Another Game i found in cheat requests, still early days table. if you want to help me test functions, have any questions or the table needs to be updated feel free to join my discord (invite code: n7QPrYn7p5). otherwise please tag me in your replies and if the table works for you an uprep would be appreciated
!This Table is currently out of date, the game updates every day or two at the moment so keeping this forum post up to date is too much effort for the time being. I am posting indev versions in the mean time where i fix most of the main scripts when they break. those tables are in the server, feel free to take a look if you're looking for an update to the table: [Link]!
*Local Functions*
-Edit Money
Allows you to change your money to whatever you want
-Edit Max Employees
allows as many employees as you want
-Edit Franchise XP and Points
allows you to set Franchise XP and Points
-Edit Max Customers
allows you to set max costumers
-Edit Storage/Space & Prices
allows you to set the prices of store expansion
*Online Functions*
-Give/Remove Money
Adds or removes money in game session
-Unlock All Franchise upgrades
unlock all franchise upgrades with 1 click
-Spawn Boxes
allows you to spawn boxes as if they were purchased items
-Spawn Brooms/Tablets/Scanners
allows you to infinitely drop brooms/tablets/scanners. extra explanation in discord
-Teleport to cool room/ manager room
Shift+C to teleport to cool room/ Shift+X to teleport to manager room
-Edit Character and hat
Allows you to change character and hat. extra explanation in discord
Another Game i found in cheat requests, still early days table. if you want to help me test functions, have any questions or the table needs to be updated feel free to join my discord (invite code: n7QPrYn7p5). otherwise please tag me in your replies and if the table works for you an uprep would be appreciated
!! Posting InDev Table because of popularity. not updating post and table is not finished but since the amount of downloads i'm going to post it here!!
*Local Functions*
-Edit Money
Allows you to change your money to whatever you want
-Edit Max Employees
allows as many employees as you want
-Edit Franchise XP and Points
allows you to set Franchise XP and Points
-Edit Max Customers
allows you to set max costumers
-Edit Storage/Space & Prices
allows you to set the prices of store expansion
*Online Functions*
-Give/Remove Money
Adds or removes money in game session
-Unlock All Franchise upgrades
unlock all franchise upgrades with 1 click
-Spawn Boxes
allows you to spawn boxes as if they were purchased items
-Spawn Brooms/Tablets/Scanners
allows you to infinitely drop brooms/tablets/scanners. extra explanation in discord
-Teleport to cool room/ manager room
Shift+C to teleport to cool room/ Shift+X to teleport to manager room
-Edit Character and hat
Allows you to change character and hat. extra explanation in discord
Download (InDev Half Working Version)
Supermarket Together v1.4 InDev.CT
Old VersionsSpoiler
Supermarket Together v1.2 inDev.CT
Supermarket Together v1.CT
Here is add funds script I made, feel free to use it.
--credits to Akira Fudo for the getStaticFieldAddress function
code = decodeFunction("c-n/h(2G}]5T032ZMT4,swjUV6)}X,c!UbAZB%ifs8S]akri+ks;xciH-cN(F-jkRHvj{Y0;]A0:!rLg8!y3*u_oxj11rt!eCzpkzMb*^CzJFLZoIy/adU%03d5Jr.P/-!LLwjs+IOujb]RJ;0Ov}y5yxE#cn:(1j%j/S=4eDq=)b/e%AzbQR9VvPLJf6kRl)KvCZ:z7ZXWC5@AVfH[HI0P+Vug6l*T,#+WpslF,1FmbJ3ZjTP!$5L=8ut-6;!cBYcadUO2}UR!R6:u]t#ng?f.vW1eIlOFnHluI0:T$QN.oYtHLV9X=]C6$_))fG]p8QTXm8?#v)EgEwBIWo=C+aj?es:m0s@gdK-(/_XhYS$gkkz%$M^tCzw4sTVYQXUhZ?Ueh1P-yO2/V0CX2;]!a?5dS!S8#]+:]ieEY7ps/DX)*)D7Y0o=pQd9Klh}zoo0qoGW:NY4k9xg0=H?5^J5HC!xygG2ZL)yPa[g[QxZlJ+9=n5pC{U},k5gqP/Ca?*.jg+Vx-M5@q(34.;0,VM;;$@MXSnt0JS*ftgHl/#@LLGZe+lF4t*B:MmXr")
local newMoney = tonumber(inputQuery("Money to add", "amount:",""))
--getStaticFieldAddress(nameSpace, className, fieldName, IL2CPP, singletonMonoBehaviour, backingField)
local GameDataPTR = readPointer((getStaticFieldAddress('', 'GameData', 'Instance', false, false, false)))
local method = mono_findMethod('', 'GameData', 'CmdAlterFunds')
if method then
local success, result = pcall(mono_invoke_method, nil, method, GameDataPTR, {
{ type = vtSingle, value = newMoney}
if success then
print("Method 'CmdAlterFunds' invoked successfully")
print("Failed to invoke method:", result)
print("Failed to find method 'CmdAlterFunds'")
Hi, Thanks for taking the time to make this, i will definitely take part of this approach. the inputquery was something i was fiddling with so that helps out a bunch, and i might implement the succes/failure structure. However you may understand my apprehensiveness to publish someone elses obfuscated code (that i then don't know what it does exactly). Maybe i'm new and unaware that either CE doesn't allow much misuse in their scripts or this person is some well known figure that's broadly considered trustworthy. i hope you get where i'm coming from, and once again thanks for your effort, it's much appreciated <3
Hi, I just wanted to check, is there an update to the current table?
sorry i didn't see your message yet, the game is getting updated every day or two now so i'm not keeping up with it on the forums, i post indev versions in the server that are mostly working though feel free to take a look: [Link]