Check what happens before "Ninja.exe+30FB37" when that JNE is taken or not. That's your condition, if r12b is 0 or 1. Then, while there, determine what the structure the x64 register is accessed refers to. I am pretty sure that if you do "Find out what addresses this instruction accesses" you will find several addresses/pointers in that list.
Code: Select all
Ninja.exe+xxxxxx - 80 BF 00010000 00 - cmp byte ptr [rdi+00000100],00
Ninja.exe+30FB37 - 75 05 - jne Ninja.exe+30FB3E
Ninja.exe+30FB39 - 45 32 E4 - xor r12b,r12b
Ninja.exe+30FB3C - EB 03 - jmp Ninja.exe+30FB41
Ninja.exe+30FB3E - 41 B4 01 - mov r12b,01
Verify who "RDI" is and set-up a filter to make it jump directly to "Ninja.exe+30FB39" if struct is something you know: Player, VisibilityComponent belonging to Player, etc. (you can also do VIsibilityComponent (RDI) + offset == Player and check Player to be you). Of course, this is heuristically, you will have to determine what is what. That's the concept, at least.
P.S. #1: One lesson you need to learn is to express yourself properly: which version of the game, which game store, cracked/not cracked -- because your code snippet will be valid only for your exe. Which means any other who wants to help out investigating that snippet will have to do so on your EXACT version of the game (exact exe that you have). Game also has to be capable of being run, else we can't debug in real time...
P.S. #2: Are you playing this one? ->