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Hello I'm new and already having problem

Post by Julien »

I'm trying to understand a game, i think there's a struct that has all the data about my character, but they change with time, please help me understand how to make the data not change? The adress shown is relative to the system memory or is it relative to the the process memory? (like for example, adress 0x22DAA is 0x22DAA + my process memory location?)

In short, how to make sure I always find the adress of the same value without having to look everytime?

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Re: Hello I'm new and already having problem

Post by sasatefa2009 »

kiddo, have you checked the tutorial ? step 6 and 8 exactly.
also search youtube for " pointer scanner "

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Re: Hello I'm new and already having problem

Post by Julien »

I did, but... I did not understand that part :oops:

Could you maybe give me just the gist of it so I can try those steps again? (I even saved the password for the step I couldn't do so I could come back later after understanding some more about this stuff)

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Re: Hello I'm new and already having problem

Post by sasatefa2009 »

Oh, you look so fresh. You don't need to save any password. Just press skip at the right bottom.

There are a lot of tutorials on YouTube on how to bypass all cheat engine tutorial.

Just search YouTube " cheat engine step 6 " first
And " cheat engine tutorial "

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