Assassin's Creed: Origins

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by lordkain »

Hey People,
First of all, I want to thank Cielos for the amazing table. I'm currently using it to add premium content, for example, Trial of the Gods outfits and weapons.
What I do, is to equip the item, and then, using the "weapon editor / Just equipped gear" feature, I browse the memory region (CTRL-B) and change the 9th and 10th values, from the first line.
(see screenshot at the end of the message).
In order to get the right values for the items i want to add, I check out their addresses in a 100% complete savegame I have. So, for example, Dark Side of the Moon (Anubis outfit) is "F0 7F". Basically, if i want to add it to a new savegame, I equip any other outfit, and replace the values as I wrote above.
Now, while this works for most of the items, I have a problem with some, and I was hoping that someone could point me in the right direction, in order to find a solution:
Some of the items (Such as Warden's Oath outfit or Ultima Sword) have different values every time i load the 100% savegame. So basically, while some items like Dark Side of the Moon outfit will have the exact same value every time, some items will not.
Basically, what happens when I try to add these items (the ones with different values every time) is that the game crashes. I'm trying to figure out why are they different, and how can I add them...
Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
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  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by budabum »

ok, "Gear cheat". if developing this idea, i suppose, you may fill in your inventory by any item: Regular, Club, Helix, Packs, Trial of Gods, etc.
do at your own risk, etc...

1. CE: enable "weapon editor.4", enable "[just equipped gear]"
2. ACO: go to Outfit inventory and click back and forth on "Radiance of Anubis", if you don't have it try one of the below findings.
3. CE: CE should load addresses, someting like
quantity = 1
lvl = 1
rarity = Legendary
4. CE: make sure "[just equipped gear]" is highlighted, if no, click on it and highlight.
5. CE: Press Ctrl+B to open Memory View from highlighted address.
6. CE: look at +8 offset, e.g. if page opened at 223F96040, look at 223F96040+8=223F96048 adress and copy 8 bytes for future referene. these 8 bytes are pointer to "Radiane of Anubis". for instance, my 8 bytes: 68 80 32 0C 00 00 00 00, ***yours will be diff***
7. ACO: now back to outfit inventory and choose donor outfit, e.g. "Shadow Warrior"
8. CE: verify addresses are updated with new ones, again do highlighting, ctrl+b, there will be another page opened with diff start address, go to +8 offset and paste saved 8 bytes. then replace first byte by adding 18h to it. in my example, 68 replaced with 86 (86=68h+18h)
9. if ACO did not crash, you are done and will see new outfit "Revenge of Anubis" instead of "Shadow Warrior". Alternativelly you may exit the game and load again to get access to new item.

and yes. when this cheat starts spreading among players, Ubi will close this gap, be sure. So, hurry up

a few findings for researchers:
Savannah Shield +18 -> "Shield of Aaru", i got it after Sebek's challenge
Sword of Ptah -18 -> "Chop-Chop" club's Sickle Sword
Hasanlu Skeptron +18 -> "The Jackal" scepter
Shaman outfit +18 -> "Dark Side of the Moon" outfit

using this cheat, i was able to unlock 405 of 407 items in my inventory, still hunting for 2 more which i might accidentally sold to blacksmith (Painless Death Hunter Bow and Tooth of Sobek Heavy Blade)
good luck

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by lordkain »

I'm using a similar method, just a little bit easier.
Your method is similar to the one posted by arman666.
My question is: With this method, were you able to unlock items such as Final Fantasy Weapons or For Honor Outfit? -> These items seem to have dynamic addresses.
Pls let me know.

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by ryudan888 »

budabum wrote:
Sun Feb 18, 2018 10:28 pm
ok, "Gear cheat". if developing this idea, i suppose, you may fill in your inventory by any item: Regular, Club, Helix, Packs, Trial of Gods, etc.
do at your own risk, etc...

1. CE: enable "weapon editor.4", enable "[just equipped gear]"
2. ACO: go to Outfit inventory and click back and forth on "Radiance of Anubis", if you don't have it try one of the below findings.
3. CE: CE should load addresses, someting like
quantity = 1
lvl = 1
rarity = Legendary
4. CE: make sure "[just equipped gear]" is highlighted, if no, click on it and highlight.
5. CE: Press Ctrl+B to open Memory View from highlighted address.
6. CE: look at +8 offset, e.g. if page opened at 223F96040, look at 223F96040+8=223F96048 adress and copy 8 bytes for future referene. these 8 bytes are pointer to "Radiane of Anubis". for instance, my 8 bytes: 68 80 32 0C 00 00 00 00, ***yours will be diff***
7. ACO: now back to outfit inventory and choose donor outfit, e.g. "Shadow Warrior"
8. CE: verify addresses are updated with new ones, again do highlighting, ctrl+b, there will be another page opened with diff start address, go to +8 offset and paste saved 8 bytes. then replace first byte by adding 18h to it. in my example, 68 replaced with 86 (86=68h+18h)
9. if ACO did not crash, you are done and will see new outfit "Revenge of Anubis" instead of "Shadow Warrior". Alternativelly you may exit the game and load again to get access to new item.

and yes. when this cheat starts spreading among players, Ubi will close this gap, be sure. So, hurry up

a few findings for researchers:
Savannah Shield +18 -> "Shield of Aaru", i got it after Sebek's challenge
Sword of Ptah -18 -> "Chop-Chop" club's Sickle Sword
Hasanlu Skeptron +18 -> "The Jackal" scepter
Shaman outfit +18 -> "Dark Side of the Moon" outfit

using this cheat, i was able to unlock 405 of 407 items in my inventory, still hunting for 2 more which i might accidentally sold to blacksmith (Painless Death Hunter Bow and Tooth of Sobek Heavy Blade)
good luck
Is there any table or doc with all the outfit/weapons values to replace ?

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by budabum »

oh. did not know this is known technique. great minds think alike :)

that is the list of connected items. if you find one, rest are in close proximity +- 18h .

Collector Outfit - 90 48 ?? ?? 01
Persian Leader
Persian Legend
Heliopolis Marauder
Maasai Leader
Dress of the Foreign Realm
Gasp of the Plains
Confident Attire - 38 49 *
Red Sea Marauder
Warden's Oath (C) - 68 49 ?? ?? 01
Gracious Attire
Edward's Outfit (C) - 98 49 *

Items from "A Gift from the Gods" quest are very close to "Hidden one" outfit, if you have it? you may try refilling Ultima Blade
40 3E ?? ?? 01 Ultima Blade (G)
58 3E ?? ?? 01 Ziedrich (G)
70 3E ?? ?? 01 Kweh (G)
E8 3E ?? ?? 01 Hidden One

"For Honor" and "Eastern Dynasties" packs are ... packed together with 18h offset. if you have at least one, rest can be cheated.
"75" milage may vary for your case, i.e. 75 is not consistent between saves
F0 84 ?? 75 Ippei Blade
08 85 ?? 75 Tempest Blade
20 85 ?? 75 Imelda Shield
38 85 ?? 75 Sahalin Axe
50 85 ?? 75 Sword of Goujian
68 85 ?? 75 Courage and Justice
80 85 ?? 75 Guardian Lion
98 85 ?? 75 Hou Yi's Bow
B0 85 ?? 75 Celestial Raiment

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by budabum »

i see now, arman666 evolved my idea with new Anubis outfit after i first time posted into this topic.
good to know, that idea evolved and is being actively developed now.

good luck to all of us :)

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by squidney2k1 »

This badly needs a youtube video tutorial or something. Instructions are all over the place.

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by ryudan888 »

squidney2k1 wrote:
Mon Feb 19, 2018 3:41 am
This badly needs a youtube video tutorial or something. Instructions are all over the place.
No , not really , all you got to do is read people posts and have common sense.

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by SunBeam »

I can't even begin to think of how many flaws I spotted just reading some of the comments. I understood the part where you work with whatever Cielos posted, then browsing memory and swapping pointers.. but why you are relying on fixed save game order of data when you can debug it and find the item table iterator is beyond me.. yes, what did I just say? Ignore me and go do whatever you were taught to do :)

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by badken »

I was able to get the Revenge of Anubis based on the instructions in budabum's earlier post, but none of the other offsets did anything for me. They gave random or no results. I was trying to get the Eastern Dynasties stuff in an old save, but the offsets given did nothing.

Looking in my current save where I got everything the "easy" way (buying a gazillion Heka chests), it appears that in my game, one set of items is grouped together and another isn't. The addresses found at "just equipped gear" + 0x08 look like:

Code: Select all

B0 40 AC B6 01 00 00 00 ippei
08 85 AA 63 01 00 00 00 tempest
C8 40 AC B6 01 00 00 00 imelda
38 85 AA 63 01 00 00 00 sahalin
50 85 AA 63 01 00 00 00 goujian
68 85 AA 63 01 00 00 00 courage & justice
80 85 AA 63 01 00 00 00 guardian lion
98 85 AA 63 01 00 00 00 hou yi
Now that I look at it, it appears that two of the items are pieces of gear I bought with some leftover Helix credits. That's probably why their offsets don't line up.

@SunBeam: some of us are capable of doing hexadecimal math and editing memory, but looking at code in a debugger makes us go cross-eyed.

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by razielnox66 »

Does anyone has the numbers for Cobra Royale Bow and/or Partner Horse?

Partner Horse was part of the Twitch Prime Pack, so the numbers "could" be in the vicinity of Immortal Sword/Adamant Reed Spear/Quagga Bow, but I couldn't find the correlation myself.

Cobra Royale was a stand alone, so not sure about getting the numbers in the last 6 bytes. Also, not sure if the numbers are different in the Heka and actual Helix Credit Store bought version, could be compared to other Heka (and randomly obtainable as loot)/Store (both bought with creds and Heka drops with H icon) items. I'm mentioning the CB Heka version, supposedly some people could get it from Heka normally in the earlier versions of the game, which seems to be impossible now.

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by Monkfishy »

razielnox66 wrote:
Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:01 pm
Does anyone has the numbers for Cobra Royale Bow and/or Partner Horse?

I'm mentioning the CB Heka version, supposedly some people could get it from Heka normally in the earlier versions of the game, which seems to be impossible now.
I can confirm that it's currently impossible to obtain the Cobra Royale in v1.2.1. I've opened around 50,000 chests and not seen it. Been looking for another way to obtain it.

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by cosminuk2011 »

razielnox66 wrote:
Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:01 pm
Does anyone has the numbers for Cobra Royale Bow and/or Partner Horse?

Bought from store with helix.

80 6E EC 0B 00 00 00 00 - Partner Mount. Can be replace with Thunder Horse. Replace "50" from Thunder with "80".

10 84 EC 0B 00 00 00 00 - Cobra royale.

Ta-Sety Bow can be replaced with Cobra Royale.
Replace "40" from Ta-Sety with "10". To get back Ta-sety open some Heka Chest.
Last edited by cosminuk2011 on Wed Feb 21, 2018 3:00 am, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by acecel »

Small advices (for newbs) regarding modifying items with CE :

0) Do it for one item at a time, and make a backup of your savefile each time
1) If the item you want is a quest reward it will not work (but it seems to work if you have the quest started)
2) No matter what you are trying to doand fail, most of the time a simple "go back to menu then reload save" will repair (except for crashes of course)
3) When you work with other's savefile and such, what is important is the delta between objects, not the values on itself.
- Find the value of the item you want
- Find another item (you have in your inventory) with a value close to the first one (basically only the 2-3 last digits should be different

For example (i use the view/display "8 hex" in CE/MemoryViewer) (select the 2nd value ofc)

00000001B7DD3E40 Item A
00000001B7DD3D98 Item B

They are close enough for you to calculate the difference to get the new value in your save/game (i use that [Link]).
In that case "-A8" to get from A to B

00000001B7DD3CC0 Item A
000000000C919EF8 Item B
In that case "-1AB4B9DC8" to get from a to B, so they are not close enough and it will not work.

From what i understand (someone better at this can't correct me if i am wrong), but items are saved in array per type/categary/whatever.
You must find an object in the same "area/array" for this to work (if the difference between the 2 values are 3 digits length).

So basically :
- Find a "100% save game" (the one i found kinda sux, many items are missing, if someone has a better version to share?)
- Writeon a notepad every value of the item you want (IF THEY ARE NOT QUEST REWARDS)
- Find an item you have with an "value" not far from it (no matter the object type)
- Keep doing it until you have the list of evertything

- Open your save
- Select an object you are ok to loose and replace his ID by calculating the value
- Escape inventory screen
- Open it again, if you find the item then GG
- If not then go back to menu, reload save and retry with another
- Loop

About savefiles i used onefrom here ... 20Origins/
If someone have a good one with everything in it ? (including events rewards)

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by cosminuk2011 »

Does anyone has the numbers for Guardian Lion Shield, the one bought from store with Helix credit, not the one from Heka chest because is bugged.

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