Might be a weird question but is there any method to kill a lot of orcs at the same time in the garrison(since you can only have 300 and the only way atm is discarding them into gear atm)
Credit To djdrulotus for sharing the game with me!
Unlimited Health
One Hit Kill
No Player Collision
Unlimited Focus
Unlimited Elf-Shot
Unlimited Wrath Energy
Unlimited Might
Unlimited Might (Brutal Executions)
Unlimited Mount Might (WIP)
Mega XP
Set Gems To 99
Set Coins To Massive
Set Skill Points To 99 Pointers
Note: No Player Collision will stop AI's from damaging Talion. (Talion Can Still Damage AI's)
Shadow of War.CT
Soo oddly when i turn on "one shot kill" it literally makes everything have the ability to 1 shot anything. Like its not just the player who can one shot, it makes all the AI be able to one shot.
What am I doing wrong to copy / paste that code for enable everything?
You can also create a new text file, it doesnt matter how you name it, then enter the text file and paste what you have copied, then save and exit and change the ".txt" file to ".ct" and open it, if you want to add that cheat to your current cheat table open the file, right click the cheat and copy, go to you table and paste it.
I think the game must have updated, some stuffs stopped working. I dont use most of the infinite health and stuff like that anyway but when I tried opening the player section of cheats them they didnt work/open either. Most notably, I saw that the effects listed under items didnt give names anymore, just numbers. So the item editor is broke, which is sad, was going to try changing an effect today instead of just raising the level of an item I really liked that was too old anymore.
Hopefully someone can help me. I am trying to run this table but it doesnt work.
Here are the steps I take.
1. I run the game, all the way until my last save point and pause it there.
2. I click on this table.ct
3. I click on the PC Icon, click on the shadow of war process.
4. Below under Active, I click enable.
5. Then one by one I check those cheats I want to use.
6. I go back to game but nothing happens.
On top, right where it says FOUND, it has a 0 next to it. Below. the big box its empty, its there something supposed to be there?
It was made a week ago, unless the game updated again, the table should work just fine.
not sure that this is relevant, but please double-check the latest table script.
the table works fine, but there is a small pop-up that might confuse users and make them thing that the table does not work or the game was updated, none is the case.
copy/paste from the latest version:
// Selected Process
if(process == nil) then
ShowMessage('No Process Was Selected')
elseif (process ~= "TEW2.exe") then
ShowMessage('Expected Process = TEW2.exe')
// Site
my point is that everyone who downloaded the table updated on the 17th, will get this popup after selecting shadow of war process and activate the script. the script activates fine, so just click ok and proceed normally.
not sure what game is TEW2.exe for, but is not shadow of war.
Guys. So I went and fought Sauron and didn't get to read the prompt that it would lock out all my other quests because I tabbed space really quickly (was doing pit fights to level orcs up before this).
I now don't have three skills unlocked. Like I can't summon a drake anymore and I can't call in tougher warriors and what not. Is there anyway to hack these in? Really don't want to redo everything just to unlock all skills. =(
You can try restoring older saves.
I think the game automatically make backups in Documents\WB Games\Shadow of War, the older ones have a number between the number of the save and the game name (<number>_5_ShadowOfWar).
Don't forget to backup your saves.
:/ Rip. That'll teach me for using a one drive link.
Sorry about the new random ass picture.. Apparently it's just going to change to whatever I save in that slot.
And I can't do anything about it now, cause I deleted the original.
So for anyone interested, the change of image happened using onedrive, but I just always overwrite the same file when I take snippits. Apparently overwriting that file left the link / everything intact. So instead of a broken image, it just replaced the image. qed, stick to uploading your shit externally to dropbox / imgur / whatever unless it's something you intentionally want to exploit? Idk. rip.
So I backed up my save under documents WB Games and allowed my friend to start a new game, but when I copy and paste my back up into it again it doesn't load it in the game...