Oregon Trail 5th Edition - Infinite Skillpoints CT

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Oregon Trail 5th Edition - Infinite Skillpoints CT

Post by STN »

Made by isosplz

Hello Community,

Here is my release for the game, "Oregon Trail 5th Edition". The uploaded files contain (1) Cheat Engine table that will allow the user to toggle an unlimited amount of skill points while creating a new game. The attached file will require Cheat Engine to be installed on your computer in order for this method to function properly.

Note: First, you need to have Cheat Engine installed before proceeding with the instructions.


1. Launch Oregon Trail 5th Edition the game.

2. Click on the option to start a "New Game".

3. Look to the right side of the screen (your left side) and find 4 tabs.

4. Click on the "Skills" tab on the screen.

5. Open/Double-click on the Cheat Engine table that you downloaded.

6. While inside of Cheat Engine, click on the Select a Process to Open button and then select OT5.EXE.

7. A "Confirmation" dialogue will appear that reads, "Keep the current address list/ code list?"

8. Select the option, "Yes".

9. Look down in the Address Section for two entries that are labeled "Skillpoints" under the Description category.

10. You should now see a number entry of 120 under the value section for both address entries.


11. Next to each address entry you should see a box in the "Active" section.

12. Click on each of the boxes so that an "X" appears inside of each box.

13. Switch back to the game and choose any of the skills that you want.

14. Unfreeze the skill point boxes when done or your game may crash.

Note: It is best to choose your occupation before selecting an skills. Some occupations will auto-select skills for you. If you change an occupation, you will lose the preset occupation skill that was assigned as a given.


I have uploaded two different cheat engine tables just in case one of the files does not work for you or you are asking yourself this question:

What is the difference between the two files and how do I know which file to use?

1. Use the file "OT5 - Skillpoint Table.CT" if your Oregon Trail 5th Edition copy was installed with the 538 MB iso.

2. Use the file "OT5(2) - Skillpoint Table.CT" if your Oregon Trail 5th Edition copy was installed with the 647 MB iso and you play the game from the Learning Company Launcher.

Tutorial: How to Edit Money

For anyone that is interested, here are a few simple steps to editing your in-game currency.

Note: First, you need to have Cheat Engine installed before proceeding with the instructions.


Inside of the Game
1. Launch Oregon Trail 5th Edition the game.

2. Click on the option to start a "New Game" or "Load Game".

3. Once you are in the game, click on the "Supplies" icon next to the "Red Diary" picture at the bottom of your screen to bring up your supplies.

4. Look for something at the bottom that says "Cash on hand $".

5. This is the number that you want to use in the Cheat Engine "Value" section.

Inside of Cheat Engine
6. Open the program Cheat Engine.

7. While still inside of Cheat Engine, click on the Select a Process to Open button and then select OT5.EXE.

9. Look for a text box with the label "Value Type" beside it.

10. Click on the "Value Type" drop-down box and select "Double".

11. Look down, inside of the "Memory Scan Options" for a section that says "Fast Scan".

12. Uncheck the box next to the label if it is already checked.

13. Now type in the "Cash on hand $" number (from Step 4) inside of the Value text box and click on "First Scan".

14. You should see one or more addresses with a value corresponding to your in game "Cash on hand $" value.


15. Go inside of a store and buy 1 item. It can be anything.

16. Look in the "Found: Addresses" section for an address with the same value as your "Cash on hand $" value.

16b. If you are having trouble identifying the value from the list of Found: Addresses, type in the new "Cash on hand $" value and press "Next Scan".

17. Select that address and add it to the Address View that is located at the bottom of Cheat Engine. (You might need to select more than one address before you find the right address)

18. Change the value to whatever you want. (You might need to modify more than one address before you find the right address)

19. Switch back to the game and look at your "Cash on hand $" value to see if it matches the Cheat Engine value that you changed.

20 Finished.


If the new value entered into Cheat Engine is reflected in game, then you are finished. If the method did not work for you the first time around, try it again to see what you did wrong.

If you have any questions regarding my tutorial, feel free to ask.

Happy Trails!!

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
OT5 - Skillpoint Table.CT
(583 Bytes) Downloaded 220 times

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