hmm i still don't understand how to change/add perks to uruks.
for example on one uruk i have epic trait "great strength"
now, when i click on change address, i can see off sets, values and so on:
as per info from SeiKur0, last 2 offsets are 20 and 0 on all of them, and to edit value i need to:
- remove last 2 off sets
- change type to 8 bits
and this is where i get confused .. so now i'm suppose to get the value i need for the perk that i want so i can then copy/paste it to another uruk, for example for "great strength" its this:
address is only editable if i remove the selector from the "pointer", but it then loses offsets and i get:
doesn't matter what value to enter in "address" field, after you select "pointer", it all turn into question marks
and if i add offsets manually, it gives me some other perk (from existing ones for specific uruk, because i thought i could list through all of the perks but no)
so i guess my questions are:
- what am i doing wrong in the above?
- is it possible to add perks to uruks or just change existing ones?