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Hello people, i decide to revamp this table.
Update v2.5:
[Patch] Request always Validate
What this table do:
Set gold to 25000 value can increase or be handily setted
Freeze Time
Freeze time
Can occur some 'blockade' of activity who need month changing
This trigger will evolve in the progress of table dev
Houses - Fill Goods & Visitors , with 14 sub adjustment.
Fill all the requirement of Houses.
For each goods and visitor you can Manually block filling with specific trigger.
Houses - Elites House no Req
Build Elite house, whithout oil, fleese, food or not good appeal
Buildings - No Hasard (Fire / Collapse)
Remove Fire and Collapse hazard for houses and buildings.
Buildings - Fill with worker
Fill all your buildings with workers.
Buildings - Raw & Goods filled
Fill all buildings who need with Raw or Goods
Buildings - Instant Productions / Craft
Set instant production to all buildings.
Buildings - Allow all buildings
Unlock all the buildings, decorations, hero halls, ...
Buildings - Free placement Farms + Orchards
Allow you to build Farms and Orchards outside of meadows fields
Buildings - Heros Halls Auto fill
Allow you to summon heros just like if all requirement are filled.
Storages - Unlock Resources
Allow Warehouses and Granaries to receive all resources (in the limitation of the game, food for granaries, etc.)
Max Desirability
All the map glow.
Request - always Validate
Auto validate request, auto fill request for goods, money & army without modifying your stock.
Even without need reserve you can validate the requests.
Also reduce invasion Bribe cost to 1 (Also reduce troops to minimal amount if you dont bribe them)
Temple - dont need sacrifices
Temples dont need sacrifice to works
Mission - Open play
Make your mission an Open play mission like in sandbox mode.
If you want to restore the "Mission goals" just be uncheck the trigger.
Mission - AutoWin
Has he say instant win the mission.
Don't work if you have triggered "Open play"
PanHellenic Games - Win
Make you win all PanHellenic Games.
Add specific sub-trigger to allow you to participate even if you don't have cultural buildings may be buggy
Diplomacy - Max relation with towns and Colonies
Make all the town and colonies like you.
Trade - ResetTrade
Caravans and boats buy and sell products at each passage.
Ingame - Editor
Check this trigger activate the level editor wizard.
Uncheck this trigger brings you back to ingame 'normal' screen.
Use the screen drop-down menu to navigate between menu and avoid some crashes or bugs.
Editing - Cities on Worldmap
Allow you to change value of selected foreign city in world-map screen:
Diplomatic Status on (Ally / Rival / Vassal)
Diplomatic Relation
Military Strength
Monetary Strength
Tweak : Remove Temple Limit
Build many temples as you want. (Limit is now 100 but the ingame maximum temple is 6)
Tweak - Priests buy animals
Priests buys animals instead of rapt them.
If you have less than 100 Drachmes priest go rapt animals.
Dont works if you use "Temple - dont need sacrifices"
Tweak : StoreHouse
Make All ressources is 'Don't Accept' at the construction of new StoreHouse.
Times pointers
Just trigger with time indication
With Pan Hellenic Game Activation/Disactivation Dropdown
Mission Temple Max
Show Happiness level
Select for build (Pointer with selected building to build)
Test - Auto validate Army request (Just a test script may be not work at all)
table of Tosasi.
How to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1