So this game uses the LOVE engine which is entirely lua based. It requires adding the lua.dll to the release folder so that makes it easy for us to find the loadstring and pcall functions for executing lua code and the gettop function which we need to grab the luaState.
My implementation is just using two consecutive calls of executeCodeEx, one for loadstring which adds the handle to the luastate stack, and one for executing the pcall which executes the last handle on the stack. I pause and unpause the game to try and ensure nothing messes with it during the function calls but it can occasionally crash so be aware.
Forgot to mention that despite not using the asm from his table, I did learn about this stuff from Sunbeam's post here and this [Link]
Oh and feel free to post any lua scripts that you come up with that you might want me to add to the table. Cheers.
Can you check to see if the luaState is found? Go to memory view and then hit Ctrl+U to see the registered symbols. If luaState is not among then then I can do something about it.
Unlock weapons works functionally, but the flag doesn't "stick"; all the weapons unlocked with the script will be locked again if you reload with the scripts inactive.
Weapon mods unlocks the mod in the list, but you can't actually apply them.
Regardless, nice work. I've not gotten into LUA stuff much, so there's things for me to learn here.