Middle-earth: Shadow of War (PATCH 11.10.2017)

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Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of War (PATCH 11.10.2017)

Post by sleepylilreapy »

SunBeam wrote:
Sun Oct 15, 2017 2:51 pm
dirtydanisreal wrote:
Sun Oct 15, 2017 2:32 pm
So dumped the strings and found all SORTS of goodies!!!!
Did you happen to find anything on the lines of ShowDebugMenu?

How did you access the debug?

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of War (PATCH 11.10.2017)

Post by yamamotosan »

Hello Seikuro-Senpai,I'm here to confirm that the Legendary uruk option work very well.
Really thank you! ^^

Edit:oh...sh** Really sorry and thank you too,Mr.Kalas Your Unlimited Focus work well too!

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Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of War (PATCH 11.10.2017)

Post by Nixye »

Soo, i thik i fckd up really good, i tried to up level on the EPIC Celebrimbor set, the cape and the armor, and they vanished from the game.

There is a way to replicate them? What are the options to choose from?

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Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of War (PATCH 11.10.2017)

Post by LoneStrider »

Can someone tell me why I get this pop up - Expected Process = TEW2.exe - the only thing I change is I remove the part to open up a website when enabling the table and delete the site in the enable menu. Thanks.

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Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of War (PATCH 11.10.2017)

Post by Kalas »

I must have forgotten to set it to SOW.exe instead, just replace with the game process .exe.

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Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of War (PATCH 11.10.2017)

Post by Testify »

predprey wrote:
Wed Oct 18, 2017 7:26 am

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Multi Skill Upgrade Toggle (Modifier Key Ctrl/L2)"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
aobscanmodule(aob_controllerState,ShadowOfWar.exe,0F 11 87 40 01 00 00 48 8D)

  lea rbp,[rdi+00000140]
  mov [ptr_controllerState],rbp
  movups [rdi+00000140],xmm0
  jmp long return_controllerState

  jmp newmem_controllerState


aobscanmodule(aob_MultiSkillUpgrade,ShadowOfWar.exe,49 8B 16 45 8B C7)

  sub rsp,28
//Keyboard Modifier
  push rax
  push rcx
  push rdx
  push r8
  push r9
  push r10
  push r11
  mov rcx,11 //VK_CONTROL = 0x11
  call GetAsyncKeyState
  test ax,ax
  pop r11
  pop r10
  pop r9
  pop r8
  pop rdx
  pop rcx
  pop rax
  js short @f
//Gamepad Modifier
  push rax
  mov rax,[ptr_controllerState]
  cmp byte ptr [rax+6],0
  pop rax
  jne short @f
  add rsp,28
//Original Code
  jmp long return_MultiSkillUpgrade
  add rsp,28
  jmp long return_MultiSkillUpgrade

  jmp newmem_MultiSkillUpgrade



// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: ShadowOfWar.AK::StreamMgr::SetFileLocationResolver+8A184A

"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572C5: 48 8B 8E A0 03 00 00  -  mov rcx,[rsi+000003A0]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572CC: 48 85 C9              -  test rcx,rcx
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572CF: 74 21                 -  je ShadowOfWar.exe+18572F2
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572D1: 4C 39 61 40           -  cmp [rcx+40],r12
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572D5: 74 1B                 -  je ShadowOfWar.exe+18572F2
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572D7: 48 8B 0D 02 3D AD 00  -  mov rcx,[ShadowOfWar.exe+232AFE0]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572DE: BA 08 00 00 00        -  mov edx,00000008
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572E3: 4D 8B 06              -  mov r8,[r14]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572E6: 48 8B 89 18 6D 00 00  -  mov rcx,[rcx+00006D18]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572ED: E8 76 86 F6 FF        -  call ShadowOfWar.exe+17BF968
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572F2: 49 8B 16              -  mov rdx,[r14]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572F5: 45 8B C7              -  mov r8d,r15d
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572F8: 48 8B CE              -  mov rcx,rsi
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572FB: E8 68 72 C7 FE        -  call ShadowOfWar.exe+4CE568
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+1857300: 49 83 C6 08           -  add r14,08
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+1857304: 48 FF C7              -  inc rdi
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+1857307: 48 3B FB              -  cmp rdi,rbx
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+185730A: 75 A7                 -  jne ShadowOfWar.exe+18572B3
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+185730C: 8B 85 90 01 00 00     -  mov eax,[rbp+00000190]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+1857312: 48 8D 8D 98 01 00 00  -  lea rcx,[rbp+00000198]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+1857319: 49 8B FC              -  mov rdi,r12
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+185731C: 4C 8D B5 98 01 00 00  -  lea r14,[rbp+00000198]


  db 0F 11 87 40 01 00 00

// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: ShadowOfWar.AK::MemoryMgr::Free+8E792

"ShadowOfWar.exe"+245989: 41 56                 -  push r14
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+24598B: 41 57                 -  push r15
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+24598D: 48 83 EC 30           -  sub rsp,30
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+245991: 48 8B F9              -  mov rdi,rcx
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+245994: 48 8D 91 18 01 00 00  -  lea rdx,[rcx+00000118]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+24599B: 48 8D 48 18           -  lea rcx,[rax+18]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+24599F: E8 8C B5 B8 00        -  call ShadowOfWar.exe+DD0F30
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459A4: 0F 10 87 90 01 00 00  -  movups xmm0,[rdi+00000190]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459AB: 4C 8D B7 80 01 00 00  -  lea r14,[rdi+00000180]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459B2: 4C 8D 7F 08           -  lea r15,[rdi+08]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459B6: 0F 11 87 40 01 00 00  -  movups [rdi+00000140],xmm0
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459BD: 48 8D 6C 24 70        -  lea rbp,[rsp+70]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459C2: 0F 10 8F A0 01 00 00  -  movups xmm1,[rdi+000001A0]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459C9: 0F 11 8F 50 01 00 00  -  movups [rdi+00000150],xmm1
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459D0: 0F 10 87 B0 01 00 00  -  movups xmm0,[rdi+000001B0]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459D7: 0F 11 87 60 01 00 00  -  movups [rdi+00000160],xmm0
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459DE: 0F 10 8F C0 01 00 00  -  movups xmm1,[rdi+000001C0]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459E5: 0F 11 8F 70 01 00 00  -  movups [rdi+00000170],xmm1
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459EC: 8B 87 D0 01 00 00     -  mov eax,[rdi+000001D0]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459F2: 89 44 24 70           -  mov [rsp+70],eax
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459F6: 33 C0                 -  xor eax,eax
Multi Skill Upgrade Toggle (Modifier Key Ctrl/L2) - Self-explanatory. Retains normal game behavior if modifier key is not pressed.
I am having a hard time assembling this and when i do get it to assemble it will not activate... obviously I am a complete rookie at CE coding, if anyone could help I would appreciate it.

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Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of War (PATCH 11.10.2017)

Post by sleepylilreapy »

dirtydanisreal wrote:
Sun Oct 15, 2017 5:43 pm
SunBeam wrote:
Sun Oct 15, 2017 2:51 pm
dirtydanisreal wrote:
Sun Oct 15, 2017 2:32 pm
So dumped the strings and found all SORTS of goodies!!!!
Did you happen to find anything on the lines of ShowDebugMenu?

Woah how did you get to that menu!?

and here is some stuff

9175181C - ShowDebugMenu
141F7B4E8 - ShowDebugMenu
93AB06D4 - DebugMenu_Active
93E4C70C - DebugMenu
93E4D248 - DebugMenuActivate_Hydra
93E4D304 - DebugMenuActivate_Menu
93F91AC4 - DebugMenu_ConsoleCommand
93F91AE0 - DBG-MenuButton
93F91E2C - DebugMenu_ScriptHookEntry
93F91E48 - DBG-ScriptHookEntry
94086970 - DebugMenuActivate1
94086984 - DebugMenuActivate2
94086998 - DebugMenuActivate3
940869AC - DebugMenuActivate4
940872F4 - DebugGodShortcut
94087308 - DebugMenuGodShortcut
141B75D80 - DebugMenuActivate3
141B75D98 - DebugMenuActivate4
141B75DB0 - DebugMenuActivate1
141B75DC8 - DebugMenuActivate2
141B94458 - InDebugMenu
141BC51C0 - Debug.Shared
141BC51D0 - Debug Menu Information.
141BC51E8 - DebugMenuCommandSet
141BC5408 - ShowInDebugMenu
141BC53B8 - Debug.ConvarShortcut
938CDEAC - interface\flash\widgets\debugmenu.gfx
93AAF6B0 - DebugMenu_PromptBar
93E4D4FC - DebugSpawnMode
93EB8444 - Debug_CheatEntry
93EB8458 - DBG-CheatEntry
93EEC0C8 - menu_debug_enter
93F1496C - menu_debug_exit
93F5C878 - Debug/DebugDraw
93F5C888 - Debug.DebugDraw
940681A4 - Mirian_DebugGrant
9408DE3C - UI.DebugScreenoutput 1
94354474 - Open Debug Settings
94367C76 - (Debug) Set As Follower
94643D4A - DEBUG - Possess
95A83889 - p_debug
950E7804 - debug /O3 /nologo /noprecompile /DPLATFORM_PC_DX11=1
C583B174 - MountDebug.CommandOveride
141BC53B8 - Debug.ConvarShortcut
141BC5620 - DebugScript
141BC5630 - Debug.LevelScriptType
141BC5648 - public Debug.DebugScript
141BC5668 - Debug.DebugScript

i have some more commands if you need them. saw a ton that are debug related. itd be amazing if there was a way you could get access to the console or somthing like you did with PREY, where you can query commands to it.

Itd be epic if we can swap out the player model or the model for the orc. Also i was trying to see if i could grab the value to let you do the double jump multiple times.
Hey man, how do we activate the debug menu or input these addresses, they are addresses right? Sorry im v new to cheat engine and would like to know how you found these, thanks

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Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of War (PATCH 11.10.2017)

Post by squall0833 »

do you need to go offline when using CE attached to the game?

or it's fine?

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Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of War (PATCH 11.10.2017)

Post by Kalas »

I would recommend launching the game in offline mode.

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Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of War (PATCH 11.10.2017)

Post by Megasder »

Testify wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2017 4:11 pm
predprey wrote:
Wed Oct 18, 2017 7:26 am

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Multi Skill Upgrade Toggle (Modifier Key Ctrl/L2)"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
aobscanmodule(aob_controllerState,ShadowOfWar.exe,0F 11 87 40 01 00 00 48 8D)

  lea rbp,[rdi+00000140]
  mov [ptr_controllerState],rbp
  movups [rdi+00000140],xmm0
  jmp long return_controllerState

  jmp newmem_controllerState


aobscanmodule(aob_MultiSkillUpgrade,ShadowOfWar.exe,49 8B 16 45 8B C7)

  sub rsp,28
//Keyboard Modifier
  push rax
  push rcx
  push rdx
  push r8
  push r9
  push r10
  push r11
  mov rcx,11 //VK_CONTROL = 0x11
  call GetAsyncKeyState
  test ax,ax
  pop r11
  pop r10
  pop r9
  pop r8
  pop rdx
  pop rcx
  pop rax
  js short @f
//Gamepad Modifier
  push rax
  mov rax,[ptr_controllerState]
  cmp byte ptr [rax+6],0
  pop rax
  jne short @f
  add rsp,28
//Original Code
  jmp long return_MultiSkillUpgrade
  add rsp,28
  jmp long return_MultiSkillUpgrade

  jmp newmem_MultiSkillUpgrade



// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: ShadowOfWar.AK::StreamMgr::SetFileLocationResolver+8A184A

"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572C5: 48 8B 8E A0 03 00 00  -  mov rcx,[rsi+000003A0]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572CC: 48 85 C9              -  test rcx,rcx
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572CF: 74 21                 -  je ShadowOfWar.exe+18572F2
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572D1: 4C 39 61 40           -  cmp [rcx+40],r12
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572D5: 74 1B                 -  je ShadowOfWar.exe+18572F2
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572D7: 48 8B 0D 02 3D AD 00  -  mov rcx,[ShadowOfWar.exe+232AFE0]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572DE: BA 08 00 00 00        -  mov edx,00000008
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572E3: 4D 8B 06              -  mov r8,[r14]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572E6: 48 8B 89 18 6D 00 00  -  mov rcx,[rcx+00006D18]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572ED: E8 76 86 F6 FF        -  call ShadowOfWar.exe+17BF968
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572F2: 49 8B 16              -  mov rdx,[r14]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572F5: 45 8B C7              -  mov r8d,r15d
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572F8: 48 8B CE              -  mov rcx,rsi
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+18572FB: E8 68 72 C7 FE        -  call ShadowOfWar.exe+4CE568
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+1857300: 49 83 C6 08           -  add r14,08
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+1857304: 48 FF C7              -  inc rdi
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+1857307: 48 3B FB              -  cmp rdi,rbx
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+185730A: 75 A7                 -  jne ShadowOfWar.exe+18572B3
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+185730C: 8B 85 90 01 00 00     -  mov eax,[rbp+00000190]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+1857312: 48 8D 8D 98 01 00 00  -  lea rcx,[rbp+00000198]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+1857319: 49 8B FC              -  mov rdi,r12
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+185731C: 4C 8D B5 98 01 00 00  -  lea r14,[rbp+00000198]


  db 0F 11 87 40 01 00 00

// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: ShadowOfWar.AK::MemoryMgr::Free+8E792

"ShadowOfWar.exe"+245989: 41 56                 -  push r14
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+24598B: 41 57                 -  push r15
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+24598D: 48 83 EC 30           -  sub rsp,30
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+245991: 48 8B F9              -  mov rdi,rcx
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+245994: 48 8D 91 18 01 00 00  -  lea rdx,[rcx+00000118]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+24599B: 48 8D 48 18           -  lea rcx,[rax+18]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+24599F: E8 8C B5 B8 00        -  call ShadowOfWar.exe+DD0F30
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459A4: 0F 10 87 90 01 00 00  -  movups xmm0,[rdi+00000190]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459AB: 4C 8D B7 80 01 00 00  -  lea r14,[rdi+00000180]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459B2: 4C 8D 7F 08           -  lea r15,[rdi+08]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459B6: 0F 11 87 40 01 00 00  -  movups [rdi+00000140],xmm0
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459BD: 48 8D 6C 24 70        -  lea rbp,[rsp+70]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459C2: 0F 10 8F A0 01 00 00  -  movups xmm1,[rdi+000001A0]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459C9: 0F 11 8F 50 01 00 00  -  movups [rdi+00000150],xmm1
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459D0: 0F 10 87 B0 01 00 00  -  movups xmm0,[rdi+000001B0]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459D7: 0F 11 87 60 01 00 00  -  movups [rdi+00000160],xmm0
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459DE: 0F 10 8F C0 01 00 00  -  movups xmm1,[rdi+000001C0]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459E5: 0F 11 8F 70 01 00 00  -  movups [rdi+00000170],xmm1
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459EC: 8B 87 D0 01 00 00     -  mov eax,[rdi+000001D0]
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459F2: 89 44 24 70           -  mov [rsp+70],eax
"ShadowOfWar.exe"+2459F6: 33 C0                 -  xor eax,eax
Multi Skill Upgrade Toggle (Modifier Key Ctrl/L2) - Self-explanatory. Retains normal game behavior if modifier key is not pressed.
I am having a hard time assembling this and when i do get it to assemble it will not activate... obviously I am a complete rookie at CE coding, if anyone could help I would appreciate it.
Go Here and in the first comment you can download the table

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Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of War (PATCH 11.10.2017)

Post by Formous »

Is anyone able to take a look at Army's No Mount Cooldown Script? I can toggle it, but it has no effect ingame at all. Playing on Steam version.

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Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of War (PATCH 11.10.2017)

Post by Testify »

has anyone found a working unlimited mount might yet?

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Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of War (PATCH 11.10.2017)

Post by Formous »

SunBeam wrote:
Thu Oct 26, 2017 3:37 pm
Care to clarify on that? If you meant "has anyone disabled the Summon timer?" - then yes, I have it working.
Can you post the script or a CT? I would love to have it. Though a question. I did get the timer to work once, but it caused orc captains to fully heal too.

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Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of War (PATCH 11.10.2017)

Post by Formous »

SunBeam wrote:
Thu Oct 26, 2017 9:24 pm
^ The location Army's hooked is managing more than just the Summon timer. That's why. Filtering needs to be applied.
I think part of my issue is I have no idea how to code a CT, or understand it's language :/

As such, I have to ask someone to help me get the mount CD working, or at least what I have to do. IN effect, I need help getting it to work, as I have no idea how to get started fixing the coding.

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Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of War (PATCH 11.10.2017)

Post by TG1K986 »

I'm a bit late, but thx for CT. :thumbsup:

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