Unlimited Health
Unlimited Shield
Unlimited Ammo
Unlimited Mayhem Ability
Unlimited Skill Points
Unlimited Gremlin Tech
Unlimited Items
Unlimited Car Health
Unlimited Car Boost
Drain Target Health (WIP)
One Hit Kill
No Gun Overheat
Easy Pickables
Easy XP
Easy Level
Game Version: PATCH 08.23.2017
Future Plans:
No Wanted Level
Instant Gadget Cooldown One Hit Kill Unlimited Gremlin Tech Unlimited Items Drain Target Health Easy Level
Im useing the steam version and I couldnt activate Easy XP plus I died in one shoot with Unlimited Health and Shield turn on, dont know why. But a great table if you would add no alarm the table would be perfect.
Im useing the steam version and I couldnt activate Easy XP plus I died in one shoot with Unlimited Health and Shield turn on, dont know why. But a great table if you would add no alarm the table would be perfect.
You mean like Wanted Level? that bar that feels red ?
PS: If you can send me a save file so I can test the Health issue, I know why the XP isn't working I'll try to fix it now.
Yeah if you could add the wanted level would be cool.
Here is the save file:
Alright, so basically the XP Cheat I will fix it tomorrow, but as far as for the Health issue.. the reason It killed you Is because the Unlimited Car Health and Boost were conflicting with other values so I fixed those, hopefully that you can't upgrade Car Boost Value because I compared It to 100 (Max Boost Value).
I tested the table and all options work as they should, there are no problems and the player cant die. Car health works and the boost also works without any problems when you add the No Wanted Level, Instant Gadget Cooldown ( hope this is the special ability or is it the Gremlin Tech) and fix the Exp the table should have all you need, maybe Unlimited Jump or One Hit Kill, and once again thx for making the table.
I tested the table and all options work as they should, there are no problems and the player cant die. Car health works and the boost also works without any problems when you add the No Wanted Level, Instant Gadget Cooldown ( hope this is the special ability or is it the Gremlin Tech) and fix the Exp the table should have all you need, maybe Unlimited Jump or One Hit Kill, and once again thx for making the table.
Thanks for using it, appreciate it!
PS: I'll see what I can do, can't promise anything , about your question It's the Gadget in the character selection bar, when pressing Q.
Added Unlimited Gremlin Tech, Items, Drain Target Health (WIP).
PS: Drain Target Health Is still Work In Progress, currently It's effecting Player too but with Unlimited Health and Shield Activated It won't effect you. (Disable the Script to be able to kill the Target)
Last edited by Kalas on Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Unlimited Car Health doesn't work for me & any chance you'd add "Unlimited Special Ability" & "One Hit Kill"? other then that awesome table, tyvm!
Trying really hard on those two, I added Drain Target Health so you could at least set their value to 1 and then kill them, but I'll see what I can do.
PS: Unlimited Car Health works fine for me, send me a save file so I can test it out.
Unlimited Car Health doesn't work for me & any chance you'd add "Unlimited Special Ability" & "One Hit Kill"? other then that awesome table, tyvm!
Trying really hard on those two, I added Drain Target Health so you could at least set their value to 1 and then kill them, but I'll see what I can do.
PS: Unlimited Car Health works fine for me, send me a save file so I can test it out.
I didn't test the option on civilian cars though, the 1st time i used the option was using the car you call with X key on keyboard, just in case that helps.
Car Health works as it should for Agent Cars and normal cars. I drove them into a wall, let Legion shoot at me the health bar of any car wont go down, only visual damage.
Car Health works as it should for Agent Cars and normal cars. I drove them into a wall, let Legion shoot at me the health bar of any car wont go down, only visual damage.
Idk why it goes down for me then, i must be special.
Car Health works as it should for Agent Cars and normal cars. I drove them into a wall, let Legion shoot at me the health bar of any car wont go down, only visual damage.
Idk why it goes down for me then, i must be special.
I compared between other cares to the Agent car, so normal cares should not have the effect (To avoid giving other cars such as Enemy the effect too) but If they do It seems like the compare didn't work, but either way you should have the effect on Agent car, I'll test your save game and see what's wrong.
EDIT: Seems like your progress is not conflicting with any other values in the game, I made an Alt Script for you and others who's having issues with the original Unlimited Car Health.