Credit To djdrulotus for sharing the game with me!
Unlimited Health
One Hit Kill
No Player Collision
Unlimited Focus
Unlimited Elf-Shot
Unlimited Wrath Energy
Unlimited Might
Unlimited Might (Brutal Executions)
Unlimited Mount Might (WIP)
Mega XP
Set Gems To 99
Set Coins To Massive
Set Skill Points To 99 Pointers
Thanks for the table but can you explain how the "Set Gems To 99" works ?
I picked up some Gems and fused some together but no 99 for me
Hmm you basically change the "Set Gems To 99" from Off to On and you can mouse over each gem to change It to 99, or just re-open Inventory to change them all, It most likely will consume but just refill it back up like I told you.
I'm currently working on Mount Summon Cooldown, I've also made Mega XP. If you have other suggestions I'll try to take a look at them
Unlimited Talion Wrath Energy
Unlimited Mount Might (WIP)
Mega XP
The reason Mount Might (WIP) Is at this stage Is mainly because I don't understand if any normal mount will be able to use Might or only summoned mounts, so It's pretty much going to write (float)100 to your Mount might, If It's not working just let me know.
I really wonder if this game has some sort of anti-cheat in it... All I want is loot crates (I was stupid enough to start the game on hard and then realized that the whole endgame is all about boring grinding, or paying real money for crates to avoid being bored to death), but don't want to lose online completely (love those vendetta missions) and totally don't want to get banned by WB. What do you think, guys? The table looks fantastic... but is it safe to use with online enabled, like it was with Dark Souls?
{ Game : ShadowOfWar.exe
Date : 2017-10-12
Author : Kalas
This script does blah blah blah
aobscanmodule(PlayerCollision,ShadowOfWar.exe,48 8B C4 48 89 58 10 48 89 70 18 55 57 41 54 41 56 41 57 48 8D A8 68)
db 48 8B C4 48 89 58 10
I Back Traced when getting damaged, AI's can't damage themselves or you but you can damage anyone else. It's still in a wip stage but you can have fun with it in a way. Remember It's only for AI's attacks so getting your Health lost when using skills/abilities still counts. If you want you can try to mess with some stuff yourself, and perhaps get to a pointer where your Allies can damage AI's and still won't be effected by AI's attack on them
Last edited by Kalas on Thu Oct 12, 2017 4:12 pm, edited 3 times in total.