Galactic Civilizations II aka GalCiv2

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Galactic Civilizations II aka GalCiv2

Post by STN »

Made by random8743

Here's my current .CT for version 1.31 of GalCiv2.

This is still a work in progress, but I thought I'd go ahead and post to see if anyone reacts.

Only player 10 (the custom player) has everything I know about players, totalling some 300 entries. All of the other players, both major and minor, only have their name and bank account listed. Just so you know, the data layout for all players is exactly the same and you can cut -n- paste whatever interesting bits you want, and the only thing you need to change is the offset for the base pointer. The offset you need is conveniently located in the name and bank account entries that already point to the player of interest. See attachment.
I can't wait for 'smart edit' to get some pointer adjustment functionality. Smile

GalCiv2 is a bit touchy about the tech tree. 0 is unresearched, -1 is completed, and anything else is the amount of research done so far. Setting a tech to -1 in CE gives you the tech, but doesn't give you the associated bonuses (more influence, trade routes, whatever) so don't just mark things as being researched. Also, if too much research was completed (i.e. puting 1000 for a tech that only required 800) then the game freaks and gets stuck researching that tech forever. Generally it's easier to give yourself an insane research bonus instead.

For planet invasions, be sure you NOP the invasion codes in the code list before trying to edit/freeze the values in the main table.

Be careful with the 'out of range' override... Your ships gain access to the entire map but everyone elses ships do too. I forgot I had this running and got myself invaded by a small empire on the opposite corner in a gigantic map.

The PLANET section is really nifty. You can even make class 0 planets inhabitable just by changing the planet quality. Ingame, click on the planet you want to edit, then switch to CE and edit away. Population is a special case, so read the instructions in the .CT. I generally only edit bonuses, grid states, and planet quality. Buildings are a bit tricky, so I usually steer clear of messing with anything beyond the construction progress. Sometimes I do move the initial colony around using the building pointers (not all building pointers are there, you need to cut -n- paste) but occasionally something happens and the starting colony begins appearing in both the original and new locations.

One trick I like is to set the bonuses, planet quality, and grid states to something I like, and freezing the values. Then I can go into the game and click on every planet that I want to have the same setup, rather than editing each planet individually.

Well, there it is. Enjoy.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
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