Tactics brid (bugfixes, cheats, and a mod)

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Tactics brid (bugfixes, cheats, and a mod)

Post by STN »

Made by Gniarf

Game name:Tactics brid
Game version: unknown
Developer: Blip (now defunct)
Required cheat engine version: 6.3 or later.
-Remove windows and directx version checks*: The game refuses to run on recent windows +directx versions because it doesn't recognize them. This fix tells the game to try to run anyway (consequently the game now works on win 7 + directx 11)
-Can get Kisuka's end after dueling her*:self explanatory. Yes, I'm almost certain it's a bug, see the long explanation below.

-Alternate leveling system: WITHOUT this option you get stat bonuses regardless of what weapon / mech your using. Plus the stats bonuses barely change anything. The alternate leveling system gives you HP bonuses for the mech you're using and nice damage bonuses for the weapon types you're carrying. I should have given xp based on what weapon you're firing, but this was too difficult, so you get xp for all weapons in your inventory. Having several weapons of one class does NOT give you more xp for that class. Grenades also give xp.
If you think the bonuses are too big, just edit the 4 first lines of my script.
-Characters attributes:Allows to edit the mech, weapons, items, X/Y position, remaining movement points, xp, levels and medals of each member. If you use the alternate leveling system, you can also edit the xp for each weapon and mech class.
-Unlock all CGs: self explanatory.
-Hotkeys for save/load menu: Brings the save and load menus with F5/F6. I wanted to make saves just before the choices, but it doesn't work. Instead it takes you back to the end of the previous battle, so this hack is pretty much useless, still I made it so I included it in the table, who known someone might find it useful.

*Bugfixes MUST be hardcoded (written directly into the .exe). To do so, in cheat engine, go to File->Open File, browse to your TBRID.exe, activete the bugfixes, and close cheat engine. Congratulation your copy of the game is now patched.

Long explanation concerning Kisuka's end bug: You though there were 7 heroines, wrong, there are 8! Both heroines 7 and 8 are Kisuka, lets call them Kisuka7 and Kisuka8. If you challenged her to a duel the game will use Kisuka8 otherwise the game will use Kisuka7. The difference between the 2 are that Kisuka8 appears on a green background (red/pink for Kisuka7) and has better stats (+15 HP, +5 short and med rang damage). The problem is that the code that determines what end you get only checks the points (xp+medals*100 000) of the first 7 heroines and forgets Kisuka8. And of course if you use Kisuka8, then Kisuka7 has 0 points and you won't get her end.
Why do I think it's a bug and not a route requirement? Because just after the code that check who's got the most points for 7 girls, there is a code that says "Show Kisuka's end if the heroine that has the most points is the 8th (=Kisuka8)" implying that it should be possible that MVP is the Kisuka even if you dueled her.
As a programmer I think it's just a typo:
for (int i=2;i<9;i++)
instead of:
for (int i=2;i<=9;i++)

Now you might see on Fool's walkthrough (from foolmaker.net ) that you get Kisuka's end if all other heroines have less than 200 000 points (2 medals). THIS IS WRONG. Fool created a hack that allows you to skip battles, as a result at the end of the battle, everyone gets +0xp. And since everyone earned the exact same amount of xp, everyone gets a medal, including people that were not on the battlefield, like Kisuka. However the game only gives a medal to one Kisuka (Kisuka7 or Kisuka8) depending on if you dueled her or not.
So here is how Fool's playthrough went: he skipped battles 1 and 2, consequently Kisuka7 got 2 medals. After battle 3, he challenged Kisuka to a duel so the game started giving medals to Kisuka8 instead. And when he reached the last level his Kisuka7 still had only 2 medals=200 000 points, that's where the requirement comes from.
For non-cheating players, the real requirement to get Kisuka's end is that Kisuka7 must be the heroine with the most points, ie: don't duel Kisuka, and make her get more medals that the other girls after recruiting her. But as explained above, it's bugged and should simply be that Kisuka must be the MVP.

MVP:Most Valuable Person.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
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