Assassin's Creed: Origins

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by Send »

Cielos wrote:
Sun Feb 04, 2018 2:21 pm
SendMe127.0.0.1 wrote:
Fri Feb 02, 2018 6:01 pm
Cielos wrote:
Fri Feb 02, 2018 9:06 am
the latest update (v1.21?) broke the "senu teleport" and "no-clip". "no-clip" is fixed now, updating "senu teleport" now... will upload the updated table when it's finished...
Evening, Cielos. inf.items crashes the process upon continuing save file after being enabled at Press Any Key, as well as freezing the process and attempting that method. Running 1.21. Figured I'd inform you.
I checked, it didn't crash my game if I activated inf. all items .2 on the "Press Any Key" screen, then loading a save game.
are you playing the CPY version?

@Cielos I own a copy on uPlay. Bought the game about 24 hours before it was cracked, lol. I ended up finding the values myself for what I needed, before I made my original post, in regards to it crashing. I figured it was because I enabled both ignore crafting requirements and inf.items2, but troubleshooting just lead to crashing as a final result, when using inf.items in general. (No matter how I activated it.) But as I stated previously, when the script didn't work with your table (Which I appreciate, by the way. A fan of your work!), I just individually found the addresses and changed the values myself.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by thelastbeluga »

Based on preliminary testing the table seems to be working for the cracked version of the game. I am having an issue with the teleportation (albeit that could be on my end). If anyone else can confirm that teleportation is working with 1.21 on a cracked version let me know.

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by SunBeam »

Most of the times scripts crash because they are not well verified against NULL scenarios. Wouldn't hurt to add-in a "TEST r64,r64; JE out_if_0", you know.. As for allocating, you can easily set page protection to WRITE to like the PE header (ACOrigins.exe+500, for example; there's a ton shit of room, almost 1000h bytes) and inject your code there. No need for any "enable it at Press any key!!" crap.. I swear.. if CE stopped working for some reason at some point, you'd give up instead of figuring out how to make it work again, right?

Code: Select all

fullaccess( ACOrigins.exe, 0x1000 )
define( Hook, ACOrigins.exe+500 )


aobscanmodule( MapWP_AOB, ACOrigins.exe, 488B4508488B480848C1E12048C1F93F482308488B4130488B780848C1E72048C1FF3F482338 )
alloc( Hook, 0x1000, ACOrigins.exe )
label( MapWP )
registersymbol( MapWP )
label( bTeleport )
registersymbol( bTeleport )
label( TeleportToWaypoint )
registersymbol( TeleportToWaypoint )
label( back )

cmp [bTeleport],0
je short @f
  call TeleportToWaypoint
  mov [bTeleport],0
mov rax,[rbp+08]
mov rcx,[rax+08]
shl rcx,20
sar rcx,3F
jmp back

sub rsp,28
push rax
push rcx
call GetWorld
mov rcx,[rax+98] // Entity
movups xmm0,[rbp+60] // load waypoint's XYZT in xmm0
movups [rcx+50],xmm0 // set player coordinates to waypoint's XYZT
pop rcx
pop rax
add rsp,28

dd 0

jmp Hook


db 48 8B 45 08 48 8B 48 08 48 C1 E1 20 48 C1 F9 3F // 16 bytes

unregistersymbol( TeleportToWaypoint )
unregistersymbol( bTeleport )
unregistersymbol( MapWP )
dealloc( Hook )
Copy above code, Memory View, Ctrl+A, paste. File > Assign to current cheat table. Give it a name, whatever, then enable it. Add "bTeleport" to your list as an address, 4 bytes and set a hotkey to it (I use Numpad 9) to set value to 1. Then in-game, hit M, click wherever to set a wp, hit Numpad 9 and you're there. M to close map.


P.S.1: No need to run it at "Press any key" crap.

P.S.2: Reason I use 16 bytes in the hook is CE often allocated memory past game's image base, thus generating a 14-bytes JMP on hook. When writing to ACOrigins.exe+500 you only need 5 bytes; I've not fixed it, works anyway :P
Last edited by SunBeam on Tue Feb 06, 2018 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by imulator »

It works great! thanks

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by SunBeam »

If you fall off-map, just set wp to any region with water, close to land. Teleport there, swim to shore, teleport again to where you wanted to :P

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by ioshilee »

Hi, for some reason the "ignore adrenaline" option started to crash the game whenever any combat starts. This behavior first appeared out of nowhere a week ago (table v.17x), before the latest game update, and persist today on the latest table. It was working normally in the previous session, and after a few hours, it started to behave like this in the next session. I'm sure that no patch was implemented in that period... What might be causing this?

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by Cielos »


table updated
! if you're having random crash still, re-download and test~

SendMe127.0.0.1 wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2018 4:05 am
Turk wrote:
Sun Feb 04, 2018 9:45 pm
ioshilee wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2018 3:13 pm
just updated the table, all the crashes should be fixed, please test~

cosminuk2011 wrote:
Sun Feb 04, 2018 9:43 pm
First of all I want to say, Thank You Cielos for your free great work.
Second, please add back "Reset Outfit Quantities" if it is possible. I'm stuck with 100 "Bathhouse Towel Outfit" and I really want to reset them to 1. I don't want to lose the game save that I already have done 80%.
It is safe to use the table with uplay online. It is any risk to get a ban? However, it is a single player game.
1. as of patch 1.20, you can sell back the outfit to the Weaver.
2. I'm playing the STEAM version with almost all the scripts on (except for the inf. item script). as you said so yourself, it's a single player game, as long as you don't touch the micro-transaction part, I think you're ok~

SunBeam wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2018 6:29 am
hi, it's been a while~


as you've just mentioned in the PS, at the beginning the crash were caused by insufficient bytes allocated for the CE's injection code template.
rather than 5 bytes it SOMETIMES used 14 bytes.
that time I rewrote my scripts to treat all the injection jmp as 14 bytes to deal with this type of crashes.
than it's the "null scenarios".
after these implementation, I thought all the crashes has been fixed. but the bug reports says otherwise.
as I always activate all the scripts I used at the start of the game, I just state that as the precaution of crashes until I fixed it.

then I found out, for my scripts, that it's an by-product of using readmem and reassamble.

Code: Select all

ACOrigins.AK::WriteBytesMem::Bytes+7F7B99 - 74 0C                 - je ACOrigins.AK::WriteBytesMem::Bytes+7F7BA7
ACOrigins.AK::WriteBytesMem::Bytes+7F7B9B - E8 5003FBFF           - call ACOrigins.AK::WriteBytesMem::Bytes+7A7EF0
ACOrigins.AK::WriteBytesMem::Bytes+7F7BA0 - C6 87 72010000 00     - mov byte ptr [rdi+00000172],00 { 0 }
ACOrigins.AK::WriteBytesMem::Bytes+7F7BA7 - F6 87 70010000 01     - test byte ptr [rdi+00000170],01 { 1 }
I used readmem on "ACOrigins.AK::WriteBytesMem::Bytes+7F7B99"
and then used reassamble on "ACOrigins.AK::WriteBytesMem::Bytes+7F7B9B"
when CE's are using 14 bytes to jump to my code cave, reassmble(ACOrigins.AK::WriteBytesMem::Bytes+7F7B9B) would be most likely be 14 bytes as well. thus using readmem on "ACOrigins.AK::WriteBytesMem::Bytes+7F7B99" would result in a crash.
but as I always activate all my script as soon as the game is booted up, I never encounter this problem until I have time to tested run the scripts by enabling them in-game.
anyway, this crash had since been fixed.

then I got busy and stopped cheating for awhile, and I got back to update scripts for the latest update just recently.
and there were still reported crash occasionally.
and the most recent report is for the int. item script.
as I follow the reported steps and failed to re-create the crash, together with the recent cracked game, I haven't go deep yet.
until today, I found out the crash was caused by a similar reason.
I simply used reassamble on conditional jmp.
while it would works properly when it's a short jmp, but CE would failed to compile it properly if it's too long a jmp.
jne 141BE2C4E
would becomes
jne 241BE2C4E (e.g. 0F85 9A2BA97F)
because the destination's address is larger than signed 4 bytes.
so, using reassemble may crash the game when these "long jumps" occurred.
and, I've rewrote these reassemble part of my scripts just now and about to upload for testing when I saw your message..

now to avoid these long jumps, I can either used STN's approach (by searching the nearest codecave manually, or using your approach.
I thought STN's approach would leave some self-made codes in the memory when you de-activate the scripts mid-game.
yours is a better approach as you'd clear the code cave when it's de-activated. still I don't like the feeling that there's a solid limit bytes I can implement my codes in...
anyway, in the end I think it's just different approaches.
and if you think my approach (as describe above) is "if CE stopped working for some reason at some point, you'd give up instead of figuring out how to make it work again", I won't say I don't care (or else I won't bother typing the above crap), I would feel bad, but I think I can live with that...

finally, you back for real this time? anything you plan to release on FRF again?

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by Send »

Cielos wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2018 3:45 pm

Everything works, other than being unable to activate Movement Mod. -- Which I was only trying to test it. Able to activate and deactivate everything in-game without a crash. Movement Mod just doesn't activate in general.

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by cosminuk2011 »

@ Cielos wrote:
1.. as of patch 1.20, you can sell back the outfit to the Weaver.

Yes as 1.20 you can sell all outfits back to Weaver shop, but not the "Bathhouse Towel Outfit" :( . When I received this outfit after a mission, I was with inf item cheat activated, and after the mission instead of 1 "Bathhouse Towel Outfit" , I received 100. :(. And I want to reset this at 1. It is possible?

Thanks for the table. Is awesome.

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by acecel »

I would like to be able to set/reduce the amount of skill point i have left.

I used by error an option on a trainer that given me 150 points, but i don't need/want them, so i want them gone.

Anyone has a table with the pointer on the value for 1.5 version ?


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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by Cielos »

SendMe127.0.0.1 wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2018 4:53 pm
Cielos wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2018 3:45 pm

Everything works, other than being unable to activate Movement Mod. -- Which I was only trying to test it. Able to activate and deactivate everything in-game without a crash. Movement Mod just doesn't activate in general.
thanks for testing~

about the movement mod, as it can still be activated on my game. maybe some injection points are different between steam and uplay version.

attached are some test scripts to determined which aobscans are defected.
please let me know which one can't be activated when you have time.

cosminuk2011 wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2018 5:07 pm

Yes as 1.20 you can sell all outfits back to Weaver shop, but not the "Bathhouse Towel Outfit" :( . When I received this outfit after a mission, I was with inf item cheat activated, and after the mission instead of 1 "Bathhouse Towel Outfit" , I received 100. :(. And I want to reset this at 1. It is possible?

Thanks for the table. Is awesome.
strange, my inf. items script won't writes 100 to any quantity. were you using my inf. items script or from other table/trainers?
anyway, if the quantity you're after is an equipment, you can actually use the weapon editor to edit the quantity.
after the script is activated, (re)equip the outfit, alt-tab back to CE and edit the quantity.
hope that helps~

acecel wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2018 8:00 pm
I would like to be able to set/reduce the amount of skill point i have left.

I used by error an option on a trainer that given me 150 points, but i don't need/want them, so i want them gone.

Anyone has a table with the pointer on the value for 1.5 version ?

I could write something to "reset" the ability points to zero, or at the very least fetch the pointerS (there are 2 values, obtained and spent) so that you can edit them manually.
but I can't guarantee it works on patch 1.5.
I'll have a look later.
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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by acecel »

Cielos wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2018 8:17 pm
acecel wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2018 8:00 pm
I would like to be able to set/reduce the amount of skill point i have left.

I used by error an option on a trainer that given me 150 points, but i don't need/want them, so i want them gone.

Anyone has a table with the pointer on the value for 1.5 version ?

I could write something to "reset" the ability points to zero, or at the very least fetch the pointerS (there are 2 values, obtained and spent) so that you can edit them manually.
but I can't guarantee it works on patch 1.5.
I'll have a look later.
I would love something like that, if you can :)

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by SunBeam »


I'm laughing cuz if it's not a 'crash' issue, it's always of another type: like 'unlimited items' with no filter -> "pls help me reset counter" :) I'll post my table, Cielos; there are things in there you can use in your table ;)


Last edited by SunBeam on Tue Feb 06, 2018 9:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by cosminuk2011 »

cosminuk2011 wrote: ↑06 Feb 2018, 19:07
Yes as 1.20 you can sell all outfits back to Weaver shop, but not the "Bathhouse Towel Outfit" :( . When I received this outfit after a mission, I was with inf item cheat activated, and after the mission instead of 1 "Bathhouse Towel Outfit" , I received 100. :(. And I want to reset this at 1. It is possible?
Thanks for the table. Is awesome.

@ Cielos wrote: ↑06 Feb 2018, 22:17

strange, my inf. items script won't writes 100 to any quantity. were you using my inf. items script or from other table/trainers?
anyway, if the quantity you're after is an equipment, you can actually use the weapon editor to edit the quantity.
after the script is activated, (re)equip the outfit, alt-tab back to CE and edit the quantity.
hope that helps~

1. I used other trainer some time ago.
2. Thank you so much. It worked with weapon editor. :) .. You are the best !! :)

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Re: Assassin's Creed: Origins

Post by Cielos »

acecel wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2018 8:26 pm
I would love something like that, if you can :)
done. go re-download the table.
again, I can't guarantee it would work on patch 1.5. you should update the game to the latest version first. good luck~
and remember to read the script's description first.
SunBeam wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2018 9:09 pm
ah, the long-awaited engine crack. can't wait~
about to clean up some space for the fucking big ffxv though.. (someone sends me some requests already..) my SSD is only 256GB. I should have bought one more just for games...
anyway, hopefully I can have some more fun with your cheats before the great HD wipe..
cosminuk2011 wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2018 9:09 pm
good to know~
happy cheating!

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