Ultima Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams

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Ultima Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams

Post by gibberishh »

Cheat table for Ultima Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams 1.4 on DosBox 0.74-3. These have been tested on the game that has been pre-packaged by me ([Link]) to run on DosBox (on Windows 7, but Windows version shouldn't matter). This has also been tested on the GOG distribution but with DosBox 0.74-3 (I don't use the old DosBox version that GOG packages).

Very few people play this game but since there is no cheat table for it, here is one.

To use, run the game in DosBox (Mars.exe if you download from the above link) then open the table. Or simply open the table -- it will launch the game by itself if you got it from the above link. You can edit your entire party's stats and health condition (freezing, depleted oxygen, etc).
  • When you create a new character, change Copy Protection to 'Approved' and you will not be asked the question.
  • After leveling up, sometimes the str, int, dex shown in the table don't exactly match the numbers shown in the game. However, adjusting them up or down will reflect the corresponding changes in the game.
  • Don't edit stats/status of NPC slots where nobody has joined yet! Some changes there could cause the game to crash.
  • Location shows the X, Y and Z coordinates of your party in Hex. You cannot change this to teleport your party but
  • You can enable in-game cheats by changing the value of Cheats to On, and then use the built-in cheat to teleport your party. Since that expects coordinates to be entered in hex, I've displayed your current location also in hex.
  • Similarly, you can use the in-game cheats to create items in your inventory. That also expects item codes in hex. For a fairly large list of items, expand Lists, right-click Items and choose to 'Change dropdown selection options'. You'll see the hex item codes as expected by the cheat (note: you don't need to enter the leading zeros when inputing item code).
  • Walk Through Obstacles will let your main character (only) walk anywhere. Party members will not follow and you will have to rejoin your party once you finish cheating or move each party member in solo mode.
  • If you change the time you have to take a step for the change to reflect in the game.
  • Alt+G will freeze HP and health statuses of all characters (godmode).
In-game Cheats: For the numbers below, you have to use the numpad:
  • Alt+213: see your x, y and z coordinates in hex [already shown in the table; expand Location]
  • Alt+214: teleports you to coordinates [add/subtract a bit from your current location; note that these numbers correspond to the map grid, not your lat/long as shown by the sextant]
  • Alt+223: teleports you to NPC (asks NPC Id, check under Lists)
  • Alt+249: Get item info in hex [hundreds of item codes are already present in the table]
  • Alt+250: Create item [asks for item code, quality/frame --0 usually works-- and sometimes quantity]
  • Alt+251: Heal whole party

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Martian Dreams 1.4.ct
Signed cheat table, will attempt to launch .\Mars.exe and/or attach itself to DosBox.
(49.62 KiB) Downloaded 15 times

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