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Re: Northgard

Post by Furby »

(574 Bytes) Downloaded 197 times
People, you not need CE or Trainers.

Download quickbms and extract it in a folder named quickbms in game root folder.
Build Northgard extraction script and save it as in the quickbms folder (**)

Run quickbms and extract res.pak in a folder named extracted in game's root dir.

Modify data.cdb with a texteditor and save it. (*)
Delete all other files from the extracted folder (leave only data.cdb)

Make a text file in QuickBMS Folder with this text and rename to Northgard.bat

quickbms -w -r ../res.pak ../extracted

Now double click Northgard.bat and he replace your data.cdb with the original.

(*) = Use Notepad++ for edit file, you can find the villagers, hunters etcetc value, simple edit the 'q' value. Default Villagers is 0.4 mean 4 food, if you put this at 0.6 they carry 6 food. Then you can edit also costruction and remove stone value upgrade cost, time, etcetc.


Code: Select all

#script for quickbms
# By Allen
#2015-9-1 Evoland 2 .pak

idstring "PAK\0"
get DataOffset long
get fileSize long
get dummy short 
get numFolder long
for i = 0 < numFolder
    set folderName string ""
    CallFunction unpack 0 folderName
next i

StartFunction unpack folderName
    get namelen byte
    getdstring name namelen    
    get type byte
    if type == 0
        get offset long
        get size long
        get dummy long
        math offset += Dataoffset
        set fname string FolderName
        string fname += /
        string fname += name
        log fname offset size
    elif type == 1
        string folderName += /
        string folderName += name        
        get numEntry long
        for j = 0 < numEntry
            set folderName2 string folderName
            CallFunction unpack 0 folderName2
        next j

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Northgard

Post by hentai-sama »

Furby wrote:
Tue Mar 20, 2018 6:16 am
QuickBMS.7zPeople, you not need CE or Trainers.
And what about Ai, will it also have same benefits like u? I mean when u already edit it.

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Re: Northgard

Post by Furby »


AI have same benefits.

But in Campaign the only problem I have notice if you edit the RavenPort or Sailors Stats. If you give more Fame to Sailors, Enemy builds Fame at high rate, but however nothing happens. But this can be a problem outside a Campaign.

So is better make a Copy of Data.cdb before Edit and write someone else what you have change, so you can revert changes very fast, I think outside the Campaign is better make changes only to Villagers, Hunters, Farmers, Fishermans, WoodCutter for get more resource, not touch the Life or edit units can boost the Victory Cards. And maybe edit only stone upgrade buildings for house and silos to 0. Example: Villagers 0.5 (5 food each) and 0.7 WoodCutter (7 wood each). Just not too much or become to OP.

Infact I have choice to not edit any warriors stats.

Otherwise if you edit too much and power up too much is too easy.

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Re: Northgard

Post by ponzidesu »

Furby wrote:
Tue Mar 20, 2018 6:16 am
Run quickbms and extract res.pak in a folder named extracted in game's root dir.

Modify data.cdb with a texteditor and save it. (*)
I'm confused on this part of your instructions. I've downloaded Quickbms, extracted it into my Northgard folder, and I clicked on the .bat file. However, nothing happens when I did that. I don't see any extracted folder or data.cdb. Mind clarifying please?

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Re: Northgard

Post by caprout »

You need to download quickbms from the editor, the file furby is proposing is only the .bat and the .bms that you can make yourself with the code he is referring.

Once installed in a quickbms folder at the northgard root, you will find an .exe, use it with the .bms then the res.pak
It will extract a shitload of folder and files in the directory "extracted" that you must have created before. Delete all the files except data.cdb and be sure to use notepad ++. Using wordpad or the blocnote will change the size of the file and crash on startup.
Once edited, use the .bat il will reinject the data.cdb into the res.pak and voila. Start northgard and enjoy

Be sure to save the res.pak before and the data.cdb if you want some try and error. If you are using furby's file to speed up the process, be sure to use a quickbms foldername and extracted foldername.

Sorry for my bad english but it works very well. Thanks a lot Furby

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Re: Northgard

Post by Furby »

Step1: Download and Configure QuickBMS

1a) Go in Northgard Folder and Create Extracted and QuickBMS Folder

1b) Download QuickBms and unpack in QuickBMS Folder

1c) Enter in QuickBMS Folder and Download my Quickbms.7z and unpack here for have Northgard.bat and

Step2: Using QuickBMS for extracting, he ask three things.

2a) Go in QuickBMS Folder and doubleclick Quickbms.exe

2b) QuickBMS ask where is the file to unpack, Select Res.pak in Northgard Folder

2c) QuickBMS ask where is the config file, choice

2d) QuickBMS ask where to unpack everything, choice Extracted Folder, now a Command Dos Prompt popup and QuickBMS extract everything.

Step3: Editing Data.cdb (backup first your original Data.cdb and remember what you have modified for future tweaking)

1) Go in Extracted Folder, use Notepad++ for edit your info, remember this change is for everything, you and AI. So pay attention to not boost Sailors Fame. When you read Data.cdb with Notepad++ found Villagers, WoodCutter and etcetc, the value in "q" is how many they carry, default Villagers is 0.2, mean they carry 2 food. If you edit to 1, they carry 10 food each. After you can found buildings info, where you can remove the Stone for upgrade, change build time or price.

Step4: Repacking Res.pak

1) Delete everything in extracted folder except your Data.cdb or other else QuickBMS Repack everything, except Repack only one file, so time matter.

2) Click Northgard.bat, QuickBms open a Command Dos Prompt and finish the job.

Step5: Play.

Optional: Before deleting everything from extracted folder, you can save the music.

REMEMBER! Everytime you update the game, you have to rechange everything, because Update for sure change Data.cdb with new values and etcetc.

I know this is not much, for sure CE is better and only for US and not AI, but I have make already 6 mission without struggle to much.

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Re: Northgard

Post by caprout »

For those who want to use CE on any version of the game, use this :

When you search for the value (by pausing game / letting the value increase by one or two etc) keep the "Value Type" as Double, once you've found the value (it'll look something like 211.03131 for example if you have 211 wood) add it into your address list, right click the address and choose "Find out what writes to this address" it'll say it'll need to start debugging choose "yes" unpause the game and let the value increase once more, pause, go back to the debug window that just opened and you'll now see a code in there, select it and press the Replace button to "replace the address with a code that does nothing" then click ok on popup, now Stop / Close on the debug window.
Change the value for wood in you saved in your address list on the main CE window to something like 9999 before the decimal point (ex 9999.03131) and tick the box to freeze it, it'll now show in your game when you unpause it as 9999 and you'll have unlimited wood. Do this for the food & gold also.
©rejuiced sur Fearlessrevolution

A warning, if you are in the campaign and won a chapter with CE, the next one will have 0 on any food/wood/altered data. You will have to restart the game, not just the chapter, to clear the memory editing done by CE.

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Re: Northgard

Post by Nightcat »

Thanks but whats about wisdom, seems not to work with your method? It stucks at 9999 but you can not choose a new wisdom after all. :(

And stone don't work too

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Re: Northgard

Post by vallensteins »

table not working on the new version v1.1.8909

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Re: Northgard

Post by Nightcat »

Table don't working on last version too dude. You will never become a new one here, try out caprout if you need cheating, works flawless for food, wood and money!

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Re: Northgard

Post by Larqus »

Furby wrote:
Wed Mar 21, 2018 10:55 am
Your Quote
Step1: Download and Configure QuickBMS

1a) Go in Northgard Folder and Create Extracted and QuickBMS Folder

1b) Download QuickBms and unpack in QuickBMS Folder

1c) Enter in QuickBMS Folder and Download my Quickbms.7z and unpack here for have Northgard.bat and

Step2: Using QuickBMS for extracting, he ask three things.

2a) Go in QuickBMS Folder and doubleclick Quickbms.exe

2b) QuickBMS ask where is the file to unpack, Select Res.pak in Northgard Folder

2c) QuickBMS ask where is the config file, choice

2d) QuickBMS ask where to unpack everything, choice Extracted Folder, now a Command Dos Prompt popup and QuickBMS extract everything.

Step3: Editing Data.cdb (backup first your original Data.cdb and remember what you have modified for future tweaking)

1) Go in Extracted Folder, use Notepad++ for edit your info, remember this change is for everything, you and AI. So pay attention to not boost Sailors Fame. When you read Data.cdb with Notepad++ found Villagers, WoodCutter and etcetc, the value in "q" is how many they carry, default Villagers is 0.2, mean they carry 2 food. If you edit to 1, they carry 10 food each. After you can found buildings info, where you can remove the Stone for upgrade, change build time or price.

Step4: Repacking Res.pak

1) Delete everything in extracted folder except your Data.cdb or other else QuickBMS Repack everything, except Repack only one file, so time matter.

2) Click Northgard.bat, QuickBms open a Command Dos Prompt and finish the job.

Step5: Play.

Optional: Before deleting everything from extracted folder, you can save the music.

REMEMBER! Everytime you update the game, you have to rechange everything, because Update for sure change Data.cdb with new values and etcetc.

I know this is not much, for sure CE is better and only for US and not AI, but I have make already 6 mission without struggle to much.
Help me please!
I have this displayed when I run Northgard.bat,
But when you press "(y) Yes" or "(n) No", nothing changes,
I did not change the Northgard.bat and files!:

Code: Select all

- REIMPORT mode enabled!
  - remember to select the SAME script, file and folder you selected during
    the previous extraction
  - it's highly suggested to leave only the edited files in the folder, it's
    faster and less prone to errors with compressed files

- open input file C:\Games\Northgard\QuickBMS\../res.pak
- open script
- set output folder ../Extracted

  offset   filesize   filename
Error: file "data.cdb"
       the reimport option acts as a reimporter and so you cannot reinsert a
       file if it's bigger than the original otherwise it will overwrite the
       rest of the archive or cannot be loaded correctly:

         new size: 412123 (412123 uncompressed)
         old size: 412054 (412054 uncompressed)

- do you want to skip this file? (y/N/force)
  y will continue with the next file and skip the current file
  N (default) will terminate QuickBMS, maybe you can try with the -r -r mode
  force will force the reimporting of the file (NEVER use this!!!)

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Re: Northgard

Post by stevekxs »

quickbms -w -r -r ../res.pak ../extracted
Use in the Batch file

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Re: Northgard

Post by dennisab »

I didn't notice this thread before but I uploaded a table for 1.0.8735 (+7) with aobscan - viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6380&p=41380 (may work with other versions.... or not). The options include massive damage, food, wood, krowns and villager production booster. I also made sure that the codes do not benefit the enemy AIs.

With that said, I spent a lot of time trying to find stone and iron, to no avail; I even tried changed/unchanged scan with 'all' hoping to find any encrypted value to fiddle with but all efforts led me to UI opcodes which handled the interface and not the actual iron/stone values. If anyone has any idea where to start with those, that would be great.

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Post by Jagerfiend1 »

Keep getting this when I input everything as suggested:

- select the BMS script to use. type ? for using the clipboard

- select the input archives/files to extract, type * or "" for whole folder and subfolders

- select the output folder where extracting the files

- open input file

- open script L:GamesSteamgamesteamappscommonNorthgard es.pak

- c_structs (2): "PAK#>fambient_autumn.js

Error: invalid command "AK#>fambient_autumn.js

Press ENTER or close the window to quit

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Post by gorsan »

i thought quickbms only work on railway empire, i found it works for more games, thank you. Also quickbms works fine .
Last edited by gorsan on Fri Jul 20, 2018 7:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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