[REQUEST] Sins of a Solar Empire 2 (Steam)

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Re: [REQUEST] Sins of a Solar Empire 2 (Steam)

Post by acecel »

Until we have a table here is a script to get values for resources (Credit, Metal, Crystal, Military Command).

Activate/Reactivate the script every time you load a new save.
Tell me if this work or not for you, and of course make a backup of your save before trying anything. ;)

Get Resources Values

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Get Resources Values"</Description>
      <Options moHideChildren="1" moDeactivateChildrenAsWell="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : sins2.exe
  Date   : 2024-08-17
  Author : acecel

  This script does blah blah blah


aobscanmodule(aob_res_update,sins2.exe,F3 0F 11 44 8E 08) // should be unique



dq 0
dq 0
dq 0



  cmp rcx,00
  je saveCredit
  cmp rcx,01
  je saveMetal
  cmp rcx,02
  je saveCrystal
  jmp code

  cmp [pCredit],0
  jne code
  push rdx
    lea rdx,[rsi+rcx*4+08]
    mov [pCredit],rdx
  pop rdx
  jmp code

  cmp [pMetal],0
  jne code
  push rdx
    lea rdx,[rsi+rcx*4+08]
    mov [pMetal],rdx
  pop rdx
  jmp code

  cmp [pCrystal],0
  jne code
  push rdx
    lea rdx,[rsi+rcx*4+08]
    mov [pCrystal],rdx
  pop rdx
  jmp code

  movss [rsi+rcx*4+08],xmm0
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db F3 0F 11 44 8E 08


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: sins2.exe.text+85AD07

sins2.exe.text+85ACDA: E8 A1 0B 00 00              - call sins2.exe.text+85B880
sins2.exe.text+85ACDF: 33 DB                       - xor ebx,ebx
sins2.exe.text+85ACE1: 8B CB                       - mov ecx,ebx
sins2.exe.text+85ACE3: 48 83 F9 03                 - cmp rcx,03
sins2.exe.text+85ACE7: 0F 83 81 01 00 00           - jae sins2.exe.text+85AE6E
sins2.exe.text+85ACED: 41 0F 28 F0                 - movaps xmm6,xmm8
sins2.exe.text+85ACF1: F3 0F 59 B4 8C B0 00 00 00  - mulss xmm6,[rsp+rcx*4+000000B0]
sins2.exe.text+85ACFA: 0F 28 C6                    - movaps xmm0,xmm6
sins2.exe.text+85ACFD: F3 0F 58 44 8E 08           - addss xmm0,[rsi+rcx*4+08]
sins2.exe.text+85AD03: F3 0F 5F C7                 - maxss xmm0,xmm7
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
sins2.exe.text+85AD07: F3 0F 11 44 8E 08           - movss [rsi+rcx*4+08],xmm0
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
sins2.exe.text+85AD0D: 48 8B 3E                    - mov rdi,[rsi]
sins2.exe.text+85AD10: 85 DB                       - test ebx,ebx
sins2.exe.text+85AD12: 74 30                       - je sins2.exe.text+85AD44
sins2.exe.text+85AD14: 83 E9 01                    - sub ecx,01
sins2.exe.text+85AD17: 0F 84 81 00 00 00           - je sins2.exe.text+85AD9E
sins2.exe.text+85AD1D: 83 E9 01                    - sub ecx,01
sins2.exe.text+85AD20: 74 75                       - je sins2.exe.text+85AD97
sins2.exe.text+85AD22: 83 F9 01                    - cmp ecx,01
sins2.exe.text+85AD25: 75 1D                       - jne sins2.exe.text+85AD44
sins2.exe.text+85AD27: 4C 8D 05 5E A4 52 00        - lea r8,[sins2.exe.rdata+4318C]
          <Description>"Activate/Reactivate after loading a save"</Description>
          <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>

Edit 1 :
I added Military Command value Doesn't work as there is a check when the ship is actually built, my bad for not catching it.

Edit 2 :

Another small script that allow to multiply the resources gain for credit, metal and crystal.
It can't be activated at the same time as the first script so use another table (like Destinate's one) to edit the resources values.

Be careful the script seems to also affect the enemies, i was not yet able to check that but it was reported by people so avoid using it.

Resource Gain Multiplier (May affect enemies too)

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Resource Gain Multiplier"</Description>
      <Options moHideChildren="1" moDeactivateChildrenAsWell="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : sins2.exe
  Date   : 2024-08-17
  Author : acecel

  This script does blah blah blah


aobscanmodule(aob_res_update,sins2.exe,F3 0F 11 44 8E 08) // should be unique



dd 0
dd 0
dd 0



dd (float)2.0            // Change Default Multiplier Here

dd (float)2.0            // Change Default Multiplier Here

dd (float)2.0            // Change Default Multiplier Here




  cmp rcx,00
  je saveCredit
  cmp rcx,01
  je saveMetal
  cmp rcx,02
  je saveCrystal
  jmp code

  cmp [pCredit],0
  jne multCredit
  push rdx
    lea rdx,[rsi+rcx*4+08]
    mov [pCredit],rdx
  pop rdx
  jmp multCredit

  cmp [pMetal],0
  jne multMetal
  push rdx
    lea rdx,[rsi+rcx*4+08]
    mov [pMetal],rdx
  pop rdx
  jmp multMetal

  cmp [pCrystal],0
  jne multCrystal
  push rdx
    lea rdx,[rsi+rcx*4+08]
    mov [pCrystal],rdx
  pop rdx
  jmp multCrystal

  cmp rcx,00
  jne code
  movss xmm1,xmm0
  subss xmm1,[rsi+rcx*4+08]
  mulss xmm1,[mulCredit]
  movss xmm0,[rsi+rcx*4+08]
  addss xmm0,xmm1
  jmp code

  cmp rcx,01
  jne code
  movss xmm1,xmm0
  subss xmm1,[rsi+rcx*4+08]
  mulss xmm1,[mulMetal]
  movss xmm0,[rsi+rcx*4+08]
  addss xmm0,xmm1
  jmp code

  cmp rcx,02
  jne code
  movss xmm1,xmm0
  subss xmm1,[rsi+rcx*4+08]
  mulss xmm1,[mulCrystal]
  movss xmm0,[rsi+rcx*4+08]
  addss xmm0,xmm1
  jmp code

  movss [rsi+rcx*4+08],xmm0
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db F3 0F 11 44 8E 08


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: sins2.exe.text+85AD07

sins2.exe.text+85ACDA: E8 A1 0B 00 00              - call sins2.exe.text+85B880
sins2.exe.text+85ACDF: 33 DB                       - xor ebx,ebx
sins2.exe.text+85ACE1: 8B CB                       - mov ecx,ebx
sins2.exe.text+85ACE3: 48 83 F9 03                 - cmp rcx,03
sins2.exe.text+85ACE7: 0F 83 81 01 00 00           - jae sins2.exe.text+85AE6E
sins2.exe.text+85ACED: 41 0F 28 F0                 - movaps xmm6,xmm8
sins2.exe.text+85ACF1: F3 0F 59 B4 8C B0 00 00 00  - mulss xmm6,[rsp+rcx*4+000000B0]
sins2.exe.text+85ACFA: 0F 28 C6                    - movaps xmm0,xmm6
sins2.exe.text+85ACFD: F3 0F 58 44 8E 08           - addss xmm0,[rsi+rcx*4+08]
sins2.exe.text+85AD03: F3 0F 5F C7                 - maxss xmm0,xmm7
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
sins2.exe.text+85AD07: F3 0F 11 44 8E 08           - movss [rsi+rcx*4+08],xmm0
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
sins2.exe.text+85AD0D: 48 8B 3E                    - mov rdi,[rsi]
sins2.exe.text+85AD10: 85 DB                       - test ebx,ebx
sins2.exe.text+85AD12: 74 30                       - je sins2.exe.text+85AD44
sins2.exe.text+85AD14: 83 E9 01                    - sub ecx,01
sins2.exe.text+85AD17: 0F 84 81 00 00 00           - je sins2.exe.text+85AD9E
sins2.exe.text+85AD1D: 83 E9 01                    - sub ecx,01
sins2.exe.text+85AD20: 74 75                       - je sins2.exe.text+85AD97
sins2.exe.text+85AD22: 83 F9 01                    - cmp ecx,01
sins2.exe.text+85AD25: 75 1D                       - jne sins2.exe.text+85AD44
sins2.exe.text+85AD27: 4C 8D 05 5E A4 52 00        - lea r8,[sins2.exe.rdata+4318C]
          <Description>"Activate/Reactivate after loading a save"</Description>
          <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>

Last edited by acecel on Sat Aug 17, 2024 11:02 pm, edited 13 times in total.

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Re: [REQUEST] Sins of a Solar Empire 2 (Steam)

Post by acecel »

Banri wrote:
Fri Aug 16, 2024 9:21 pm
Influence is a 4 byte aswell. I am making a table currently with Credits, Metal, Crystal, Exotics and Influence. The basics.
The only issue I am having is getting the address/value to reflect the game between different saves. I can get the right addresses for a single save but when trying it on a different save the values are incorrect
You can use my script for - Gold, Metal, Crystal, Military Command - if you want. I don't know if the other values are located near them, but if they are at a fixed distance from them then you can complete the rest of the list of values easily :mrgreen:

And you can make my script better too, i know i do thing in a very stupidly basic way, i am a newb in table making.
Last edited by acecel on Sat Aug 17, 2024 3:02 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [REQUEST] Sins of a Solar Empire 2 (Steam)

Post by Destinate »

Just made it with some basic stuff

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Re: [REQUEST] Sins of a Solar Empire 2 (Steam)

Post by a448738483 »


Is there any way to multiple to experience gain for capital and titan ships?

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Re: [REQUEST] Sins of a Solar Empire 2 (Steam)

Post by DosDeosos »

WankHole wrote:
Fri Aug 16, 2024 8:48 pm
rausrh wrote:
Fri Aug 16, 2024 7:42 pm
perempt wrote:
Fri Aug 16, 2024 6:31 pm
hi guys im noob but i just scanned under "float" > exact value for metal and crystals and it worked, might work with other values too i havent tried
Yeah Credits, Crystals, and Metals are pretty easy. I still haven't found exotics or fleet size yet
I found exotics and was hoping finding one of them (4 byte by the way) would allow me to check the memory on that area and find the rest but alas, it didn't happen. You can change your fleet size value (4 byte again) to negative values and just build as many ships as you want though. Thats pretty huge. Didn't play around with research speed yet but the times are mentioned on each item for 70 seconds will likely be held as a float of 70 and be easy to find.

I mean, I feel like I can throw together a shitty table with most stuff but I know if I start then someone else will post a really badass table before I finish so im just doing "lite" hacks on the game. The game didn't ship with the dev exe which sucks (although I think that gives the AI hacks too). There were some AWESOME tables for the first game. So surprised one of the more experienced table makers hasnt jumped on this.

Also, is it me or is SOASE 2 a LOT harder than the first one? I got to a point where I literally couldn't get out of the start sector because everything beyond would destroy any fleet of any size? May have just been a shitty map that generated but I got ROLLED.
Changing the military command to a negative value doesn't seem to work for me, as it still caps at the same maximum. How did you do it?

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Re: [REQUEST] Sins of a Solar Empire 2 (Steam)

Post by gogfox »


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Re: [REQUEST] Sins of a Solar Empire 2 (Steam)

Post by acecel »

a448738483 wrote:
Sat Aug 17, 2024 6:25 am

Is there any way to multiple to experience gain for capital and titan ships?
I planned to create a few more scripts including exp multiplier when i play a little later today, but it's probable someone already created a full fat table/trainer by that point as the game seems to be easy to cheat. ;)

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Re: [REQUEST] Sins of a Solar Empire 2 (Steam)

Post by acecel »

DosDeosos wrote:
Sat Aug 17, 2024 7:53 am
WankHole wrote:
Fri Aug 16, 2024 8:48 pm
rausrh wrote:
Fri Aug 16, 2024 7:42 pm

Yeah Credits, Crystals, and Metals are pretty easy. I still haven't found exotics or fleet size yet
I found exotics and was hoping finding one of them (4 byte by the way) would allow me to check the memory on that area and find the rest but alas, it didn't happen. You can change your fleet size value (4 byte again) to negative values and just build as many ships as you want though. Thats pretty huge. Didn't play around with research speed yet but the times are mentioned on each item for 70 seconds will likely be held as a float of 70 and be easy to find.

I mean, I feel like I can throw together a shitty table with most stuff but I know if I start then someone else will post a really badass table before I finish so im just doing "lite" hacks on the game. The game didn't ship with the dev exe which sucks (although I think that gives the AI hacks too). There were some AWESOME tables for the first game. So surprised one of the more experienced table makers hasnt jumped on this.

Also, is it me or is SOASE 2 a LOT harder than the first one? I got to a point where I literally couldn't get out of the start sector because everything beyond would destroy any fleet of any size? May have just been a shitty map that generated but I got ROLLED.
Changing the military command to a negative value doesn't seem to work for me, as it still caps at the same maximum. How did you do it?
Using my script i simply set the value to 0 then freeze it, and it works i could add as many ships as i wanted.

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Re: [REQUEST] Sins of a Solar Empire 2 (Steam)

Post by DosDeosos »

acecel wrote:
Sat Aug 17, 2024 5:16 pm
DosDeosos wrote:
Sat Aug 17, 2024 7:53 am
WankHole wrote:
Fri Aug 16, 2024 8:48 pm

I found exotics and was hoping finding one of them (4 byte by the way) would allow me to check the memory on that area and find the rest but alas, it didn't happen. You can change your fleet size value (4 byte again) to negative values and just build as many ships as you want though. Thats pretty huge. Didn't play around with research speed yet but the times are mentioned on each item for 70 seconds will likely be held as a float of 70 and be easy to find.

I mean, I feel like I can throw together a shitty table with most stuff but I know if I start then someone else will post a really badass table before I finish so im just doing "lite" hacks on the game. The game didn't ship with the dev exe which sucks (although I think that gives the AI hacks too). There were some AWESOME tables for the first game. So surprised one of the more experienced table makers hasnt jumped on this.

Also, is it me or is SOASE 2 a LOT harder than the first one? I got to a point where I literally couldn't get out of the start sector because everything beyond would destroy any fleet of any size? May have just been a shitty map that generated but I got ROLLED.
Changing the military command to a negative value doesn't seem to work for me, as it still caps at the same maximum. How did you do it?
Using my script i simply set the value to 0 then freeze it, and it works i could add as many ships as i wanted.
I tried using both a negative value and setting it to 0, then freezing it, but it still says it's waiting for the maximum supply to increase. And yes, I used your script, but it doesn't seem to work for me. Even tried on both current and new saves.

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Re: [REQUEST] Sins of a Solar Empire 2 (Steam)

Post by dingalingus21 »

I had the same experience with the command value. Despite whatever the number on the left is set to the game still seems to remember what all your ships add up to and calculate based on that. And something I noticed with both the left and right numbers is that after a while the addresses seem to change, because the values get all scrambled. I suspect both values are cosmetic. The way it worked in the first game wasn't any easier to mess with though so these difficulties are unsurprising. Maybe you could find the supply value of a ship instead and set that to -99999 or something like that, though idk how you'd find the addresses for those in the first place.

Though honestly the unit limits seem to be quite generous here compared to the first game. You don't have to take a permanent hit to your income every time you upgrade the cap anymore, and that's pretty nice. Though it was my favorite thing to cheat so I still wanna do it as a matter of habit.

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Re: [REQUEST] Sins of a Solar Empire 2 (Steam)

Post by DosDeosos »

dingalingus21 wrote:
Sat Aug 17, 2024 7:11 pm
I had the same experience with the command value. Despite whatever the number on the left is set to the game still seems to remember what all your ships add up to and calculate based on that. And something I noticed with both the left and right numbers is that after a while the addresses seem to change, because the values get all scrambled. I suspect both values are cosmetic. The way it worked in the first game wasn't any easier to mess with though so these difficulties are unsurprising. Maybe you could find the supply value of a ship instead and set that to -99999 or something like that, though idk how you'd find the addresses for those in the first place.

Though honestly the unit limits seem to be quite generous here compared to the first game. You don't have to take a permanent hit to your income every time you upgrade the cap anymore, and that's pretty nice. Though it was my favorite thing to cheat so I still wanna do it as a matter of habit.
Yep, My thought exactly as yours.

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Re: [REQUEST] Sins of a Solar Empire 2 (Steam)

Post by acecel »

DosDeosos wrote:
Sat Aug 17, 2024 5:32 pm
acecel wrote:
Sat Aug 17, 2024 5:16 pm
DosDeosos wrote:
Sat Aug 17, 2024 7:53 am

Changing the military command to a negative value doesn't seem to work for me, as it still caps at the same maximum. How did you do it?
Using my script i simply set the value to 0 then freeze it, and it works i could add as many ships as i wanted.
I tried using both a negative value and setting it to 0, then freezing it, but it still says it's waiting for the maximum supply to increase. And yes, I used your script, but it doesn't seem to work for me. Even tried on both current and new saves.
You are right, i was wrong, there is a check made by the game the moment the ship is actually build, my bad, thanks for sharing the information.

I am a newb at this stuff and when i find a script that seems to work i am so happy to finally being able to give something to the community instead of taking something from it that i tend to go too fast and don't do all the proper checks. I need to learn to avoid making this same kind of mistakes over and over :(

One last thing, if anyone find a way to check if the code we are running at some point is for the hero character or for an ally or for an enemy, that would be awesome to share that information to others so that we can add checks in scripts to be only be used when it's for the hero, as so far a lot of the code i have seen seems to be generic in the sense it's the same code for hero/ally/enemy....

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Re: [REQUEST] Sins of a Solar Empire 2 (Steam)

Post by DosDeosos »

acecel wrote:
Sat Aug 17, 2024 11:05 pm
DosDeosos wrote:
Sat Aug 17, 2024 5:32 pm
acecel wrote:
Sat Aug 17, 2024 5:16 pm

Using my script i simply set the value to 0 then freeze it, and it works i could add as many ships as i wanted.
I tried using both a negative value and setting it to 0, then freezing it, but it still says it's waiting for the maximum supply to increase. And yes, I used your script, but it doesn't seem to work for me. Even tried on both current and new saves.
You are right, i was wrong, there is a check made by the game the moment the ship is actually build, my bad, thanks for sharing the information.

I am a newb at this stuff and when i find a script that seems to work i am so happy to finally being able to give something to the community instead of taking something from it that i tend to go too fast and don't do all the proper checks. I need to learn to avoid making this same kind of mistakes over and over :(
Hey, don't be too hard on yourself. You're already doing a great job. We're just giving feedback to help. You’re contributing something valuable to the community, and that's what really matters. Keep it up.

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