ELEX Steam + GOG

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Re: ELEX Steam + GOG

Post by Insa »

Can we have an EXP Multiplier? I tried it myself but horrybly screwed up...
I know that there is already a way to set my exp, but i think a a "simple" multiplier also would be nice :)

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: ELEX Steam + GOG

Post by Aztec2012 »

Any chance for add item to inventory option in table?

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Re: ELEX Steam + GOG

Post by dl748 »

Insa wrote:
Sun Oct 22, 2017 9:39 am
Can we have an EXP Multiplier? I tried it myself but horrybly screwed up...
I know that there is already a way to set my exp, but i think a a "simple" multiplier also would be nice :)
You could modify a green gem, to give you 200000% bonus xp then socket it.

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Re: ELEX Steam + GOG

Post by PurpleHerby »

dl748 wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2017 3:43 pm
The freeze health tick does the exact same thing as ticking the "freeze" box on the health item. The only difference is that it writes the max health to the health location.
You're right, I didn't check to see how fast "if freezehp then" was checked, I guessed (wrongly) that it would be slower than freezing the address directly :oops: sorry. (although max HP can be less than HP due to rings etc.. but this is not relevant to your point)

I probably should have been clearer about damage > health and changing that too lol :)

I also experience the same issue as Darkedone02 where editing values in the inventory appear to cause cheat engine to loop? vanish up it's own butt? To be honest I assumed it was something I was doing wrong in the settings for the engine and I started using the pointers to browse memory and direct edit and never mentioned it, sorry

Still, It's a really nice table / method for not messing with injection!

Edit: Actually, in reference to changing values in inventory section causing it to 'get stuck'? It appears to happen while having both 'My Script' AND 'Inventory' ticked, open up any dialog box and then try to close it (Change script, browse memory region, edit value etc), unticking either of them will allow the dialog box to close. Hope that made sense.
Edit2: Altho the above does not seem to be consistent, just had both ticked and could edit through browse memory but not through double-clicking on the value...

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Re: ELEX Steam + GOG

Post by LorgrenBenirus »

Yes, I can confirm the quantity changing loop as well. As for health, I added 500 to Max Health and then locked it, then checked "Freeze Health" and finally radiation and poison and such didn't kill me. I even made some jumps from some higher spots and didn't die, though I did see HP blink a bit, like losing health and then instantly gaining it, so I suppose jumping from a higher spot may be fatal. Not that it matters really, simply hit the jetpack a moment before hitting the ground to do some braking :)

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Re: ELEX Steam + GOG

Post by dl748 »

If you updated the engine, radiation and poison use different health locations. I have fixed this and it should be working for those environments as well.

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Re: ELEX Steam + GOG

Post by Hugana »

could you add the values for relationships in the game?

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Re: ELEX Steam + GOG

Post by JackQW »

Here are some more POIs (in lua for dropping into the script) for the drop-down in the table... These all have +1 added to Z coord to prevent stuck/death on teleport.

Code: Select all

local poi = {
  { desc = "Top of the World", x = 171.186696467868, z = 1875.74657750033, y = 3209.51171619998 },
  { desc = "Abandoned Cliffs", x = -2223.251953125, z = 207.726501464844, y = -2787.51318359375 },
  { desc = "Berserker Island", x = -1834.28125, z = 180.427871704102, y = -3075.95092773438 },
  { desc = "Blacksmith of Goliet", x = -1077.22521972656, z = 401.879465542734, y = -2218.09106445313 },
  { desc = "Camp in the Center", x = -1291.775390625, z = 508.431549072266, y = -1017.71984863281 },
  { desc = "Castle Ruins of West Ignadon", x = 771.491760253906, z = 603.788915909827, y = -544.690979003906 },
  { desc = "Cathedral", x = 1468.61584472656, z = 527.784204103053, y = 193.80827331543 },
  { desc = "Company premises: West Edan", x = -2316.39013671875, z = 240.147186279297, y = -2414.90551757813 },
  { desc = "Company premises: Volcano", x = 520.2958984375, z = 525.170288048685, y = -115.866539001465 },
  { desc = "Company premises: North Abessa", x = -627.488342285156, z = 560.823549598455, y = 115.144195556641 },
  { desc = "Converter in East Xacor", x = -1254.27087402344, z = 585.260897606611, y = 621.79736328125 },
  { desc = "Converter in Edan", x = -1631.78491210938, z = 284.390289306641, y = -1827.85375976563 },
  { desc = "Converter in Ignadon", x = -58.3029441833496, z = 540.149145416915, y = 498.842529296875 },
  { desc = "Converter in North Abessa", x = -1338.68701171875, z = 469.525909423828, y = -306.592315673828 },
  { desc = "Converter in South Abessa", x = -848.668090820313, z = 461.785949707031, y = -606.985778808594 },
  { desc = "Converter in Tavar", x = -313.690704345703, z = 285.918095543981, y = -1691.76208496094 },
  { desc = "Converter in West Xacor", x = -1421.27124023438, z = 552.695398405194, y = 223.260040283203 },
  { desc = "Crater", x = 952.348876953125, z = 491.245025634766, y = -296.495239257813 },
  { desc = "Dam", x = -539.780151367188, z = 500.367492675781, y = -358.572113037109 },
  { desc = "Domed City", x = -1799.00744628906, z = 421.132751464844, y = -839.695373535156 },
  { desc = "Duke's Bunker", x = 483.194122314453, z = 336.215850830078, y = -2158.3916015625 },
  { desc = "Fort", x = 399.338775634766, z = 315.678070068359, y = -1959.59240722656 },
  { desc = "Goliet", x = -1336.0859375, z = 340.013122558594, y = -2179.56225585938 },
  { desc = "Great Lift", x = -1734.20166015625, z = 281.238354161382, y = -2358.5009765625 },
  { desc = "Hangar", x = 846.531494140625, z = 548.829955950379, y = 525.584228515625 },
  { desc = "Hort", x = 1167.82592773438, z = 514.055694460869, y = 284.927520751953 },
  { desc = "Hotel Ruins of Goliet", x = -1140.1396484375, z = 416.595056422055, y = -2382.28051757813 },
  { desc = "Lava Lake", x = 1120.10030429687, z = 470.414779654704, y = -854.895128178254 },
  { desc = "Mountain Lake", x = -586.543395996094, z = 411.651092529297, y = -2157.38916015625 },
  { desc = "Old Factory", x = -171.138626098633, z = 188.511535644531, y = -2467.21240234375 },
  { desc = "Old Windfarm", x = 106.422836303711, z = 283.599426269531, y = -2278.3447265625 },
  { desc = "River Delta", x = -1313.98620605469, z = 281.898101806641, y = -2705.5908203125 },
  { desc = "Ruins of the Dome", x = 295.502502441406, z = 291.153167724609, y = -1549.42248535156 },
  { desc = "Sandy Pines", x = -950.906311035156, z = 312.155517578125, y = -1690.46057128906 },
  { desc = "Small Camp", x = -1564.40319824219, z = 285.416802883148, y = -2066.95434570313 },
  { desc = "Small Farm", x = -2005.09655761719, z = 376.057464599609, y = -1029.14270019531 },
  { desc = "Southern Cliffs", x = 469.287139892578, z = 283.82373046875, y = -2436.73486328125 },
  { desc = "Southern Pass", x = -1228.64709472656, z = 554.384826563299, y = 138.537307739258 },
  { desc = "Southern Pass", x = -1228.64709472656, z = 554.384863190353, y = 138.537307739258 },
  { desc = "Tavar Mountains", x = -587.220947265625, z = 391.656341552734, y = -1202.1083984375 },
  { desc = "Valley of the Damned", x = -2061.59594726563, z = 189.49787902832, y = -2531.57250976563 },
Last edited by JackQW on Tue Oct 24, 2017 11:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ELEX Steam + GOG

Post by JackQW »

I didn't change the coordinates for the Hort in the code above from the original, though it should be noted they get you stuck in a rock...

I also did a find and replace on ': ' to ' = ' shortly before posting, so the titles for company premises were screwed up. fixed, mb lol

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Re: ELEX Steam + GOG

Post by Aztec2012 »

Please make a add item to inventory option in table

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Re: ELEX Steam + GOG

Post by SelphieStr »

game crashes with this table

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Re: ELEX Steam + GOG

Post by AoBoy »

Am I crazy or do attributes really not give you any bonus to combat ect?

Like if you have 200 strength you will do 0 bonus dmg.

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Re: ELEX Steam + GOG

Post by LorgrenBenirus »

It seems that stats are there mainly as checks for gear and skills, i.e. you need specific amount of some or another stat to learn a skill or use an item. But no, unlike in Gothic it gives no bonus. Bonus comes from other stats, there was some Reddit topic somewhere where people were looking into skills more in depth.

As for the table, it works well mostly, only thing which can act up is the item quantity change, that can freeze CE.

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Re: ELEX Steam + GOG

Post by dl748 »

JackQW wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2017 7:00 pm
Here are some more POIs (in lua for dropping into the script) for the drop-down in the table... These all have +1 added to Z coord to prevent stuck/death on teleport.
Thanks for the POIs. I'll add them, the Holt one works for me... hmmm... I'll add a little more Z then.

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Re: ELEX Steam + GOG

Post by Nethic412 »

I'm sure your aware of this but the game updated and now at least the stamina freeze isn't working.

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