Civilization 5 DEMO and FULL version

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Civilization 5 DEMO and FULL version

Post by STN »

Made by Geri

For those who were waiting for the update of the scripts, they can be found in my 2nd post (because I can't attach more tables for this post already). I am done with the basic cheats. Now I will make the customizable cheats, and finally the auto-disable cheats.

The trainer has been also updated.

Ok, the customizable cheat table and trainer is ready. Download the trainer from my site or the table from the 2nd post. If You use the customizable cheats, You can set the amount of gold, culture, etc. that You want to get.
Also, 2 changes compared to the previous versions:
1. When You turn off a cheat, the value will not be reseted, so You need to change it only if You want to use another amount.
2. You don't need to multiply the values anymore. Just type in the amount that You want and You will get it.

CivilizationV.CT is for the full version of the game.
CivilizationV_Custom.CT will allow You to set the amount of stuff You need.
CivilizationV_improved.CT will eliminate the need to turn on/off the cheats all the time. They will be disabled automatically after ONE use.
Read the instructions below.
CivilizationV_custom_improved is the improved version of the customizable table.

CivilizationV_demo.CT is for the demo.

There are 17 options in the table and all of them has been added to the updated trainer too (available for DX9 and DX11 too):

The +17 trainer has been updated and now You are able to customize the amount of resources in the trainer too.

I have updated the trainer with 2 more options (unlimited attacks and full health for units). The +14 trainer can be downloaded from the same link as above.

A new update with 3 "new" options, actually they are just bugfixes. I have decided to add options to increase production points way above the maximum level so You can now create every unit/building in one turn without the need to activate the "increase production points" cheat. If it bothers that You get gold surplus for it, then spend it on units and disband them or waste Your gold in any other way.
I have also added a cheat for Projects. Now You have an option to build the Apollo Program, Manhattan Project and Utopia Project in one turn. (This way You can actually win the game in one turn with cultural victory...)

Get 9999999 gold
Get 9999999 gold when purchasing
Instant research for human player only
Instant building for human player only
Add some building production for the human player only
Instant unit training for human player only
Add some unit production for the human player only

Additional options for the full version only:
Add some food to the city for the human player only
Get 999999 Culture for human player only
Get 999999 Golden Age points for human player only
Free all available strategic resources for human player only (unlimited strategic resource)
Full experience for selected unit
Unlimited movements for the selected unit
Unlimited movements + attacks for the selected unit
Full health for the selected unit
5000 production points for buildings
5000 production points for Projects
4000 production points for unit training


All of the cheats are working for the human controlled player only, but only if You turn them off before You press "Next turn". If You leave the cheat on and press "Next turn", the game may crash or give the cheat's effect to the AI too.

Get 9999999 gold:

Start a game.
Turn on the cheat.
Back to the game.
Bring the mouse cursor to the amount of gold. It should display 9999999 gold in the popup.
If it worked, turn off the cheat to avoid crashing the game.
Spend money.

Get 9999999 gold when purchasing:
Gather enough gold to be able to buy something (anything).
Turn on the cheat, purchase something (spend gold to anything), You will have
9999999 gold. Turn off the cheat (or the game will crash if You leave it on).

Instant research:
Activate the cheat.
Open the research panel. You will see that every research in the research panel needs only 1 turn to be researched.
If You have checked it, turn of the cheat.

If You want to change ALL research progress to 1 turn:
Activate the Instant research cheat.
Open the Technology Tree (not just the research panel but the whole technology tree).
You will see that ALL research will take 1 turn only.
Then make sure to turn off the cheat.
After You have done this, every reasearch process will take 1 turn only.

Instant building for human player only (working for buildings, not for units):
This cheat will change the production progress of buildings in cities to 9999.
Activate the cheat.
Enter a city, and You will see that You have 9999 production points for the building You build now.
If You want to enable the same effect to all cities, open the Economic Overwiev and You will see that all buildings production has been set to 9999.
If You are done, turn off the cheat.
IMPORTANT: You will get gold for Your remaining production points after the building is ready. So if You have build something that would cost 100 production points, You will get lots of gold when it is done, for the remaining 9899 production points.
(In the full version CT, it will set it to 1200, thats the max price of a building)

Add some building production for the human player only (working for buildings, not for units):
Activate the cheat.
Enter a city, and You will see that Your production points for the building that You build now has been increased a bit. Leave the city and if You need more production points, enter again and Your points will increase. Repeat it until You have enough points.
If You are done, turn off the cheat.

Instant unit training for human player only:
Working the same way as for buildings. It will set Your points to 1000.
(In the full version CT, it will set it to 1200, thats the max price of a unit)

Add some unit production for the human player only:
Working the same way as for buildings.

Add some food to the city for the human player only:
Activate the cheat.
Enter Your city and You will see that the food reserves has increased a bit.
Deactivate the cheat.
If You want more food, exit the city and enter again. Each time when You enter or leave the city, You will get more food.
If You want to give food for all of Your cities, open the Economic Overview.
Be careful with this cheat. High population in a city can cause unhappiness.

Get 999999 Culture for human player only:
Working the same way as the gold cheat.
Activate cheat, check Your culture, deactivate cheat.

Get 999999 Golden Age points for human player only:
Working the same way as the gold cheat.
Activate cheat, check Your Golden Age points, deactivate cheat.

Free all available strategic resources for human player only:
Make sure You have at least 1 strategic resource from the type that You need to use.
Activate the cheat.
Produce/purchase the units/buildings. You will have unlimited strategic resource.
Deactive the cheat before You proceed to the "Next turn".

Full experience for selected unit:
Turn on the cheat.
Select Your unit.
Now it has 9999 exp points.
Turn off the cheat.
It will be promoted after battle or in the next turn. High level units are really much more powerful than ordinary units.

Unlimited movements for the selected unit:
Turn on the cheat.
Select any of Your units and the unit will have 99 movement points.
If You have moved with Your units, turn off the cheat before You press "Next turn".
If You still have movement points but You don't want to move with the unit anymore, press Space.
This cheat also works on units that are out of movement points already! You can use this advantage in many ways. For example:
Build something with Your worker, click on the worker and You can move with it again or build something else so You can build unlimited improvements in one turn.
Also if You purchase a unit, simply click on it in the city and move out of the city with the unit. Then You can purchase another one and repeat it. This way You can purchase unlimited number of units (if You have the gold for it) in one turn only. Experiment with it. Very useful.
This cheat will not enable Your units to attack twice in a turn, but combined with the Blitz promotion, it will be even more useful.

Unlimited movements + attacks for the selected unit:
The same as unlimited movements but You can attack with Your units as many times as You like in one turn. This means unlimited movements and bombardment possibilities for ranged units without retaliation from most of the enemies.

Full health for the selected unit:
Turn on the cheat.
Select Your unit and it will get full health. If the unit was already selected when You have turned on the cheat, click on the unit again to give full health to it.
You can see the correct health amount of the unit in the lower left corner next to the movement points and unit strength. If the unit health is not displayed there, it means the unit is on full health.
Combine this cheat with "unlimited movements and attacks" and You can win the whole game easily in a few turns (or even in one turn).
Of course turn off this cheat too before You press "Next turn".

5000 production points for buildings:
You will have 5000 production points for building productions. Should be enough even on Marathon settings. But You will get lots of gold for the remaining production points, so if You wanted to avoid cheating with gold amount, this option will surely ruin Your plans. If it bothers You, just send to Your gold to the enemy. They will appreciate it. Smile

5000 production points for Projects:
The same as for buildings. Projects: Apollo Program, Manhattan Project, Utopia Project. This cheat will give production points for You only for these projects.

4000 production points for unit training:
Same as above but for units. Should be enough for every unit even on Marathon settings.

Customizable Options (written for the trainer but obviously working with the table too):

These options are working the same way as the non-customizable options, except that You can set amounts
of gold, research etc. Yourself. Here are the information You need to know in order to master the use
of these options.

1. There are not hotkeys for these options because everytime You activate the cheat, You need to set the
amount again so obviously You need to open the trainer window anyway. You can activate/deactivate all
cheats by clicking on the checkboxes.
2. The first step is to activate the cheat with the "Activate custom ...(what You want to change)".
3. If You have activated it, wait a few seconds (depending on Your computer).
4. Now type in the amount You wish to have in the "Set amount of ..." line.
5. If You have typed in the amount, click on the checkbox for this option. You will see it blinking for
second which means You have activated the amount.
6. Now Your cheat will work the same way as the non-customizable cheat, but instead of using the defined
value, it will use the value that You have given.
7. Of course You need to deactivate this one too as the non-customizable cheat.
8. When You activate it again, You need to repeat the whole procedure and set a value again.

These were the general instructions, now here are some specific hints about the cheats:

You can see x100 after some of the cheats and x60 after the movement point cheat.
This means You need to multiply the value with 100 (or 60) when You type in. For example if You want
99 gold, You need to type in 9900. With movement, You get 1 movement point if You type in 60.

If the cheat didn't work, probably You did not wait for enough time as instructed in Step 3. Activate
the value again and check it in the game. This happens a lot if You are unpatient or Your computer is
slowed down.

The food cheat is not working in modern cities. Not a popular option so probably I will not bother with it.

If You use the custom movement points cheat, keep in mind that until the cheat is active, the selected
unit will have UNLIMITED movement points. If You open the Military Overview panel, Your units will get the
set amount of movement points.

And finally a hint about Strategic Resources:
You can set the USED amount of strategic resources here and You can set a negative amount too.
You need iron, but You don't have any iron at all in Your cities. Then You set the strategic resources
to -9999. Now You have 9999 iron that You can use. So basically You don't even need to have strategic
resources at all, You can use this cheat to build anything You wish.

The improved options:
General instructions:
1. Activate the cheat script.
2. There is an "enable xxxx cheat" option below the cheats. In this option, You can set a value. You can enable the cheat for ONE use by setting the number to anything else then 0.
3. When the script is executed, it will set the value to 0 so if You wish to use it again, You need to change the value to something else than 0 again.

This is useful because the codes will be executed only ONCE, when You need it and You don't have to enable/disable scripts all the time.
You can set hotkeys to change the values, like setting a hotkey to enable the full health cheat for a selected unit.

Add 100000 gold cheat:
Activate the script. Set the "Enable add 100000 gold cheat" value to 1, then enter one of Your cities or move the cursor to the amount of gold and check if it has been increased. If You would need gold again, change the value to 1 again and repeat this.

Get 20000 research points cheat:
Same as with gold, activate the script, set the value to 1, then open the Research panel. The first research in the panel will be ready in 1 turn. But just the first research.

Add 1000 building production points cheat:
Activate the script, set the value to 1 and enter the citiy where You are constructing a building. 1000 points has been added to the construction.

Add 1000 project production points cheat:
Same way as before, but with projects.

Add 1000 unit production points cheat:
Same way, for unit training.

Add 200 food to the city cheat:
Activate the script, enable it and enter the city. 200 food has been added. Not working in the modern era so far.

Add 100000 culture cheat:
Activate the script, then enable it and check the amount of Your culture. It has increased with 100000.

Add 100000 golden age points cheat:
Same for golden age points.

Add 1000 exp for selected unit cheat:
Activate the script, enable it and click on the unit. It will get +1000 exp.

Full health for seletec unit cheat:
Activate the script, enable it and select the unit. It should have full health.

Set 15 movement points cheat:
This has been changed radically from the previous movement cheat. Activate the script, enable it and You have about 1 sec to click on the unit. Then the unit will have 15 movement points. The selected unit will NOT have unlimited movements this time and can't attack more than once in a turn (except if it has Blitz capability). If You need movement points again, enable the cheat and click on the unit. It has 15 points only, therefore the game will not crash when You use this movement point cheat. Sometimes it may happen that another one of Your units will get the movement point (if You don't click fast enough) but this is still better than worrying about crashes all the time.

Strategic resources and unlimited movement+attack will remain the same old cheat, need to be turned off before next turn.

The improved version of customizable cheats:
Of course it is the cross-breed of customizable cheats and improved version of cheats.

1. Activate the script.
2. Give the custom amount You need, as in the old customizable version.
3. Enable the cheat.

This time, the custom amount that You give will not be changed by CE because You will not deactivate the script. Just set the amount of Your desire and set it to enable.

Strategic resources doesn't have an improved version.
Movement points doesn't have a custom improved version (shouldn't set it to higher than 15 points anyway).

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
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