no skill cooldown i want to request and movement speed modifier, i would love it too if my pets have a movement modifier so they reach that target faster...
no skill cooldown i want to request and movement speed modifier, i would love it too if my pets have a movement modifier so they reach that target faster...
just taunt em and let em come so your pet´s can catch em before they reach you - works for me (using fireball for example or a totem)
(for skillcooldown theres a trainer from mr antifun--- and for points/hp/stuff etc a tool called GDStash-very usefull)
have a nice gaming weekend
btw for german translation go there - a nice fanwork --- [Link]
Table for Grim Dawn Last Update: 5/14/2019
- Stat Data: Health, Energy, Movement Speed, Attack Speed
- Character Data: Iron Bits, Level, Experience, Attribute Points, Skill Points
- Devotion Data
- Statistic Data
- Faction Data
- Summon Hack for Summon Familiar, Summon Hellhound, Raise Skeletons
- Scripts: God Mode, Get Item, Duplicate Stack (Broken)
Note: Summon Hack must be activated on Main Menu before starting your single player/multiplayer session. Change the values as needed and start your game then check your summon skill for its modified value. Uses an AOB, hopefully this still works on all machines. This will not affect multiplayer, so people can still join you even if the information is different. Reveal Screenshot