Pixel Piracy,

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Pixel Piracy,

Post by STN »

Made by FauDrei

Rudimentary cheat table for Pixel Piracy version (still learning I am Wink)

- gold
- - health
- - hunger
- - morale
- - minimum TP

UPDATE (6.4.2014):
Uploaded PixelPiracy_V3_r2.CT as an (in most parts cosmetic) evolution of the inital (r1) cheat table.
Introduced "one hit kill" cheat option.
Both tables (r1 and r2) work on my and version of the game.

Pixel Piracy, Cheat Engine table by V3
release r2 (6.4.2014)
all rights reserved

Ctrl+Home - enable cheats | Ctrl+End - disable cheats
F1 - add gold
F2 - maximize crew health
F3 - maximize crew hunger
F4 - maximize crew morale
F5 - crew minimum TP
F6 - one hit kill

- Activated cheat options work in main game screen while game is not paused
(cheat code executed each frame).

- All cheat options (except "add gold") have "toggle mode" key activation:
Key press of the activation key activates that cheat option, next press
of the same activation key deactivates the same cheat option.

- Each press of "add gold" cheat option key (F1) adds default amount (1000)
of gold. This default amount (1000) can be changed by manually changing
"gold amount to add" value in Cheat Engine.

- Option "crew minimum TP" sets each crew member's TP to specified value
(default 25) if crew member does not already have higher TP amount. Default
minimum TP value (25) can be changed by manually changing "minimum TP" value
in Cheat Engine. Since "crew minimum TP" cheat option is only active in main
game screen - TPs spent in crew member's subscreen of "YOUR CREW" screen will
be regenerated to "minimum TP" amount by exiting to main game screen and
re-entering "YOUR CREW".

- "one hit kill" option sets health of each enemy to just 1 HP so that each
next enemy hit kills that enemy (not very elegant but assures that player's
crew get kill experience points).


How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
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