Absolute beginner: Your first ammo script

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Absolute beginner: Your first ammo script

Post by Bakfiets »

Boring prologue
Not so long ago I thought it would be usefull to learn a bit of assembly. Little did I know my ‘me-time’ was about to be consumed by looking at bytes and digging through assembly; let alone how much fun and fullfilment it brings. Today I want to share my first moments of discovering a new hobby.
This tutorial is for the absolute beginner, and should be seen as an 'hello world' equivelant. A teaser that provides a small taste into the Cheat Engine world. The game I'm using is called STRAFE, costs around 10 bucks and is actually pretty fun to play.

In this tutorial I will walk you through the complete process of making an infinite ammo cheat. In my experience the easiest so far.

Starting out with Cheat Engine is –super- easy. Find the instructions here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=831
Buying the game you want to ‘crack’ is also, very, easy.

I’m going to do this in chunks, so bare with me.

With your game on the left and your Cheat Engine on the right, the first thing you want to do is stare at the screen and identify the value for ammo.


If you look, you will see the number 25 three times. So, the first thing we’ll do is look for this number in the memory. I do think this is a 4-byte value as it is fairly standard. But you can go through each of the types if the value doesn’t show.
Input the value 25 and press ‘First scan’. The first scan is always your base-line. From this point onwards, until you start a new scan, any search for values will be done in the list of addresses in the previous scan; trimming things you exclude.


We shoot once more, and look for 24 by changing the number and pressing the next scan button. Surprise surprise, 4 addresses remain. Earlier I pointed out that there was 3x25 in the image.
1) The label on the gun;
2) The label in the HUD;
3) The actual value from which these labels are derived.
(Unless you are a smartypants and think the bullet indicating 25-dots view is a number.....)

The next step is the add all 3 addresses to the address list by double-clicking. The addresses are now stored in the bottom of your Cheat Engine.

Now try and change the value one address at a time. You will notice that changing two of the values will not have any effect, and are set back to the value they were once a frame of the game has loaded in. That must be the labels. Changing the correct one will also change the other 2. That one is the one you want.

Well done. Freeze the value by checking the box in front of it and you have a temporary infinite ammo cheat.

If you’re reading this you are probably not satisfied that you have to do this every single time you want to Strafe through STRAFE at record pace. You want to make a script that does this for you, and sets the value accordingly.


We start doing this by right-clicking on the correct value and choosing “Find out what writes to this address”. Why write? The number is changing! You can’t change anything by reading, can you?


After firing a couple of rounds and reloading once you can see that 2 instructions have written to this address. Obviously we want the first one as we want to update the value when shooting, not when reloading. Select the top address and choose ‘Dissassemble this memory region’.


CE will now center and highlight the instruction that wrote to the address.
I won’t go into too much detail here, but on my first time through, no-one told me that [something] points to an actual adress. (in this case, the address where the ammo count resides). [rax+30] therefore means that something is stored in ‘Street, in the house with number 30’.
This can literally be translated into MOVE [HERE], SOMETHING (opcode destination,source)


Want to find out if my theory is correct? Let’s double click the line so we can edit it. We already know the value is a 4-byte value, so instead of eax, lets put in a raw value. 00 00 00 FF = 255


Well, now you definatly know this is the place to be. Shoot as much as you’d like, you will see it stays put at 255. (in address list and in game!)
Now, right-click and press “restore original code” (if it doesn’t work, restart ;)) and look at the top
for the tools menu -> Auto assemble -> Template -> AOB injection.

Say yes to the (ad)dress and CHANGE the name of INJECT. I called it ‘INF_AMMO’
The auto assembler will now be filled with a template. Believe me you are half-way.

For now all you need to know is that everything under [ENABLE] is injected into memory. At the location of the address where we edited the instruction previously. Cheat Engine makes a jump for us to a new location where we can do our own thing. You can see the original code under “code:”, right below INF_AMMO:
For now, lets change this

Code: Select all

  //mov [rax+30],ecx //we have established 'rax+30' contains our current ammo count
  mov [rax+30],(int)25 //set it to 25, because it looks nicer than 255
  jmp return 

Code: Select all

{ Game   : STRAFE.exe
  Date   : 2017-07-19
  Author : Bakfiets

  This script does blah blah blah


aobscan(INF_AMMO,C7 40 30 FF 00 00 00) // should be unique


  //mov [rax+30],ecx //we have established 'rax+30' contains our current ammo count
  mov [rax+30],(int)25 //set it to 25, because it looks nicer than 255
  jmp return



  db C7 40 30 FF 00 00 00



""+90442A82: EC                       -  in al,dx
""+90442A83: 18 48 89                 -  sbb [rax-77],cl
""+90442A86: 3C 24                    -  cmp al,24
""+90442A88: 48 8B F9                 -  mov rdi,rcx
""+90442A8B: 48 89 54 24 08           -  mov [rsp+08],rdx
""+90442A90: 48 8B 47 40              -  mov rax,[rdi+40]
""+90442A94: 48 85 C0                 -  test rax,rax
""+90442A97: 74 0C                    -  je 90442AA5
""+90442A99: 48 8B 47 40              -  mov rax,[rdi+40]
""+90442A9D: 48 63 4C 24 08           -  movsxd  rcx,dword ptr [rsp+08]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
""+90442AA2: C7 40 30 FF 00 00 00     -  mov [rax+30],ecx
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
""+90442AA9: 48 83 C4 18              -  add rsp,18
""+90442AAD: C3                       -  ret 
""+90442AAE: 00 00                    -  add [rax],al
""+90442AB0: 00 00                    -  add [rax],al
""+90442AB2: 00 00                    -  add [rax],al
""+90442AB4: 2E 00 00                 -  add cs:[rax],al
""+90442AB7: 00 3C 00                 -  add [rax+rax],bh
""+90442ABA: 00 00                    -  add [rax],al
""+90442ABC: 01 04 01                 -  add [rcx+rax],eax
""+90442ABF: 00 04 22                 -  add [rdx],al
Template code with explaination

Code: Select all

{ Game   : STRAFE.exe
  Date   : 2017-07-20
  Author : Bakfiets
  //Dont forget to update the header


aobscan(INF_AMMO,89 48 30 48 8B 3C 24) // should be unique
alloc(newmem,$1000,9C090592) //the name newmem will clash with other scripts. Change the name! (INF_AMMO_MEM for example)

label(code)				//I usually delete this label
label(return)				//The point of return created by Cheat engine

newmem:					//Change to the name in the alloc() statement

code:					//remove the label here too
  mov [rax+30],ecx
  mov rdi,[rsp]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem				//Change to the name in alloc() statement


  db 89 48 30 48 8B 3C 24

dealloc(newmem)			//Change to the name in alloc() statement


""+9C090572: EC                       -  in al,dx
""+9C090573: 18 48 89                 -  sbb [rax-77],cl
""+9C090576: 3C 24                    -  cmp al,24
""+9C090578: 48 8B F9                 -  mov rdi,rcx
""+9C09057B: 48 89 54 24 08           -  mov [rsp+08],rdx
""+9C090580: 48 8B 47 40              -  mov rax,[rdi+40]
""+9C090584: 48 85 C0                 -  test rax,rax
""+9C090587: 74 0C                    -  je 9C090595
""+9C090589: 48 8B 47 40              -  mov rax,[rdi+40]
""+9C09058D: 48 63 4C 24 08           -  movsxd  rcx,dword ptr [rsp+08]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
""+9C090592: 89 48 30                 -  mov [rax+30],ecx
""+9C090595: 48 8B 3C 24              -  mov rdi,[rsp]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
""+9C090599: 48 83 C4 18              -  add rsp,18
""+9C09059D: C3                       -  ret 
""+9C09059E: 00 00                    -  add [rax],al
""+9C0905A0: 00 00                    -  add [rax],al
""+9C0905A2: 00 00                    -  add [rax],al
""+9C0905A4: 2E 00 00                 -  add cs:[rax],al
""+9C0905A7: 00 3C 00                 -  add [rax+rax],bh
""+9C0905AA: 00 00                    -  add [rax],al
""+9C0905AC: 01 04 01                 -  add [rcx+rax],eax
""+9C0905AF: 00 04 22                 -  add [rdx],al
Now you have a script. Well played!
Why did we do this again? We didn’t want to look for the value but instead simply activate a script whenever we want. How does CE find the correct stuff? Well, the aobscan(..) function scans for an array of bytes. You probably figured out already that ‘aobscan(INF_AMMO,C7 40 30 FF 00 00 00)’ containts the exact same bytes as the highlighted row in the disassembler. I advise you read up on this thing, because it will be your best friend.

If you are anything like me; you are not fullfilled yet. You dislike having a railgun or shotgun with 25 ammo and really need to do something about it. Luckily this is often very easy. In my experience so far, the current and MAX ammo count are VERY close friends.
So, lets change the current ammo count to the MAX ammo count!

There is literally a million ways to do find this out, but it really comes down to luck and ingenuity.
Lets get back to the disassembler. (Actually, my game crashed here because i forgot to restore the original code and activated the script; addressed are slightly off now)


We want to know where in memory RAX is located. We do this by setting a breakpoint in our new script or above it. In the image the cheat is activated so the proper instruction is now replaced by a jmp <address>. If you highlight it and press SPACE you will go to the new place in memory where our injection resides.
Set a breakpoint and hit fire. If the game halts, you know you did it right. To the right you will see the registers. In the code you see that the rax is getting the value that resides in rdi+40. And we know that rax is the thing we want. Remember from the script, that [rax+30] is where the ammo resides


Open the data structure dissector by pressing ctrl+D or using the tools menu. Put in the address that is now contained in RAX. Do not continue the program yet as the registers will change when you do so.
Now create a new structure with Structure -> define new structure. Press YES for all questions asked.
Navigate to offset 30 and voila, theres a 19! Our current ammo count. See that suspicious 25 underneath it? Told you, current and MAX are often best-friends.
So now we know that rax+34 contains the max amount of ammo for 1 magazine/clip/whatever.
Lets adjust the script accordingly

Code: Select all

mov [rax+30],(int)25 //set it to 25, because it looks nicer than 255
push rbx		//Save the value in RBX for restoring it later, use a random register here
mov rbx,[rax+34]	//Move the Max ammo into our Register
mov [rax+30],rbx	//Move the value in our register into out Current ammo count
pop rbx			//Restore original value
(read up on stacks if you want to know what push and pop does)
Now, whatever gun you use, the current ammo will be set to the max ammo!


Usefull info
Right before your eyes : viewforum.php?f=11
Youtube, for example Stephan Chapmans series on Cheat Engine tuts
The "the f' is this opcode" manual : [Link]
The thing that the manual above lacks : [Link]
This helped me quite a bit : [Link]
And last but not least. Took me hours to find, you see it in every table : [Link]

20-7-2017 : Added the template code with some explaination, as to not cause confusion
Last edited by Bakfiets on Thu Jul 20, 2017 7:38 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Absolute beginner: Your first ammo script

Post by Bakfiets »

SunBeam wrote:
Wed Jul 19, 2017 11:47 pm
Congrats for the tutorial! One observation: in order to have normal-jump references to your code cave, try to allocate close to game's module. As in, use alloc(x, size, game.exe) rather than alloc(x, size).

Instead of this:


(see the FF 25 then following bytes?)

You will see a normal jump: E9 xx xx xx xx.

Thanks, first 'blog' piece I ever wrote!
Regarding the observation, the screenshot has the jump with the correct alloc(..,STRAFE.exe). I just re-tried it and it does the exact same thing. Mono related maybe?

One question still remains regarding the template

Code: Select all

Why is there a dollar-sign infront of the memory to allocate, and what would be the appropriate way to determine this value? At the moment I am just putting more in there than I would need. The -perfect- way would be to determine how much bytes the whole script puts in memory? (assuming 1 inject per script)
In non Mono-games it seems to paste the module name behind it, and it also uses aobscanmodule. I read somewhere it's about Mono not defining a module like normal?

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Re: Absolute beginner: Your first ammo script

Post by Bakfiets »

SunBeam wrote:
Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:13 am
Not sure how familiar you are with hooking => not

Optimization :) => any programmer's wet-dream :oops:

If you allocate like this alloc(Hook, 0x1000, game.exe),
Thank you for the detailed description, now I actually know what I'm doing. However, any attempts to include the ,STRAFE.exe in the alloc may cause the game to crash (and does for each of my scripts at the moment). I have been struggling with it for a while and others had already pointed this out to me.
I can also see that before it crashes the injected code is a long jmp even with the modulename attached. (FF25 00000...)
Why it didn't crash while making the tutorial I can't explain, as it does crash now.
aobscanmodule doesn't work either.

Either the game doesn't want to do what you/we want to do, or I a'm doing something wrong. I suspect its the former. I'm gonna check with a non Mono game and see what happens in both scenario's.

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Re: Absolute beginner: Your first ammo script

Post by Bakfiets »

Yes, STRAFE, 2016/2017. Appreciate it!
You can find my 'complete' table here. viewtopic.php?t=3339

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Re: Absolute beginner: Your first ammo script

Post by Schnitzelmaker »

It could end up above the 2GB, but from my experience its really rare in unity games. And it's always better use the 3rd parameter.

And for lazy people like me i'm mostly using:
aobscan(INF_AMMO,C7 40 30 FF 00 00 00) // should be unique

Then it tries to allocate near the found aob.

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Re: Absolute beginner: Your first ammo script

Post by Bakfiets »

Schnitzelmaker wrote:
Thu Jul 20, 2017 2:17 pm
It could end up above the 2GB, but from my experience its really rare in unity games. And it's always better use the 3rd parameter.

And for lazy people like me i'm mostly using:
aobscan(INF_AMMO,C7 40 30 FF 00 00 00) // should be unique

Then it tries to allocate near the found aob.
I always like how easy some things turn out to be, thank you! :lol:

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Re: Absolute beginner: Your first ammo script

Post by AkimboDK »

it did not work for me, i did as in steps just with Resident evil 2 remake, just to try it out and get a feeling of how script works, but everytime i change the part where u mention the ammo of 255 / 00 00 00 FF and i go back to game and try shooting, my game crashes, everytime... so yeah.. no luck here.. lol.

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Re: Absolute beginner: Your first ammo script

Post by Chucky »

You have to swap bytes.

00 00 00 FF = 4278190080
FF 00 00 00 = 255

More info / help here:

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Re: Absolute beginner: Your first ammo script

Post by AkimboDK »

Thanks it helped alot watching one of these videos, messed around with infinite ammo where it is stuck on 99 instead of 255 and it worked, simple job actually, but i guess its only a small percent of how to make these scripts ive seen here already lol, but it helped me abit of understanding how the basics works..

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Re: Absolute beginner: Your first ammo script

Post by turina3 »

What about if you want to create a script for make a hotkey for enable-disable hud in a game and the game has the option to enable - disable but you need go to options every time you want make a change.

Some help, please

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Re: Absolute beginner: Your first ammo script

Post by Lord Blade »

Okay, so being a dumb person, I'm still confused as hell.

I'm playing Cogmind. When you hack a terminal in that you have a chance of being traced. When that happens every command you use will up the trace bar by a certain amount, until it hits 100 and you're caught.

So I can find the value that access the trace amount, and normally just replace it with nothing code every time I play.
I'd like to make it a proper script so that I can just turn it on every time I play without having to find it again.

So far I can get to this:
{ Game : COGMIND.exe
Date : 2020-02-15
Author : Adam Taylor

This script does blah blah blah


aobscanmodule(Tracking,COGMIND.exe,FC FF FF 89 82 88 00 00 00 C7) // should be unique



mov [edx+00000088],eax
jmp return

jmp Tracking


db 89 82 88 00 00 00



"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B4B: 03 34 85 F0 E6 9B 00 - add esi,[eax*4+COGMIND.exe+5BE6F0]
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B52: BA 32 00 00 00 - mov edx,00000032
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B57: 2B D6 - sub edx,esi
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B59: 52 - push edx
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B5A: 6A 0F - push 0F
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B5C: E8 5F 7D 07 00 - call COGMIND.exe+43F8C0
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B61: 83 C4 08 - add esp,08
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B64: 8B 8D 20 FC FF FF - mov ecx,[ebp-000003E0]
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B6A: 03 81 88 00 00 00 - add eax,[ecx+00000088]
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B70: 8B 95 20 FC FF FF - mov edx,[ebp-000003E0]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B76: 89 82 88 00 00 00 - mov [edx+00000088],eax
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B7C: C7 45 FC FF FF FF FF - mov [ebp-04],FFFFFFFF
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B83: 8D 8D D8 FE FF FF - lea ecx,[ebp-00000128]
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B89: E8 12 8F 05 00 - call COGMIND.exe+420AA0
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B8E: E9 A6 00 00 00 - jmp COGMIND.exe+3C7C39
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B93: 68 84 45 A2 00 - push COGMIND.exe+624584
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B98: 8D 8D BC FE FF FF - lea ecx,[ebp-00000144]
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B9E: E8 9D 8C 05 00 - call COGMIND.exe+420840
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7BA3: C7 45 FC 18 00 00 00 - mov [ebp-04],00000018
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7BAA: 8D 85 C8 FC FF FF - lea eax,[ebp-00000338]
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7BB0: 50 - push eax
Now, where do I go from there to basically make it into a working script that makes the trace not increase?

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Re: Absolute beginner: Your first ammo script

Post by TimFun13 »

Lord Blade wrote:
Sun Feb 16, 2020 4:32 am
You could just comment out the code or inject some NOPs instead of a jump.
I'd jump inject some NOPs.

Code: Select all

{ Game : COGMIND.exe
Date : 2020-02-15
Author : Adam Taylor

This script does blah blah blah


aobscanmodule(Tracking,COGMIND.exe,FC FF FF 89 82 88 00 00 00 C7) // should be unique
  db 90 90 90 90 90 90

  db 89 82 88 00 00 00



"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B4B: 03 34 85 F0 E6 9B 00 - add esi,[eax*4+COGMIND.exe+5BE6F0]
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B52: BA 32 00 00 00 - mov edx,00000032
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B57: 2B D6 - sub edx,esi
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B59: 52 - push edx
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B5A: 6A 0F - push 0F
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B5C: E8 5F 7D 07 00 - call COGMIND.exe+43F8C0
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B61: 83 C4 08 - add esp,08
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B64: 8B 8D 20 FC FF FF - mov ecx,[ebp-000003E0]
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B6A: 03 81 88 00 00 00 - add eax,[ecx+00000088]
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B70: 8B 95 20 FC FF FF - mov edx,[ebp-000003E0]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B76: 89 82 88 00 00 00 - mov [edx+00000088],eax
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B7C: C7 45 FC FF FF FF FF - mov [ebp-04],FFFFFFFF
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B83: 8D 8D D8 FE FF FF - lea ecx,[ebp-00000128]
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B89: E8 12 8F 05 00 - call COGMIND.exe+420AA0
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B8E: E9 A6 00 00 00 - jmp COGMIND.exe+3C7C39
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B93: 68 84 45 A2 00 - push COGMIND.exe+624584
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B98: 8D 8D BC FE FF FF - lea ecx,[ebp-00000144]
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7B9E: E8 9D 8C 05 00 - call COGMIND.exe+420840
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7BA3: C7 45 FC 18 00 00 00 - mov [ebp-04],00000018
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7BAA: 8D 85 C8 FC FF FF - lea eax,[ebp-00000338]
"COGMIND.exe"+3C7BB0: 50 - push eax
And when you do allocate some memory make sure the allocated memory's symbol is a different name than the AOB symbol.
I go with "SomeCheat_aob" and "SomeCheat_mem". But the allocated memory's symbol only needs to be unique per script. So if you don't register the symbol then just having it as "myMemory" or something would work fine, if you have two allocates in one script then they need to have different names.

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Re: Absolute beginner: Your first ammo script

Post by Lord Blade »

See, I don't understand how that works. How do you know just what to change the info to?

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Re: Absolute beginner: Your first ammo script

Post by TimFun13 »

Lord Blade wrote:
Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:46 pm
See, I don't understand how that works. How do you know just what to change the info to?
0x90 is just the opcode for NOP (no operation), it just disables were it sets the value. So instead of moving the new value to the address, it just hits 6 no operations; thus it just does nothing.

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Re: Absolute beginner: Your first ammo script

Post by Lord Blade »

So having it set up as you showed would basically stop the tracking from working then? How do you know how many 90's you need?
I'm still confused with all this stuff. :p

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