Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - AnvilNEXT64 Cheats and more..

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Re: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - AnvilNEXT64 Cheats and more..

Post by dacrack »

just collected some tables from this forum and put them together in one table. all working well with current legit version 2633348

no trainer is needed anymore... invisible and god mode works also ;-)

only the offline mode with -eac_launcher and the EasyAntiCheat_x64.dll / EACGaurd.sys thing i described a few posts back is needed!

dont forget to enable the Intel :D


@Sourenics no problem, i am :D

here u go [Link]

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Last edited by dacrack on Mon Dec 25, 2017 9:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - AnvilNEXT64 Cheats and more..

Post by dacrack »

but i am still on that reverse thing to get back an normal value of my ressources cause i want to play online again.

does really no one knows how to roll back the "add 100 million" resource???

i tried to scan it, bu some digits were missing to get an valuable amount. e.g. game shows 123456 k Meds, but the last 3 digits are missing to get the correct value. any tips?

thanks, cheers^^

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Re: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - AnvilNEXT64 Cheats and more..

Post by CowKing30 »

dacrack wrote:
Mon Dec 25, 2017 9:38 pm
just collected some tables from this forum and put them together in one table. all working well with current legit version 2633348

no trainer is needed anymore... invisible and god mode works also ;-)

only the offline mode with -eac_launcher and the EasyAntiCheat_x64.dll / EACGaurd.sys thing i described a few posts back is needed!

dont forget to enable the Intel :D


@Sourenics no problem, i am :D

here u go [Link]
Thanks man! this solved my issue i couldn't get the last couple of Cheat Tables to work properly but this one solved it!
And merry Christmas!

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Re: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - AnvilNEXT64 Cheats and more..

Post by Fak3Nois3 »

I have everything setup but for some reason I can't activate "Gather Intel". It's hooked to GRW.exe

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Re: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - AnvilNEXT64 Cheats and more..

Post by mis2417 »

dacrack wrote:
Mon Dec 25, 2017 9:42 pm
but i am still on that reverse thing to get back an normal value of my ressources cause i want to play online again.

does really no one knows how to roll back the "add 100 million" resource???

i tried to scan it, bu some digits were missing to get an valuable amount. e.g. game shows 123456 k Meds, but the last 3 digits are missing to get the correct value. any tips?

thanks, cheers^^
first of all, thank you for the updated table.

second, I think I can help you with that, although I am no programmer, and it might take some experimenting.
here is what I did to "subtract 100 milion from tagged resource":

take your "collected.ct", open, find "<Description>"Add 100 Million To Tagged Resource"</Description>", few lines below that


Code: Select all

/*sub eax,esi // restore Resource to original value; yeah, cuz I can :P
mov esi,#100000000 // change the amount here to the value you want; thought it would also modify the visuals :( oh well
add eax,esi // re-add
mov r8,rbx
mov r9d,eax
jmp PBYTE_AddResource+6*/ //Title Update 7
mov esi,#100000000

Code: Select all

/*sub eax,esi // restore Resource to original value; yeah, cuz I can :P
mov esi,#100000000 // change the amount here to the value you want; thought it would also modify the visuals :( oh well
sub eax,esi
mov r8,rbx
mov r9d,eax
jmp PBYTE_AddResource+6*/ //Title Update 7
mov esi,#-100000000
so, two lines:
add eax,esi // re-add <> sub eax,esi
mov esi,#100000000 <> mov esi,#-100000000

few things:
don't really know what happened here, it was luck mostly.
I'm not quite sure what happens if you subtract more than you have, didn't even bother to change 100m to a different value.
make sure you change the table first, than load the game, then attach and so on, I got really confused during testing, like "I'm not sure it was really checked in the engine" kind of confused.

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Re: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - AnvilNEXT64 Cheats and more..

Post by TJIREL »

cheers mis2417! be careful not to roll the number into the negative with that or I'm guessing it'll end up gigantic! billions of resources could be tricky to roll back ! 😁

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Re: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - AnvilNEXT64 Cheats and more..

Post by mis2417 »

this topic seems to be in need of a pinned FAQ :evil:
CowKing30 wrote:
Mon Dec 25, 2017 8:28 pm
I'm a Total newb here i'm trying to "Enable" the cheat table but its red and there is no function to "Enable" it.
can anyone point me in the right direction here?
Fak3Nois3 wrote:
Tue Dec 26, 2017 12:42 am
I have everything setup but for some reason I can't activate "Gather Intel". It's hooked to GRW.exe
[Link] new table from dacrack has children unhidden so don't really need to "gather intel", but if don't like to read 20 pages and download new tables, it was explained here and here
you need to attach grw.exe, right-click "gather intel" (as it isn't activable), go to group config > hide children when deactivated. uncheck it and you can activate SOME cheats
you can even see it on the screenshot ffs

and just to be forever done with it, for the 20th time: EACGuard.sys, EasyAntiCheat_x64.dll, KernelModeDriverLoader_x64.exe
(963.87 KiB) Downloaded 277 times
if you don't know what to do with it - try this and this

now begone and leave the thread for updated tables. pretty please.

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Re: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - AnvilNEXT64 Cheats and more..

Post by dacrack »

mis2417 wrote:
Tue Dec 26, 2017 8:54 am
first of all, thank you for the updated table.

second, I think I can help you with that, although I am no programmer, and it might take some experimenting.
here is what I did to "subtract 100 milion from tagged resource":

take your "collected.ct", open, find "<Description>"Add 100 Million To Tagged Resource"</Description>", few lines below that


few things:
don't really know what happened here, it was luck mostly.
I'm not quite sure what happens if you subtract more than you have, didn't even bother to change 100m to a different value.
make sure you change the table first, than load the game, then attach and so on, I got really confused during testing, like "I'm not sure it was really checked in the engine" kind of confused.
Amazing, thats exactly what im looking 4...i am also not an professional scripter, but i always remember my scripting times on our arma 2+3 overpoch /exile server ;-)

dunno thats that easy, only add the negtive and the exchange from add to sub...omg, i was also a bit too lazy.. ROFL

i was trying to re-add the wohole thing, like this:
sub eax,esi // restore Resource to original value; yeah, cuz I can :P
mov esi,#-100000000 // change the amount here to the value you want; thought it would also modify the visuals :( oh well
sub eax,esi
mov r8,rbx
mov r9d,eax
jmp PBYTE_AddResource+6 //Title Update 7
//mov esi,#100000000
lea r9d,[rsi+rax]
mov rax,[rbp+60]
jmp PBYTE_AddResource+8

jmp pHook
db 90 90 90
thanks alot dude, now im "clean" again :D

p.s. any idea howto get rid off my skill points? i have 100 and want to get to 0 ??? edit: just found it ^^

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Re: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - AnvilNEXT64 Cheats and more..

Post by dacrack »

as an little christmas present, i found this in another forum. (if its not allowed, then delete it, or inform me. thanks)
Unlock all DLCs:
i did all that with my legit current version, and in offline CE CT mode, with all the needed dll and sys and -uac_launcher settings!
again, do that on your offline Cheat modded (legit) Game!
1. Make sure you have the complete desired DLC files in your main game folder i.e. dlc_10 folder for Fallen Ghost & dlc_20 folder for
Narco Road.

1.b You can download the Narco Road & Fallen Ghost DLC files from here if you don't have or else skip this step. To download the
DLC only, just check dlc_10 & dlc_20 folder & leave the other folder/files unchecked, or if you don't have the base game,
download the whole game (except bonus content)

Download Link: [Link]

2. If you wanna play both DLC, paste both i.e. DLC_10 & dlc_20 folder only in your existing main game folder or else just post the
desired one (i.e. dlc_10 only if you wanna play Fallen Ghost DLC only)

3. Install/re-install Uplay (only uplay, not the whole game!!!) freshly. Then run the game to check either with

a. any original account you have
b. Steampunk crack released so you can use steampunk crack only files too. It's working but in order to use STP crack,
you need the game run on latest game files version only.

4. Run the game without trying to unlock the DLC(s) first to make sure you don't have any issue present to run the main game only.

5. If the main game/story campaign is running perfectly the proceed further.


6. Go to your Uplay install folder i.e. C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher

Note: I didnt have that file!, if u also dont have, just ignore that, like me :D --> 7. Backup the original "UbiDenuvo.dll" first and keep it safe elsewhere for any further reference.

8. Then, rename the original/existing "uplay_aux_r164.dll" to "UbiDenuvo.dll" in the same folder

9. Download the latest DLC Unlocker Folder from


10. Now, copy-paste the "uplay_aux_r164.dll" & 'UbiDLC.ini' from the 'Uplay_Unlocker_by_Steam006_v20170713' folder

P.S: DON'T COPY-PASTE THE 'UbiDenuvo.dll' FROM 'Uplay_Unlocker_by_Steam006_v20170713' folder AS YOU ALREADY HAVE IT

11. Block the 'rungame.exe' by windows firewall or any other firewall protection you're using.

12. Start the game by clicking on either 'rungame.exe' or 'GRW.exe' directly [or 'stp-grw.exe' if you're having/using Steampunk crack]

P.S: You've to do the same from step 7, 8 & 10 as mentioned above to be re-applied after every Uplay update.

If you followed & performed every step correctly then you should see your desired DLCs are unlocked.
Worked great on my rig, have phun :D

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Re: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - AnvilNEXT64 Cheats and more..

Post by orubun »

Call me stuid or something but i cant get the latest tablet to work.

All i get is Access violation, how do i get this to disapear? Or how do i do to get the tablet to work.

Think of me as a super nobb..

what i have done so far is i opend the programe, i chose the tablet and selected the Application 000003E4-Ghost Recon r Wildlands and a new window opends with the text Access violation.

Now how do i get the tablet to work???

Freandly regards: Orubun from Sweden..

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Re: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - AnvilNEXT64 Cheats and more..

Post by diamond-optic »

for those saying that teleport doesnt work... it works fine for me

just enable it and after placing a marker on the map just hit numpad 0, or change the key in the script itself. I must have missed the posts that say how to actually use it because it wasn't until I looked at the script and saw the key that it uses to teleport you.

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Re: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - AnvilNEXT64 Cheats and more..

Post by AndrewRJ »

So I'm yet another newbie and I'm wondering what exactly are the steps/files needed to use this table for single player? I never play multiplayer so that's not an issue. But since it's a game that connects to Ubisoft servers I wanna make sure I don't get my account banned or anything.

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Re: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - AnvilNEXT64 Cheats and more..

Post by CowKing30 »

orubun wrote:
Wed Dec 27, 2017 11:08 pm
Call me stuid or something but i cant get the latest tablet to work.

All i get is Access violation, how do i get this to disapear? Or how do i do to get the tablet to work.

Think of me as a super nobb..

what i have done so far is i opend the programe, i chose the tablet and selected the Application 000003E4-Ghost Recon r Wildlands and a new window opends with the text Access violation.

Now how do i get the tablet to work???

Freandly regards: Orubun from Sweden..
Did you replace the .Dll file? if not please read a few pages back all the information is here in this thread just read through it and as far as i know you only need to replace the Easy cheat .dll and add the -eac_launcher command line nothing else the EACgaurd.sys is nonesense.
everything works great on my end on Game version build 26333xx
AndrewRJ wrote:
Thu Dec 28, 2017 3:20 am
So I'm yet another newbie and I'm wondering what exactly are the steps/files needed to use this table for single player? I never play multiplayer so that's not an issue. But since it's a game that connects to Ubisoft servers I wanna make sure I don't get my account banned or anything.
Same story read back few pages all the information to get it to work is in this thread.
Steam or Uplay shouldn't matter or any other version.

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Re: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - AnvilNEXT64 Cheats and more..

Post by dacrack »

orubun wrote:
Wed Dec 27, 2017 11:08 pm
Call me stuid or something but i cant get the latest tablet to work.

All i get is Access violation, how do i get this to disapear? Or how do i do to get the tablet to work.

Think of me as a super nobb..

what i have done so far is i opend the programe, i chose the tablet and selected the Application 000003E4-Ghost Recon r Wildlands and a new window opends with the text Access violation.

Now how do i get the tablet to work???

Freandly regards: Orubun from Sweden..
..Wrong App... scroll again inside there, and search for the GRW.EXE !!! (there are more childs )

AndrewRJ wrote:
Thu Dec 28, 2017 3:20 am
So I'm yet another newbie and I'm wondering what exactly are the steps/files needed to use this table for single player? I never play multiplayer so that's not an issue. But since it's a game that connects to Ubisoft servers I wanna make sure I don't get my account banned or anything.
just read read and read, as we all do! and if u stay offline, u cant be banned.. its so easy ;-)

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Re: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - AnvilNEXT64 Cheats and more..

Post by AndrewRJ »

dacrack wrote:
Thu Dec 28, 2017 5:50 pm
orubun wrote:
Wed Dec 27, 2017 11:08 pm
Call me stuid or something but i cant get the latest tablet to work.

All i get is Access violation, how do i get this to disapear? Or how do i do to get the tablet to work.

Think of me as a super nobb..

what i have done so far is i opend the programe, i chose the tablet and selected the Application 000003E4-Ghost Recon r Wildlands and a new window opends with the text Access violation.

Now how do i get the tablet to work???

Freandly regards: Orubun from Sweden..
..Wrong App... scroll again inside there, and search for the GRW.EXE !!! (there are more childs )

AndrewRJ wrote:
Thu Dec 28, 2017 3:20 am
So I'm yet another newbie and I'm wondering what exactly are the steps/files needed to use this table for single player? I never play multiplayer so that's not an issue. But since it's a game that connects to Ubisoft servers I wanna make sure I don't get my account banned or anything.
just read read and read, as we all do! and if u stay offline, u cant be banned.. its so easy ;-)
Trouble is I've seen quite a few posts with different files but no real indication on how they should be used. Just a bit lost on which I need and where they need to go.


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