if (R.trim().toLowerCase() === "protto") {
if (t && G - t < 20 * 60 * 60) {
const {
hours: H,
minutes: k,
seconds: Z
} = Kk(G, t);
v(`You can redeem the daily code once every 20 hours. Try again in ${H}:${k}:${Z}`);
const U = [],
A = [],
Y = [];
antimatterCount: s + 500
}), M({
antimatterGenerated: d + 500
Hi not really a programmer but I can kind of infer what I'm seeing but am still confused. Is this anything different that what is on the first page? just changing the values for the daily code?
stiill concerned about antimatter values going perma negative so apprehensive to try anything
if(R.trim().toLowerCase()==="protto"){if(t&&G-t<20*60*60){const{hours:H,minutes:k,seconds:Z}=Kk(G,t);v(`You can redeem the daily code once every 20 hours. Try again in ${H}:${k}:${Z}`);return}e(!1);const U=[],A=[],Y=[];M({type:"SET_ANTIMATTER_COUNT",antimatterCount:s+500}),M({type:"ANTIMATTER_GENERATED",antimatterGenerated:d+500});
# delete the time test to push the button
# Math.abs keep the antimatter number positif
# i don t know for the leaderboard, i lost it with the first antimatter number negatif
The negative AntiMatter is 100% saved on your save file. I once again used this technique to get more AntiMatter and after a certain amount of times using the protto code I noticed my AntiMatter went into the negative. I quickly ALT+F4 and restarted my game and my AntiMatter count went back to it's previous level. My Leaderboard progress also wasn't halted. So I'm sure there's a value that can be changed in our save file that can possibly revert the negative AntiMatter or Protto Code/AntiMatter gain values that can revert the penalty. I just have no idea how to edit the save file.
you can also replace type:"SET_ANTIMATTER_COUNT",antimatterCount:a+500" in the daily protto code with type:"SET_MECH_TOKENS",mechTokens:r+1" editing +1 to be whatever number you would like to have in the mech tokens, making mech grinding much easier to get done
I've appeared to figuyre out away around the antimatter count going negative. When editing the .js file, change the following (found after the 20*60*60 timer, changing that to say, 1*1*1 to make it easier to find) from
From what I've been able to figure out, this increases antimatter by 5000 without it counting up to whatever maximum limit there is. Used it to generate over 300k so far, no ill effects. (Lots of experimenting/resetting.)
Before this, I also figured out that right after the antimatter code, the potions are listed next. No idea how to select which potions you can get, but you can increase the "quantity:1" to however many you want to generate per daily code.
I know the amount of Mechs Tokens is in your safe file; the dev used the safe files of those who won the first giveaway and edited them then returned them giving them the extra mech + antimatter.
I've appeared to figuyre out away around the antimatter count going negative. When editing the .js file, change the following (found after the 20*60*60 timer, changing that to say, 1*1*1 to make it easier to find) from
From what I've been able to figure out, this increases antimatter by 5000 without it counting up to whatever maximum limit there is. Used it to generate over 300k so far, no ill effects. (Lots of experimenting/resetting.)
Before this, I also figured out that right after the antimatter code, the potions are listed next. No idea how to select which potions you can get, but you can increase the "quantity:1" to however many you want to generate per daily code.
I made it like this but getting way to much, 1.73b antimatter, why?
so i did this and ive had the antimatter im generating at 10k per protto. done it about 17 times, bought upgrades and stuff no negative numbers.. but every time i try to use protto anymore my screen just goes completely white and i cant do anything until i restart the game, and the code doesnt get activated