How do I get from an AoB to a usable address?

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How do I get from an AoB to a usable address?

Post by SotiCoto »

I'm not sure I can explain this well...

I'm playing MH3U on the Cemu emulator, which has given me some troubles since I'm used to working with pointers but Cemu does everything Big-Endian.
So I went searching for tables, and I found this thread here:
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=14396&sid=8e00a644d ... 904b84d7d9
... Except the tables in that thread are kinda old and partially broken.

I've been trying to fix up and expand upon Karlos_007's table... but I don't really understand the scripts.
I notice they look at least partially autogenerated... but I can't figure that out either.

IN ANY CASE... I've managed to find a moving address that I'd normally try to find a pointer for in a little-endian program, but since this is big-endian, I found a relevant code that writes to it instead... and found an AoB for that code.
BUT I need to figure out how to make a script to let me get from that Code AoB or whatever to an aliased address thingie that I can use for pseudo-pointers... and I've no idea how to do that... and simply trying to copy Karlos_007's one working script and change it to a new AoB or whatever caused Cemu to crash.


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