birthdate seems to be a number of days since 15.10.1582. You can use online calculators for this: [Link] start date must be 1582-10-15, end date should be a date of birth of your player. if you want to have 17yo player just put there for example 2010-7-3. Result will be "156 221". So, if you set Messi birthdate to "156221" he should be 17yo.
Last edited by Aranaktu on Sun Oct 01, 2017 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Updated "Player Data". Most important stuff like skillmoves/hairs/potential etc. has been added. Let me know if I forgot about something important
- Added "Edit Job Offer".
Edit potential??? Aranaktu you're a god, I love you
birthdate seems to be a number of days since 15.10.1582. You can use online calculators for this: [Link] ... 2=29&ti=on start date must be 1582-10-15, end date should be a date of birth of your player. if you want to have 17yo player just put there for example 2010-7-3. Result will be "156 221". So, if you set Messi birthdate to "156221" he should be 17yo.
- Maic updated his BootsID list! You can find it in first post! Thanks Maic!
- Added preferredposition4 to "Player Data"
- Added "The Journey" -> "99 Skill Points".
- Added "Youth Academy".
Join discord channel to check news about update and development progress. [Link]
- Maic updated his BootsID list! You can find it in first post! Thanks Maic!
- Added preferredposition4 to "Player Data"
- Added "The Journey" -> "99 Skill Points".
- Added "Youth Academy".
Join discord channel to check news about update and development progress. [Link]