Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered (2014-12-04)

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Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered (2014-12-04)

Post by STN »

Made by Shinkansen

Simple table for Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered, may or may not work. Game generates code at runtime so table has a high chance of not working / detecting the wrong code / crashing.

Usage info:
Scripts with "To Activate: XXX" can only be activated (put an "X" into the box) after doing action XXX.
Scripts with "To Update: XXX" will only update their effect after doing action XXX.
Addresses with "XXX? (0 = No, 1 = Yes)" will enable the script effect XXX when 1 is put into the Value.

1. Player Belt Cooldowns.
"Player Belt Cooldowns Set to 0?" will set belt item Cooldowns to 0.

1. Player Stats.
"Player Equipment Durability Set to Max?" will set equipped weapons and armour Durability to max.

2. Player Actions Cooldowns.
A. View Actions selection (example, for melee attack actions, click on the weapon circle).
B. Pause the game.
C. Activate "Player Actions Cooldowns Base Address Scan Initialization (Activate This First)".
D. Activate "Player Actions Cooldowns Base Address Scan (To Activate: View Actions, To Update: View Actions)".

Enable "Player Actions Cooldowns Set to 0?" will set actions Cooldowns to 0 at the Actions selection.

3. Tactical Time Bar.
Renamed Battle Timer to Tactical Time Bar.

1. Player Stats.
A. Click the DownArrow in the top left corner to view the Book Interface.
B. Activate "Player Stats Base Address Scan Initialization (Activate This First)".
C. Activate "Player Stats Base Address Scan (To Activate: View Book Interface / Battle, To Update: View Book Interface / Battle)".

"Player Attributes Set to 9999?" will set Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence to 9999.
"Player Consumable Powers Set to 9999?" will set Health, Endurance and Kai Power to 9999 (effectively Godmode).
"Player Gold Set to 999999?" will set Gold to 999999.

2. Player Battle Timer
"Player Battle Timer Set to 9999?" will set player battle Timer to 9999.

3. Player Inventory Quantity
"Player Inventory Quantity Set to 99?" will set player Inventory Quantities to 99.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Shinkansen Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered V1002.CT
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Re: Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered (2014-12-04)

Post by Terelyn »

Has anyone had any luck with editing the save files?


I have only found this thread about the topic.

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Re: Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered (2014-12-04)

Post by gibberishh »

Get the latest table below: viewtopic.php?p=369953#p369953

Here's a work-in-progress adaptation of the table.
The script execution is much faster.
The table has been greatly simplified.

However, not all of the cheats are available yet. I'll be working to try and get as many useful cheats out of this as possible, but even now you can edit the most important values:
All player stats (str, dex, int), health, kai, endurance, gold, equipment durability, etc.
Combat cheats:
Freeze the tactical timebar.
Zero Action Cooldowns: After you (e.g.) thwack a baddie, you have to open the radial menu, close it and open it again to see this in effect. There seems to be no other way to make that action active again.
Zero Belt Cooldowns: Chug potions away to your heart's content.
Inventory Cheat:
Set Item Stacks: Set all existing stacks in the inventory and belt to a specific amount (default 99). This cheat doesn't need to stay 'on'. Once the stacks are set, turn it off -- otherwise the stacks will never reduce! This also bypasses the stack limit constraint. E.g., if you try to move 99 health potions into your belt, only 5 will move and you will be left holding the rest in your hand. So although I have set the default to 99, I personally always make stacks of only 20.

Any of the editable values can be 'frozen' (activate its checkbox) to give yourself Godmode. E.g., you can freeze your health, kai or endurance and they will always remain at full (or current value). Similarly, you can freeze the durability of your equipment. Freezing the stats can be useful because the game resets super high stats to normal values at every sub-chapter transition. I may provide a Lua script to do this in one click (or hotkey). Let's see.

IMO, one doesn't need any more cheats, but I'll keep working to see how many more cheats I can port, and any new cheats I can write. I especially want to find a way to hack the progression of the Sommerswerd and weapon abilities.

Note that the cheats only work in specific circumstances. You have to open the Book Interface for the table to connect to the game. Even with the Book Interface open if you see values listed as ??, switch to the game window and switch back to the table. Correct values should now be visible. The combat cheats only work during Combat and the Item Stacks cheat works only when the inventory is open -- and you have to close and open the inventory to see the changes.

I have included a Lua script to Superhumanize your hero. All this does is sets the base stats to 100 and bumps up the health, kai and edurance accordingly. This is only a shortcut instead of manually editing all those values. You can, of course, manually edit those values to whatever you like. The original table set base stats to 9999, which I thought was a bit too freakish. Even my 100 seems too powerful to me, but it's just over double of what the game typically allows. The shortcut for this cheat is Alt+S.

Final comments: The table will attempt to connect to the lonewolf.exe process when you open it. So run the game and open the book interface before opening the table.

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Re: Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered (2014-12-04)

Post by gibberishh »

Here's the long-promised update. Not too many major additions, but a couple of good ones. I should preface this with my ignorance of the exact version of the game. In fact, I don't even know if many updates were released for the game -- so if there are different versions out there, maybe the cheats will work with them, maybe they won't. The closest I have come to finding out my game version is the exe file version as displayed in Windows File Properties:

Godmode [Alt+G]: This is just a lua script that I promised last time -- it freezes relevant values (stats + durability) instead of having to manually freeze them.

Fast Learner [Alt+F]: This is a lua script that sets your learning speed to 100 (see below for details). On deactivating, it resets the learning speed for the Sommerswerd to 5, and for the primary weapon to 2.

Sommerswerd Skill Increment: This determines how fast you unlock the weapon's additional capabilities (extra fire damage, etc.). That's the little diamond at the right of the radial progress bar around the attack icon. This does not unlock additional sommerswerd attacks -- those are still chapter-based. The Fast Learner lua script sets this to 100, which for me unlocked the ability after the first swing.

Weapon Skill Increment: This determines how fast you unlock each attack type's additional capabilities (extra damage, faster cooldown, etc.). That's the little diamond at the right of the radial progress bar around Quick Attack, Heavy Attack and Combined Attack icons. The Fast Learner lua script sets this to 100, which for me unlocked each ability after the first swing. With 3 swings (one of each type), I also upgraded my overall weapon proficiency (displayed on the character sheet to the right of the 3 attack types).

I haven't yet been able to find a way to enable these skill upgrades on their own (i.e., before the first fight). So for now, this is the best way I have for progressing the weapon and attack skills.

Important: The orange scripts will not work if the stats are not displayed correctly. If the stats are displayed as ?? instead of proper numbers, switch to the game with the book interface open and back to the table. Or switch to the game and use the hotkeys.

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Last edited by gibberishh on Wed Sep 11, 2024 6:48 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered (2014-12-04)

Post by gibberishh »

Info: How to get mastery in one combat?
First, read the previous post about the Fast Learner cheat. Next, set your strength to quite low (maybe 10) for the fight so that you don't one-shot kill the giak. Now unleash all three attack types one after the other. If you have any enemies left, you can upgrade the sommerswerd in the same fight.
Last edited by gibberishh on Wed Sep 11, 2024 6:42 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered (2014-12-04)

Post by gibberishh »

One major update, a few minors:

You can now Progress the Sommerswerd Quickly [Alt+Q]. The next sunsword ability will become active at every chapter transition instead of at every act transition. This means that you can unlock all sommerswerd capabilities by the start of Act 1 Ch III. :)

How to: When you are about to end a chapter, you will see a wolf icon on the page (left half of screen). Click on it. The game will update your stats, etc. Now DO NOT click on the lonewolf icon on the right. Instead, hit Esc and return to the main menu*. Activate the cheat (Alt+Q) and reload the game. Click the wolf icon again, and voila -- the next sommerswerd ability will be unlocked. Note that exiting the game this way means that any final changes you made to the inventory might need to be made again.

Haven't figured out how to do this directly via the table, or how to unlock the second and third capabilities together. :(

*You need to return to the main menu only once through a game session. If you complete Act 1 Ch I this way, then you can simply progress through the rest of the chapters normally. If you exit the game and start again later, you will have to return to the main menu at the end of the chapter again.

Minor: Rearranged a few records for better clarity and access.

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Re: Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered (2014-12-04)

Post by gibberishh »

Added: Ability to upgrade each weapon in one go. You need only the materials for level 1 and the weapon will be directly upped to level 3 by the merchant. Works with all weapons, crossbows, knife scabbards. The weapon can be equipped or in your inventory, it doesn't matter.

To use, you must upgrade a weapon once first. If you wish, you can copy your save files before doing this, upgrade, exit to main menu, restore the saved files and reload. Or just upgrade once normally, activate the cheat and then boost everything to level 3. :!: A convenient course of action is to buy something you will never use, upgrade it, activate the cheat and sell it right back. Then you can go on to upgrade your actual equipment.
If you quit the game entirely, you will have to do this again for the next set of weapon upgrades. Irritating yes, but it's the only way.

How to upgrade Armour in one click: No scripts are required. In the table, simply expand Equipment, and set the Armour Level to 2 before upgrading it. You will have to pay gold for level 3, but the materials required will still be basic level 2 materials. :) (L2 is the first armour upgrade.) The value can be set whenever you wish. No specific screens need to be opened first.

Unfortunately, neither method works for the backpack. I've kind of found the code that upgrades it, but can't seem to modify it to directly level it up all the way. :(

Added: Hotkey to add 1000 gold (Ctrl+Up Arrow). Your gold will increase by 1000 every time you hit Ctrl+Up.

Modified: Rearranged the table slightly.

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Re: Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered (2014-12-04)

Post by gibberishh »

Finally! Took me almost a year to figure this out but finally added a cheat to Freeze Cube Timer. Now you can take your merry time to figure out the cube puzzle. Especially useful if you don't take Sixth Sense -- after all, sixth sense is only useful for these puzzles. Everywhere else, including combat, you can do without it. Enable the cheat after loading the first cube puzzle you come across.

Critical Bug: Sometimes this cheat causes the cube to entirely disappear from the display. If this happens, hit Esc, click Options and change some video setting (you can choose to not accept the change when prompted). The cube puzzle will be reloaded and you can start again. Leave the cheat on while you do this.

Old bug: My apologies, Godmode in the last update was coded incorrectly :( It was freezing the wrong values and not freezing some values. Now it will correctly freeze Health, Endurance, Kai and equipment durabilities.

Still not figured out backpack upgrade or lockpicking hack.
Signed cheat table, run game and open book interface before launching.
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Re: Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered (2014-12-04)

Post by gibberishh »

Change: Removed 1-shot weapon upgrade. Instead, use Alt+W to upgrade all equipped weapons. Doesn't require any interaction with a merchant. The earlier script (and merchant) would have allowed you to upgrade any item (equipped or inventory), but now if you want to upgrade inventory items, equip them and use the hotkey. At least it doesn't involve any merchant.

Note: For armor you will still need to manually set the level to 2 as you are about to upgrade it with a merchant. There is still no other way to upgrade it. And there is still no hack for backpack either.

Major Improvement: Zero cooldowns in combat is now exactly that. You no longer need to open a radial menu twice to refresh the action icons; they will always remain active.

Alt+C will activate both cooldown cheats (action, belt). Get into the first combat, open a radial menu, then use this hotkey.

Alt+R will set and freeze regeneration of all stats to 400, a decent but not godly amount.
Signed cheat table, run game and open book interface before launching.
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Re: Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered (2014-12-04)

Post by Joshuan »

Thank you gibberishh!

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