Would be convenient, grinding through the Krokodipolis and Cyrene arenas wasn't the most fun due to how repetitive the fights got (Do these three common fights before you can fight the boss and now do it all over again with enemies being two levels higher ha ha.) same for some of the horses you unlock via quests or the Hippodrome racing I suppose.
Just skins though but some are pretty nice.
The one for taking out all the Phylakitai in particular though the crate ones aren't bad, a new one was added yesterday I think it was but even with setting gold to somewhere around 9 million and spending about 3 of it I still only got the bow from this particular set in addition to way too many wayfarer camels, got the unicorn though finally so that's one more that can be crossed off I guess ha ha.
(No sign of the mummy outfit so far either, must be weighted or just a very, very low percentage considering that you can spend tens of thousand of gold and still not gain any outfit items.)
EDIT: I do wonder if the Anubis outfit is in the game files at all though, it will require finishing all the god trials (4, first one is just over but they repeat.) and the second one hasn't started yet with patch 1.05 being released on console shortly and for PC...well there's no ETA yet but the list of changes looked really good finally fixing several minor annoyances and other bugs and also allows for keyboard controls for setting Bayek's hair and beard which should also persist through cutscenes and such from now on.

(UI settings seem like they will stick too, no more instagram type tag photos over the fast travel icons, heh.)
Well it probably is, along with other unused (As of yet.) content I'm guessing.