Dust - An Elysian Tail +6 (Update 4.1)

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Dust - An Elysian Tail +6 (Update 4.1)

Post by STN »

- updated the Energy script with a "new" AOB scan.
- added Inf. Double Jump
- added some more items' pointer.
- added some more materials name.
- added Trial Score pointer
- added some more items' pointer.
- added some more materials name.
- added Inf. Remaining Seconds for timed bomb
- added Skill Gems pointer
- updated Inf. Quick Slot Item script. I missed a jmp in the end of the script, and it'd messed up some of the Health Items (makes 4 of them 255). now fixed.
- added some more item pointers
- updates a few material names
- added Inf. Gold
- added Inf. Quick Slot Item
- added Items and Materials pointer
- added gold pointer
- added Inf. Dash
- added Inf. Projectile

- Undead
health still drops but you won't be killed.
can't be activated until you heal once or get hit once.

- Inf. Energy
set bInfEnergy to 1 to enable

- Inf. Dash
dash won't use energy.
can't be activated until you use dash once.

- Inf. Projectile
projectile won't use energy.
can't be activated until you throw projectile once.

- Inf. Double Jump
you should have obtained double jump first.

- Inf. Quick Slot Item
you have to use an Item first before you can activate this

- Inf. Remaining Seconds for flying timed bomb
can't be activated until you get in-game

- Inf. Gold
you have to spend some gold before you can activate this script.

- Health & Energy

- Quantity of Equipped Quick Slot item

- Seconds Left of the flying timed bomb

- Gold

- Skill Gems

- Trial Score

- Quantity of Mouse Over Itemin Inventory

- Quantity of All Items in Inventory
only a few items have been added, but they can be added if you examine the pointers' structure.
for example,
if you get a new item that is not listed in the table, first point the mouse over the item, you'll see the address of Mouse Over Item Quantity has been updated.
then add a new pointer with pAItemQuantity as base and adjust the offset so that the pointer points to the address shown above.
and finally, move the newly created pointer to the appropriate tab (Armor/Augments/Rings, etc.) for easier access later.
OR you can always experiment with the offset to add new items without actually obtaining it in-game first.

- Quantity of Materials
Material with quantity 4294967295 (0xFFFF) means that you don't have that material yet. change it to 1 and it will appears in the Materials menu. you may then name them in the table.

- game use XNA, thus AOB scan is a must.
- note that most of the game code won't be available for AOB scan until it's been executed once in-game, thus not all the script can be activated at the start of the game. for example, Inventory script can be activated after you access the Inventory once, Materials script can be activated after you access Materials menu once, etc.
you may check the table description to see what the circumstances are.

Made by Cielos


Hacked together a mostly fixed table. My first time really using AOB, though I think I have the concept down.
Some of them were simple fixes (ie, ebx instead of eax), some of them were a bit more difficult

Anything in red and/or prefixed with ! is unlikely to work, I haven't tried them. Tell me if you want those ones fixed too, or I probably won't bother.
I can't guarantee the same experience as the original table, since I have never used it.

Added a Dust Storm and an EXP script.
Made by Niedzielan

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
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Re: Dust - An Elysian Tail +6 (Update 4.1)

Post by Kamikashi »

The XP script doesn't work… :-(

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