolean)
dd4 : roguechoose (type: System.Boolean)
dd5 : roguethink (type: System.Boolean)
dd6 : rogueup (type: System.Boolean)
dd7 : nordwar (type: System.Boolean)
dd8 : deserthelp (type: System.Boolean)
dd9 : goodtribute (type: System.Boolean)
dda : choosetrade (type: System.Boolean)
ddb : choosetrade2 (type: System.Boolean)
ddc : badtribute (type: System.Boolean)
ddd : orcspawn (type: System.Boolean)
dde : skelspawn (type: System.Boolean)
ddf : boom (type: System.Boolean)
de0 : learning (type: System.Boolean)
de1 : killing (type: System.Boolean)
de2 : warkilling (type: System.Boolean)
de3 : starting (type: System.Boolean)
de4 : healing (type: System.Boolean)
de5 : scourging (type: System.Boolean)
de6 : buffing (type: System.Boolean)
de7 : workshopping (type: System.Boolean)
de8 : farming (type: System.Boolean)
de9 : building (type: System.Boolean)
dea : locust (type: System.Boolean)
deb : planting (type: System.Boolean)
dec : choosemenu (type: System.Boolean)
ded : choosetutorial (type: System.Boolean)
df0 : choosetutorialint (type: System.Int32)
df4 : mapmenu (type: System.Boolean)
df5 : mapswitch (type: System.Boolean)
df6 : buildmenu (type: System.Boolean)
df7 : addmenu (type: System.Boolean)
df8 : win (type: System.Boolean)
df9 : lose (type: System.Boolean)
dfa : pausedsure (type: System.Boolean)
dfb : relmenu (type: System.Boolean)
dfc : chapelb (type: System.Boolean)
dfd : pumpkinb (type: System.Boolean)
dfe : popsb (type: System.Boolean)
dff : presentb (type: System.Boolean)
e00 : present (type: System.Int32)
e04 : presentgain (type: System.Int32)
e08 : trade (type: System.Boolean)
e09 : hattrade (type: System.Boolean)
e0a : dtrade (type: System.Boolean)
e0b : aborchoose (type: System.Boolean)
e0c : soldchoose (type: System.Boolean)
e0d : objchoose (type: System.Boolean)
25c : aborchosen (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
e10 : chosenIndex (type: System.Int32)
e14 : choose (type: System.Boolean)
e15 : collided (type: System.Boolean)
e18 : settlepoints (type: System.Int32)
e1c : dwarftecint (type: System.Int32)
e20 : thiefint (type: System.Int32)
e24 : pigskilled (type: System.Int32)
e28 : taverncount (type: System.Int32)
e2c : chapelcount (type: System.Int32)
e30 : torches (type: System.Int32)
e34 : totemscount (type: System.Int32)
e38 : magiccount (type: System.Int32)
e3c : beercount (type: System.Int32)
e40 : breadcount (type: System.Int32)
e44 : tradechoose (type: System.Int32)
e48 : meteoritint (type: System.Int32)
e4c : tradersint (type: System.Int32)
e50 : desertgui (type: System.Int32)
e54 : build (type: System.Int32)
e58 : trap (type: System.Int32)
e5c : chooseint (type: System.Int32)
e60 : spi (type: System.Int32)
e64 : b (type: System.Int32)
e68 : spawni (type: System.Int32)
e6c : bread (type: System.Int32)
e70 : hleb (type: System.Int32)
e74 : vegs (type: System.Int32)
e78 : pops (type: System.Int32)
e7c : mushrooms (type: System.Int32)
e80 : flour (type: System.Int32)
e84 : herbs (type: System.Int32)
e88 : drugs (type: System.Int32)
e8c : meat (type: System.Int32)
260 : nearwell (type: BuildingScript)
264 : wellso (type: UnityEngine.GameObject[])
268 : matProgressGUI (type: UnityEngine.Material)
26c : wellmaterial (type: UnityEngine.Material)
270 : defmaterial (type: UnityEngine.Material)
274 : loset (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
278 : goldt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
27c : diplomacyt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
280 : gravet (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
284 : wheelt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
288 : lumbert (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
28c : statuet (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
290 : drunkt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
294 : boart (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
298 : banditt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
29c : nomadt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2a0 : cursort (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2a4 : maxoldt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2a8 : okrit (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2ac : posolt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2b0 : jarlt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2b4 : gabet (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2b8 : tradert (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2bc : tropicfacet (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2c0 : magefacet (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2c4 : fisherfacet (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2c8 : dwarfacet (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2cc : dstrangert (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2d0 : dwarft (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2d4 : strangerfacet (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2d8 : traderfacet (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2dc : sheikhfacet (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2e0 : madfacet (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2e4 : banditfacet (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2e8 : guidet (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2ec : face1 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2f0 : face2 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2f4 : face3 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2f8 : dialogt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
2fc : illicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
300 : posolicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
304 : deserticon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
308 : fighticon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
30c : houseicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
310 : nofoodicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
314 : norationicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
318 : nosoapicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
31c : open4t (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
320 : fones (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
324 : sunspell (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
328 : darkspell (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
32c : warspell (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
330 : naturespell (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
334 : foodspell (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
338 : buildspell (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
33c : ironhelmet (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
340 : hlebt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
344 : mushst (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
348 : flouricon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
34c : herbst (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
350 : vegst (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
354 : popsicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
358 : meatt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
35c : food1 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
360 : food2 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
364 : food3 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
368 : food4 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
e90 : millcount (type: System.Int32)
e94 : smelint (type: System.Int32)
e98 : catapultcount (type: System.Int32)
e9c : beer (type: System.Int32)
ea0 : leather (type: System.Int32)
ea4 : coins (type: System.Int32)
ea8 : rlevel (type: System.Int32)
eac : buildpage (type: System.Int32)
eb0 : damagest (type: System.Int32)
eb4 : wtribute (type: System.Int32)
eb8 : stribute (type: System.Int32)
ebc : tradeint (type: System.Int32)
ec0 : getint (type: System.Int32)
ec4 : wagonint (type: System.Int32)
ec8 : wood (type: System.Int32)
ecc : allwood (type: System.Int32)
ed0 : wagonwood (type: System.Int32)
ed4 : maxwagonwood (type: System.Int32)
ed8 : wagonmeat (type: System.Int32)
edc : wagonstone (type: System.Int32)
ee0 : wagonswords (type: System.Int32)
ee4 : flax (type: System.Int32)
ee8 : wagonleather (type: System.Int32)
eec : iron (type: System.Int32)
ef0 : ironore (type: System.Int32)
ef4 : mythril (type: System.Int32)
ef8 : mythrilore (type: System.Int32)
efc : ruby (type: System.Int32)
f00 : sapphire (type: System.Int32)
f04 : malachite (type: System.Int32)
f08 : topaz (type: System.Int32)
f0c : copper (type: System.Int32)
f10 : copperore (type: System.Int32)
f14 : wagoniron (type: System.Int32)
f18 : maxwagoniron (type: System.Int32)
f1c : stone (type: System.Int32)
f20 : allstone (type: System.Int32)
f24 : soap (type: System.Int32)
f28 : faith (type: System.Int32)
f2c : revivefaith (type: System.Int32)
f30 : price (type: System.Int32)
f34 : money (type: System.Int32)
f38 : trust (type: System.Int32)
f3c : nordtrust (type: System.Int32)
f40 : dwarftrust (type: System.Int32)
f44 : goblintrust (type: System.Int32)
f48 : tribestrust (type: System.Int32)
f4c : num (type: System.Int32)
f50 : army (type: System.Int32)
f54 : temperature (type: System.Int32)
f58 : guitemperature (type: System.Int32)
f5c : winterhat (type: System.Int32)
f60 : wintercloth (type: System.Int32)
f64 : leatherhelmet (type: System.Int32)
f68 : leathercloth (type: System.Int32)
f6c : copperhelmet (type: System.Int32)
f70 : coppercloth (type: System.Int32)
f74 : rubywand (type: System.Int32)
f78 : sappherewand (type: System.Int32)
f7c : malachetewand (type: System.Int32)
f80 : topazwand (type: System.Int32)
f84 : rubyring (type: System.Int32)
f88 : sappherering (type: System.Int32)
f8c : malachetering (type: System.Int32)
f90 : topazring (type: System.Int32)
f94 : redneck (type: System.Int32)
f98 : blueneck (type: System.Int32)
f9c : yellowneck (type: System.Int32)
fa0 : helmet (type: System.Int32)
fa4 : armorcloth (type: System.Int32)
fa8 : tropichelmet (type: System.Int32)
fac : nordhelmet (type: System.Int32)
fb0 : skeletonhelmet (type: System.Int32)
fb4 : betcount (type: System.Int32)
fb8 : swords (type: System.Int32)
fbc : spears (type: System.Int32)
fc0 : woodenshields (type: System.Int32)
fc4 : coppershields (type: System.Int32)
fc8 : ironshields (type: System.Int32)
fcc : battleaxes (type: System.Int32)
fd0 : horns (type: System.Int32)
fd4 : nordaxes (type: System.Int32)
fd8 : bows (type: System.Int32)
fdc : shotguns (type: System.Int32)
fe0 : diskguns (type: System.Int32)
fe4 : keys (type: System.Int32)
fe8 : mindamage (type: System.Int32)
fec : maxdamage (type: System.Int32)
ff0 : maxhp (type: System.Int32)
ff4 : diptimer (type: System.Single)
ff8 : mintimer (type: System.Single)
ffc : maxtimer (type: System.Single)
1000 : farmtimer (type: System.Single)
1004 : maxattackspeed (type: System.Single)
1008 : reloadtimer (type: System.Single)
100c : skelreload (type: System.Single)
1010 : spawntimer (type: System.Single)
1014 : intbroken (type: System.Int32)
1018 : maxabs (type: System.Int32)
101c : alldays (type: System.Int32)
1020 : savedays (type: System.Int32)
1024 : savebuildings (type: System.Int32)
1028 : firecount (type: System.Int32)
102c : firemax (type: System.Int32)
1030 : towercount (type: System.Int32)
1034 : housescount (type: System.Int32)
1038 : maxhousescount (type: System.Int32)
103c : wellcount (type: System.Int32)
1040 : farmcount (type: System.Int32)
1044 : farmint (type: System.Int32)
1048 : pigfarmcount (type: System.Int32)
104c : hencount (type: System.Int32)
1050 : kazarmicount (type: System.Int32)
1054 : armorycount (type: System.Int32)
1058 : bakerycount (type: System.Int32)
105c : marketplacecount (type: System.Int32)
1060 : schoolcount (type: System.Int32)
1064 : bathcount (type: System.Int32)
1068 : altarcount (type: System.Int32)
106c : wizardcount (type: System.Int32)
1070 : workshopcount (type: System.Int32)
1074 : pritoncount (type: System.Int32)
1078 : babcount (type: System.Int32)
107c : barcount (type: System.Int32)
1080 : hospcount (type: System.Int32)
1084 : fabricscount (type: System.Int32)
1088 : portalcount (type: System.Int32)
108c : childrens (type: System.Int32)
1090 : seeds (type: System.Int32)
1094 : hop (type: System.Int32)
1098 : dwarfsuit (type: System.Int32)
109c : dwarfhelmet (type: System.Int32)
36c : godname (type: System.String)
370 : sockname (type: System.String)
374 : sockportrait (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
378 : soska (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
37c : swood (type: System.String)
380 : siron (type: System.String)
384 : sstone (type: System.String)
388 : sseeds (type: System.String)
38c : nordratushaprefab (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
390 : nordhouseprefab (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
394 : nordsmithprefab (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
398 : nordtowerprefab (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
39c : nordhouseinactive (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
3a0 : nordsmithinactive (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
3a4 : nordmillinactive (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
3a8 : nordfarminactive (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
3ac : dwarprefab (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
3b0 : dwarshootprefab (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
3b4 : bear (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
3b8 : gates (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
3bc : bungalow (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
3c0 : abortower (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
3c4 : desertprefab (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
3c8 : seabeast (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
3cc : hlebs (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Texture2D>)
3d0 : vegss (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Texture2D>)
3d4 : meats (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Texture2D>)
3d8 : Deathclips (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.AudioClip>)
3dc : Skins (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GUISkin>)
3e0 : people (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
3e4 : men (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
3e8 : women (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
3ec : nordenemies (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
3f0 : lighteaters (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
3f4 : gluttons (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
3f8 : squad1 (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
3fc : squad2 (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
400 : squad3 (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
404 : squad4 (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
408 : bordo (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
40c : borders (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Vector2>)
410 : squad1name (type: System.String[])
414 : squad1names (type: System.String)
418 : squad2name (type: System.String[])
41c : squad2names (type: System.String)
420 : squad3name (type: System.String[])
424 : squad3names (type: System.String)
428 : squad4name (type: System.String[])
42c : squad4names (type: System.String)
430 : soldiers (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
434 : healed (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
438 : soldierschosen (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
43c : notbusy (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
440 : students (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
444 : animalworkpeople (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
448 : objectscripts (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
44c : loggers (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
450 : pickers (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
454 : hunters (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
458 : bushers (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
45c : sleepers (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
460 : builders (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
464 : bathers (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
468 : farmers (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
46c : lovers (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
470 : farmlist (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
474 : farmemptylist (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
478 : buildings (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
47c : mines (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
480 : mineexits (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
484 : houseslist (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
488 : enemies (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
48c : treesl (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
490 : stonel (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
494 : flowerl (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
498 : buildingl (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
49c : anims (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
4a0 : children (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject>)
4a4 : chapelman (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
4a8 : healman (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
4ac : millman (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
4b0 : bakeman (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
4b4 : bathman (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
4b8 : henman (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
4bc : pigman (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
4c0 : smeltman (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
4c4 : smithman (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
4c8 : tavernman (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
4cc : chapelmans (type: System.String)
4d0 : healmans (type: System.String)
4d4 : millmans (type: System.String)
4d8 : bakemans (type: System.String)
4dc : bathmans (type: System.String)
4e0 : henmans (type: System.String)
4e4 : pigmans (type: System.String)
4e8 : smeltmans (type: System.String)
4ec : smithmans (type: System.String)
4f0 : tavernmans (type: System.String)
4f4 : skeleton (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
4f8 : skeletonarcher (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
4fc : skeletonmage (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
500 : skeletonheavy (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
504 : nordaxe (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
508 : nordbow (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
50c : reaper (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
510 : camelcaravan (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
514 : gtrader (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
518 : dtrader (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
51c : posol (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
520 : hallow (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
524 : hallom (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
528 : hallot (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
52c : elves (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
530 : santa (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
534 : nordposol (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
538 : gabe (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
53c : fence (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
540 : fencetwo (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
544 : lightn (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
548 : warspello (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
54c : naturespello (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
550 : sunspello (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
554 : darkspello (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
558 : foodspello (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
55c : buildspello (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
560 : drill (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
564 : totem (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
568 : priton (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
56c : firecamp (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
570 : minestock (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
574 : tent (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
578 : thief (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
57c : trapboom (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
580 : trapspike (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
584 : wagon (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
588 : wagonobj (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
58c : wagonbackobj (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
590 : sunset (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
594 : SunPivot (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
598 : MoonPivot (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
59c : controller (type: ControlScript)
5a0 : hero (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
5a4 : pal (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
5a8 : portal (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
5ac : dwarf (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
5b0 : dwarfboss (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
5b4 : stranger (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
5b8 : tstranger (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
5bc : dtstranger (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
5c0 : bandit (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
5c4 : banditboss (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
5c8 : dwarescape (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
5cc : desertescape (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
5d0 : meteor (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
5d4 : hospital (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
5d8 : firefly (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
5dc : mouseeffects (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
5e0 : houseobj (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
5e4 : tree (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
5e8 : torch (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
5ec : tower (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
5f0 : outpost (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
5f4 : btower (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
5f8 : house (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
5fc : dummy (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
600 : weathersound (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
604 : chapel (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
608 : farm (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
60c : armory (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
610 : mill (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
614 : hen (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
618 : workshop (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
61c : weather (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
620 : wolfsound (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
624 : plantsound (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
628 : announcesound (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
62c : birdsound (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
630 : undergroundsound (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
634 : snowyweather (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
638 : ratusha (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
63c : tavern (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
640 : pigfarm (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
644 : marketplace (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
648 : school (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
64c : barracks (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
650 : catapult (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
654 : smeltery (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
658 : kazarmi (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
65c : well (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
660 : bakery (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
664 : bath (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
668 : undergroundbath (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
66c : wizzardtower (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
670 : nordratusha (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
674 : tropicman (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
678 : desertwarrior (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
67c : movie (type: UnityEngine.MovieTexture)
680 : druid1 (type: UnityEngine.MovieTexture)
684 : druid2 (type: UnityEngine.MovieTexture)
688 : druid4 (type: UnityEngine.MovieTexture)
68c : paladin1 (type: UnityEngine.MovieTexture)
690 : paladin2 (type: UnityEngine.MovieTexture)
694 : paladin4 (type: UnityEngine.MovieTexture)
698 : demon1 (type: UnityEngine.MovieTexture)
69c : demon2 (type: UnityEngine.MovieTexture)
6a0 : demon4 (type: UnityEngine.MovieTexture)
6a4 : dryad1 (type: UnityEngine.MovieTexture)
6a8 : dryad2 (type: UnityEngine.MovieTexture)
6ac : dryad4 (type: UnityEngine.MovieTexture)
6b0 : dark1 (type: UnityEngine.MovieTexture)
6b4 : dark2 (type: UnityEngine.MovieTexture)
6b8 : dark4 (type: UnityEngine.MovieTexture)
6bc : worker1 (type: UnityEngine.MovieTexture)
6c0 : worker2 (type: UnityEngine.MovieTexture)
6c4 : worker4 (type: UnityEngine.MovieTexture)
6c8 : killinghand (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
6cc : healinghand (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
6d0 : healinghandred (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
6d4 : scourginghand (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
6d8 : buffinghand (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
6dc : farminghand (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
6e0 : workshophand (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
6e4 : hero1 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
6e8 : hero2 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
6ec : hero3 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
6f0 : relmenut (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
6f4 : settleup (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
6f8 : foodchooset (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
6fc : yes (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
700 : up1 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
704 : up2 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
708 : up3 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
70c : up4 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
710 : up5 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
714 : up6 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
718 : up7 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
71c : up8 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
720 : up9 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
724 : accident (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
728 : dwarfsuitt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
72c : dwarfhelmett (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
730 : tomahawkt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
734 : tribeshelmett (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
738 : nordhelmett (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
73c : nordaxet (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
740 : axeicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
744 : pickicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
748 : bushicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
74c : hunticon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
750 : hammericon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
754 : axeiconb (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
758 : pickiconb (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
75c : bushiconb (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
760 : hunticonb (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
764 : hammericonb (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
768 : upicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
76c : downicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
770 : map (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
774 : map2 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
778 : mapicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
77c : mapiconhome1 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
780 : mapiconhome2 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
784 : addicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
788 : wagonicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
78c : controlicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
790 : wargod (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
794 : sungod (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
798 : darkgod (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
79c : foodgod (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
7a0 : naturegod (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
7a4 : buildgod (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
7a8 : wargodsmall (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
7ac : sungodsmall (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
7b0 : darkgodsmall (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
7b4 : foodgodsmall (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
7b8 : naturegodsmall (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
7bc : buildgodsmall (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
7c0 : locked (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
7c4 : gohome (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
7c8 : modernicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
7cc : soapicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
7d0 : treet (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
7d4 : torcht (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
7d8 : torchtt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
7dc : swordst (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
7e0 : deadt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
7e4 : man (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
7e8 : woman (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
7ec : book (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
7f0 : heroportrait (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
7f4 : herophrase (type: System.String)
10a0 : tutorint (type: System.Int32)
7f8 : tutorphrases (type: System.Collections.Generic.List<System.String>)
7fc : herop1 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
800 : paladinfull (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
804 : herop2 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
808 : herop3 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
80c : herop4 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
810 : herop5 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
814 : herop6 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
818 : stonesicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
81c : seedsicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
820 : ironicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
824 : mythrilicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
828 : coppericon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
82c : ironoreicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
830 : copperoreicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
834 : mythriloreicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
838 : rubyicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
83c : sapphireicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
840 : malachiteicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
844 : topazicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
848 : woodsicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
84c : armoricon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
850 : gunicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
854 : swordicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
858 : bigswordicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
85c : bigswordiconb (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
860 : flaxicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
864 : breadsicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
868 : beericon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
86c : beericon3 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
870 : faithicon (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
874 : houset (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
878 : hospitalt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
87c : lockedb (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
880 : lock2 (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
884 : totemt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
888 : pritont (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
88c : trapboomt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
890 : trapspiket (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
894 : dummyt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
898 : tavernt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
89c : trapst (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8a0 : pigfarmt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8a4 : markett (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8a8 : schoolt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8ac : hent (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8b0 : millt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8b4 : outpostt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8b8 : gatest (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8bc : towert (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8c0 : chapelt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8c4 : wellt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8c8 : barrackst (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8cc : kazarmit (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8d0 : catapultt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8d4 : smelteryt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8d8 : bakeryt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8dc : batht (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8e0 : undergroundbatht (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8e4 : wizzardt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8e8 : farmt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8ec : workshopt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8f0 : armoryt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8f4 : firecampt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8f8 : minestockt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
8fc : tentt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
900 : btowert (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
904 : leathert (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
908 : coint (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
90c : diskgunt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
910 : keyt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
914 : lightning (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
918 : vitality (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
91c : killingt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
920 : healingt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
924 : reltexture (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
928 : cropt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
92c : black (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
930 : choosetutorialt (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
934 : back (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
938 : openbuild (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
93c : right (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
940 : left (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
944 : choosetexture (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
948 : chosen (type: UnityEngine.Texture2D)
94c : fence1 (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
950 : fence2 (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
954 : fence31 (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
958 : fence32 (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
95c : fence33 (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
960 : fence34 (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
964 : fence35 (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
968 : fence36 (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
96c : fence31p (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
970 : fence32p (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
974 : fence33p (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
978 : fence34p (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
97c : fence35p (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
980 : fence36p (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
984 : fence31dk (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
988 : fence32dk (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
98c : fence33dk (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
990 : fence34dk (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
994 : fence35dk (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
998 : fence36dk (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
99c : fence31d (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9a0 : fence32d (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9a4 : fence33d (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9a8 : fence34d (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9ac : fence35d (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9b0 : fence36d (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9b4 : fence31n (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9b8 : fence32n (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9bc : fence33n (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9c0 : fence34n (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9c4 : fence35n (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9c8 : fence36n (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9cc : hospitals (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9d0 : houses (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9d4 : woodenhouses (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9d8 : firecamps (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9dc : minestocks (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9e0 : tents (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9e4 : totems (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9e8 : pritons (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9ec : trapbooms (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9f0 : trapspikes (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9f4 : dummys (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9f8 : torchspr (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
9fc : mills (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
a00 : hens (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
a04 : outposts (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
a08 : taverns (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
a0c : pigfarms (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
a10 : markets (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
a14 : schools (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
a18 : towers (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
a1c : farms (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
a20 : armorys (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
a24 : chapels (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
a28 : btowers (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
a2c : wells (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
a30 : barrackss (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
a34 : kazarmis (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
a38 : catapults (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
a3c : smelterys (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
a40 : bakerys (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
a44 : baths (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
a48 : undergroundbaths (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
a4c : wizards (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
a50 : treespr (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
a54 : winterspr (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
a58 : workshops (type: UnityEngine.Sprite)
10a4 : announcecheck (type: System.Boolean)
a5c : seasound (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
a60 : nofoodr (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
a64 : nofood (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
a68 : nordar (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
a6c : norda (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
a70 : illar (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
a74 : illa (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
a78 : pipbopsound (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
a7c : watersound (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
a80 : demonspellsound (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
a84 : lightspellsound (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
a88 : magicspellsound (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
a8c : treegrowth (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
a90 : buildsound (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
a94 : killingsound (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
a98 : wintercl (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
a9c : springcl (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
aa0 : maincl (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
aa4 : thirdcl (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
aa8 : christmascl (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
aac : autumncl (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
ab0 : secondcl (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
ab4 : fourthcl (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
ab8 : desertcl (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
abc : desertcl2 (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
ac0 : feastcl (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
ac4 : tropiccl (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
ac8 : nordcl (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
acc : swampcl (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
ad0 : seacl (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
ad4 : minecl (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
ad8 : dungeoncl (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
adc : rains (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
ae0 : wolfcl (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
ae4 : roostercl (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
ae8 : nights (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
aec : birds (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
af0 : seagulls (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
af4 : frogs (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
af8 : wind (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
afc : deswind (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
b00 : undersound (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
b04 : thunder (type: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
10a8 : SkyColor (type: UnityEngine.Color)
10b8 : healcolor (type: UnityEngine.Color)
10c8 : hitcolor (type: UnityEngine.Color)
10d8 : bluecolor (type: UnityEngine.Color)
10e8 : damagecolor (type: UnityEngine.Color)
10f8 : questcolor (type: UnityEngine.Color)
1108 : SwampColor (type: UnityEngine.Color)
1118 : GrayColor (type: UnityEngine.Color)
1128 : DayStarsColor (type: UnityEngine.Color)
1138 : NightStarsColor (type: UnityEngine.Color)
1148 : DaySunsetColor (type: UnityEngine.Color)
1158 : DaySunsetColor1 (type: UnityEngine.Color)
1168 : DaySunsetColor2 (type: UnityEngine.Color)
1178 : NightSunsetColor (type: UnityEngine.Color)
1188 : RainColor (type: UnityEngine.Color)
1198 : suntype (type: System.Int32)
119c : ifsaved (type: System.Int32)
11a0 : DayColor (type: UnityEngine.Color)
11b0 : NightColor (type: UnityEngine.Color)
b08 : main (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
b0c : rightskin (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
b10 : leftskin (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
b14 : longskin (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
b18 : openskin (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
b1c : closeskin (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
b20 : boxes (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
b24 : tutorialskin (type: UnityEngine.GUISkin)
b28 : hscript (type: HouseobjScript)
b2c : ab (type: Aborigen)
b30 : birdsource (type: UnityEngine.AudioSource)
b34 : undersource (type: UnityEngine.AudioSource)
b38 : thissource (type: UnityEngine.AudioSource)
b3c : wolfsource (type: UnityEngine.AudioSource)
11c0 : movement (type: System.Boolean)
11c1 : movechoose (type: System.Boolean)
11c4 : moveint (type: System.Int32)
11c8 : squadint (type: System.Int32)
11cc : spacecounter (type: System.Int32)
b40 : lightning1 (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
b44 : lightning2 (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
b48 : lightning3 (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
b4c : moveobj (type: UnityEngine.GameObject)
b50 : heros (type: HeroScript)
b54 : myTransform (type: UnityEngine.Transform)
b58 : c_component (type: ControlScript)
11d0 : spawnertimer (type: System.Single)
b5c : suns (type: UnityEngine.SpriteRenderer)
b60 : SaveManager (type: SaveEntropy)
11d4 : damageDifficulty (type: System.Int32)
11d8 : managementDifficulty (type: System.Int32)
(159.79 KiB) Downloaded 93 times

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Post by danielyee »

a very thanks to sir BringChaos..you are really a legend table maker sir,really envy you and the other fellow friends..creating awesome table,appreciated sir

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Post by danielyee »

hi sir..BringChaos and great table creators..sadly to say once again this game been updated sir...why is this game seriously even so old ..by last year...been updated again n again...one wonders..can sir make the table like total war three kingdoms..similar to them..this table..sir,appreciated

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Post by xacegod »

With activated Mono features, it is still not working.


I use game version Life.is.Hard.v02.06.2019

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Post by Cake-san »

This table will be a bit tedious to update.
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