The Legend Of Heroes Trails Of Cold Steel Trainers and Cheats for PC
The Legend Of Heroes Trails Of Cold Steel Trainer +8 v1.0EN Steam : [Link] : Free Trainer + Premium Trainer
Author: BooBoo
Options: +8
Code: Select all
Numpad 1 = Infinite HP
Numpad 2 = Infinite EP
Numpad 3 = Infinite CP
Numpad 4 = Super Stats
Numpad 5 = Easy Kills
Numpad 6 = Unlimited Items
Numpad 7 = Add Crystals
Numpad 8 = Add Mira
While playing pause the game and press the key F1
to activate the trainer.
Super Stats:
While on, this option will increase all of your
stats to 9999 during a tabble. This option only
works while on a battle. The stats may reset if
you level up but they will revert back to 9999
as soon as you enter another battle.
Unlimited Items:
While on, this option will give you unlimited items
during a battle.
Add Crystals:
This option will give you a super amount of Crystals
everytime that you press on this key while
you are in the Camp Menu screen.
Add Mira:
This option will give you a super amount of Crystals
everytime that you press on this key while
you are in the Camp Menu screen.
All the options are self-explanatory. If you need
help with any of the options, please post all your
questions on the trainer's support page on our blog.
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