Batman: Arkham City - UnrealEngine3 Cheats and more..

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Batman: Arkham City - UnrealEngine3 Cheats and more..

Post by STN »

Made by SunBeam

[ 14.11.2013 - Update #3 ]

Fixed No Combo Reset script, as some actions would return invalid data in the registers causing read errors. Re-download.

[ 13.11.2013 - Update #2 ]

Added another option to the Cheat Handler - toggling HUD on/off. You can do that with NumPad *.


[ 10.11.2013 - Update #1 ]

I'm assuming there's no need for introductions. The format is the same as you've seen it in the tables for other UE3 titles:

a. Run Cheat Engine.
b. Run B:AC and get in-game.
c. Select game process (BatmanAC.exe) from the processes list.
d. Hit [Enable].

Once enabled, you have access to a few sub-sections:

-- [Utils]

Section contains options such as:

- Player Scale: Change Batman's scale using the appointed float value (default is 1.0).
- Player Health: You can see your current health, in case you want to update it or something.
- Coordinates: Figured I'd show them in case you want to mark some locations in the game.
- Current Weapon: Shows the base pointer for currently selected weapon. You can further play with structure, altering the Clip, MaxClip and disabling the timers. For example, freeze Clip and set ActiveCooldown to 0 or -1 (then freeze it). If you set CooldownTimer to 0 or -1, you will notice that you shoot faster (e.g.: the 1/4-keyed Batarangs).
- [Combos] subsection: Simply play with the values you see listed here.

-- [Scripts]

This section contains the Cheat Handler. You are supposed to activate it and use the hotkeys below.

- SloMo: Use Numpad 7, 8, 9 to set SloMo to 0.5, 1, 1.5 values. Default value is 1.0 on float. Note that any fight event resets value to 1.0 (it's scripted that way).
- PlayersOnly: Use Numpad 1 to toggle it. You may notice Batman's cape will glitch. Haven't gotten to fixing it yet. I'll have to hook all locations accessing this switch and filter out the cape. Soon.
- Fly: Toggle it with Numpad 2. Once active, you cannot perform any actions but fly. You cannot rotate your character, just move. While moving high in the air, you can disable the option and quickly hit the Spacebar to glide. I've set the speed value to 2500.0 on float. If you want faster movement, open Cheat Handler script and change the value on line 140:

mov [ebx+270],(float)2500.0

- Ghost: Toggle it with Numpad 3. Option disables collisions, but doesn't render you invisible. It can be used without Fly, in case you want to step through a door or grate.
- Unlimited Ammo: Toggle it with Numpad 4. Does what it should Smile
- Health: Toggle it with Numpad 5. You already know what this does.
- No Combos Reset: Toggle it with Numpad 6. When not needed, kill it, otherwise you'll be stuck with the hit quota on-screen.

DO NOT TOGGLE THE SUB-OPTIONS MANUALLY! I've put them there for display, so when you alt-tab out to know what is active or not.

-- [Debug]

Feel free to mess around with it if you want Razz

[ 09.11.2013 - First Release ]

Same drill as with Arkham Origins. Tested it with RELOADED release and the Steam version.


How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
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