black750 wrote: ↑Sat Oct 19, 2024 3:54 pm
how to edit default_other.pak after patch?
game crashed
1, get bypass (see above, earlier posts on this/previous page)
2, get WinZip. other archive apps might work, but i know 7zip will not.
3, make backups of default_other.pak and default_other_cache.pak, just in case you need to restore them later. definitely having an unfucked version of default_other.pak is always useful. DELETE default_other_cache.pak from the paks folder
4, copy default_other.pak and rename the file extension into an archive that WinZip recognizes. i used the .001 extension since nothing else i have ever seen uses it and therefore i didn't have to do any shell integrations or extension linking when i installed.
5, open default_other.001 with WinZip
6, navigate to the files you want. they're probably at ssl\weapons\creator\firearm_library_pve.sso and ssl\weapons\melee\weapon_descriptions\melee_weapon_descs\... but feel free to explore, there's a lot in there. WinZip has a search function (remember to use wildcards: "*dodge*" will find all files with dodge in the name, searching for "dodge" will only find files named dodge). Enjoy.
7, open the files you want with Notepad or any other text editor. edit as you see fit. infinite ammo is entered on the line after the weapon's "maxAmmo =" entry. you want "isInfiniteClip = True" and "isInfiniteAmmo = True". you can find examples of these in the stock firearm_library_pve.sso file, there are a few weapons in there that have that, just copy the syntax. i adjust damage, parry windows on melee weapons, fire rates, infinite ammo, dodge windows, all kinds of shit. hooray.
8, after editing the files and storing them locally, replace them within your default_other.001 file using WinZip. note that when replacing the files, in the lower left there's a dropdown noting the Compression type; choose "Store". if the files are compressed i dont think the new PAK file will work
9, make a copy of default_other.001 and name the copy default_other.pak. you're keeping the 001 file just so it's easier to work with if you want to make further edits and make a new PAK. i also keep copies of the baseline files i'm editing so that post-patch i can tell if the new pak files are different from the ones i've edited: if they're the same, i don't need to remake the SSO files, i just need to make a new default_other.001 and drop in my preferred SSO files into it.
10, drop your new default_other.pak file into the paks folder.