Hi Aranaktu, thanks for the AMAZING work, one question, is it possible to alter the beard of a player? I tried coping the same beardtypeID of Sergio Ramos, but nothing really happens, all the rest is working perfectly, another question, where can I edit the celebrations and free kick type...
This video shows you how to put beards on players: [Link]
How to use this cheat table?
Install Cheat Engine
Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
Keep the list.
Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Hi Aranaktu, thanks for the AMAZING work, one question, is it possible to alter the beard of a player? I tried coping the same beardtypeID of Sergio Ramos, but nothing really happens, all the rest is working perfectly, another question, where can I edit the celebrations and free kick type...
This video shows you how to put beards on players: [Link]
Thanks msrajjc2 but the proble is that I created a player for myself, started a career mode (manager) and I have been using it in the game but I can't change his face/beard I can only change the beard and physical features of the youth players...
When using Easy Player edit does not bring me data, I only see "??"
Works fine for me, I bought the game.
finally it worked The problem was that I was not checking each of the attributes, I only modified the value, but I never selected them.
Is there any way to modify the name of a team or its shield?
Is there anyway to make it so there is always a job offer open to move to a club? would love the ability to switch between clubs more than once a season by using the edit job offer. If you could make it so there was always the possibility, it could career mode very interesting.
Aranaktu, just to feedback to u, the table is great so far, just that there a minor kinks, whenenver i edit the players stats and age in edit players, the age gets set to 57 years old everytime whenever the age settings is not clicked, are u able to fix it