Tried using the FPU commands but couldn't figure out how to get a float ( example : 0.67 ) generated in the FPU.
Question #1 :
I my searches, I stumbled across this in the CE Forums :
Code: Select all
mov [eax],(int)500000
Question #2 :
Code: Select all
game.exe+5D987C - 00 00 - add [eax],al
Question #3 :
'eax' is a 32bit register, 'al' is an 8bit register. How does the 'Qword/Dword/Word/Byte' designation effect the numbers contained and their manipulation? ( I do not understand what is going on in these code snippet(s). )
Code: Select all
game.exe+5D984C - 00 80 BB439A99 - add [eax-6665BC45],al
game.exe+5D9852 - 99 - cdq // cdq == Convert Word to Doubleword / Convert Doubleword to Quadword
game.exe+5D9853 - 3E 1A 00 - sbb al,byte ptr [eax] // sbb == Integer Subtraction with Borrow
game.exe+5D986D - 00 80 3E9A9919 - add [eax+19999A3E],al
game.exe+5D9873 - 3F - aas // aas == ASCII Adjust AL after Subtraction