didn't play much, still waiting for the UE3 cheats... so it's just a small update, not for the newest game update, may not work on it.
- added Inf. Remote Claw Ammo and Inf. Disruptor Ammo
- removed a check in Instant Gadget Cooldown it should works on all Gadget that have a cool down timer now.
ok, my good screen died again, can't dual screen for a while.... it's annoying to tried to figure out what's the rest of the battle stats are supposed to be with only one tiny old screen, guess I'll just warp it up for now.
- added Instant Gadget Cooldown
- added 2 more set of Camera pointers, if you chose to switch camera with hot-keys, the camera would stick until zone changed or game loading.
- added pointers to Camera
(throw another dollar to the no-update jar)
- replaced Combo Takedown Reset Skip with Always Allows Special Combo,because Combo Takedown Reset Skip doesn't really do its job at all..
- changed the name of the script gain Combo Takedown for each Combo to gain Special Combo Star for each Combo.
- added pointer to Upgrade Points
- damn, the invalid pointer precaution has rendered the scripts useless in battle. now using another injection point to archive that, should be stable now. you should re-download it again right away.
- Inf. Health
- Inf. Remote Claw Ammo & Inf. Disruptor Ammo
stop decreasing at 1.
- Instant Gadget Cooldown
should works on all Gadget that have a cooldown timer.
- Combo Reset Skip
combo won't be reset to zero until the battle is over. (the combo you eared may actually carry over to the next battle sometime.)
- Combo No Interruption
it DOESN'T work as it should, gave up refining.
- Always Allows Special Combo
with this script activated, you can always use any of the special combo (once you learnt tham) right from the start of any battle.
note that it would cause an annoying sound glitch from time to time. if you're easily annoyed, you should make a hot-key and only activate this when you want.
- gain Special Combo Star for each Combo
as the name suggests, you'll gain a star for each successful attack or counter.
- Mission Timer script
it does NOTHING. just ignore it.
- pointers to Health, Disruptor Ammo, Remote Claw Ammo, Upgrade Points, Current Combo, Max Combo of current battle, Special Combo counter, Special Combo star(s), Camera - X, Camera - Y and Camera - Z.
-- for the Disruptor Ammo, you have to aim once for it to point to the correct address.
-- for the Remote Claw Ammo, you have to aim at a valid target once for it to point to the correct address
-- for the Upgrade Points to work properly, you should only modify its value in the TAB menu to avoid unnecessary outcome.
hot-keys are set for easier modification:
Ctrl + to set 10, Alt - to set 0.
as mentioned, you should only use these 2 hot-keys inside the TAB menu.
-- for the Camera values, hot-keys are set so that the camera can be changed without alt-tab to cheat engine all the time:
press and hold numpad *, then press
numpad - for right shoulder camera,
spacebar for center camera,
numpad / for left shoulder camera.
the camera changed won't revert back to default after aiming or crouching.
the camera changed would revert back to default after zone changed / game loading.
- tested on game Update1.
- with AOB scans, should works on your game.
- no promise on updates (or fixes if the table doesn't work for you)(still would fix the table if it's not working for me!), I'd follow SunBeam's UnrealEngine3 Cheats instead if I were you. (if I knew he made the table already, I'd just wait for his too, instead of spending the whole morning to figure out a way to not crash the game when loading a savegame or a training session if the combo's script is on...)
How to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1