RAGE 2 SunBeam's force time of day cheat

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RAGE 2 SunBeam's force time of day cheat

Post by ComManDerBG »

I really like RAGE 2, me and probably six other people. When SunBeam relewased his table many years ago at this point he included a "force time of day" cheat. Now i persoanlly hate playing these games in darkness, my eyes are already bad enough i dont need to be squinting throgh bullshit night time. When the game released there was an 'exploit' where if you opened photo mode and changed the time of day, then closed it, the time of day change would stick. But instead of fixing the meriad of other bugs, they patched that.

So i ask. Either could someone slap together a time of day cheat, or help me figure out how to update SunBeams table, just the time of day script, im not interested in anything else.

SunBeam did all the basic work, i assume all that's really needed is to update the addresses or something. Ive literally never done this before though, i have no idea how to do it or where to even start.

Thank you.

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Re: RAGE 2 SunBeam's force time of day cheat

Post by Casisback »

Have you asked if Sunbeam is OK with updating of his scripts?

→ Can I post tables other people created?

4. in case you want to make any modification to an existing table (which is not your creation) and share it with the community:
a. PM the table author asking for permission
b. if no response is given in 48 hours time (idling, author retired or just simply not wanting to reply), kindly create a header in the table with author's name (e.g.: [SunBeam] (original author)) and move all content there; then create a header with your name (e.g.: [SomeUser1]) and put your entries/scripts there -> example post: here

I know you don’t read the rules because you posted this in wrong section too

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Re: RAGE 2 SunBeam's force time of day cheat

Post by ComManDerBG »

Casisback wrote:
Fri Jul 12, 2024 10:09 am
Have you asked if Sunbeam is OK with updating of his scripts?

→ Can I post tables other people created?

4. in case you want to make any modification to an existing table (which is not your creation) and share it with the community:
a. PM the table author asking for permission
b. if no response is given in 48 hours time (idling, author retired or just simply not wanting to reply), kindly create a header in the table with author's name (e.g.: [SunBeam] (original author)) and move all content there; then create a header with your name (e.g.: [SomeUser1]) and put your entries/scripts there -> example post: here

I know you don’t read the rules because you posted this in wrong section too
I'll send him a message but im kind of scared of talking to him to be honest. What's the right section?

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Re: RAGE 2 SunBeam's force time of day cheat

Post by SunBeam »

Solved by PM. Closing this.


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