Thank you for creating this table, unfortunately it has not been useful for the current version 0.8.7
I have found some values in the 4-byte category or type for the subject of skills. But it is not looking for the values of health, hunger, stamina and others. I have no knowledge on the subject of tricks, but I hope that my information is useful to you.
I tried the Zeption table but with version 0.8.7 it didn't work. However, with my little knowledge I was able to find some values.
The life value is in the Type - Float, you just have to put the value of your current life, then modify it either with a wound or healing and then press Next Scan and the value will appear.
After it's set, start the game. Then after your save is loaded, press ` - backtick above tab on QWERTY
keyboards. You can close the console with the same key.
The value of the experience points are in Type - 4bytes, what I did was look for 6, then I used 2 points, I had 4 left. Next scan and by continuing to change the value, the correct one ends up appearing. Then you edit it and put the value you want 8888 for example.
The statistics values have the same function, they are edited in the same way. But you should see the real values in the left column, for example I have 12 strength and in the next column it says I have 15, those 15 are for bonuses and it is not my base value to search for in order to edit.
The cheat table is located at Soulash.2.v0.8.7a\data\docs and the document is Index
Below is the list of all available cheats:
heal - heals your character to max
skill_p 50 skill_id - set potential of the skill to 50, replace "skill_id" with id from skills.json exp 100 skill_id- adds 100 exp for your skill, replace "skill_id" with id from skills.json
gold 500 - adds 500 gold for your character.
age 5 - reduces birth year by 5 years making the character older.
spawn 21 or spawn 300 20 - the first number is the id of the entity you wish to spawn nearby. It can be an enemy or item. The second number indicates the count. If it's a stackable item, it will spawn in the same spot - useful to spawn some resources for crafting, while enemies will spawn in random positions nearby. To quickly find out which entity id you need for the spawn, you can go to your install directory for Soulash 2/data/mods/core/entities and search entity by name. The first number in the filename is the id you need.
stash 21 or stash 300 20 - Works the same as spawn command above, except it spawns items and resources in the settlement stash. Works only in player-controlled settlements.
set_stat strength 100 - sets specific stat value to the number you want. Works for strength, endurance, dexterity, intelligence, willpower. Can be useful to test crafting affixes or artifacts, as intelligence affects the chance of rolling magic items.
recipe 100 - teaches you recipe to craft item of index 100. See spawn above to figure out how to grab the index you need. Must be craftable.
thirst 100 - Adds value to the thirst bar, can be negative.
hunger 100 - Adds value to the hunger bar, can be negative.
mapvis - Uncovers the region map.
mapregen - Regenerates the region map with a new iteration from procedural generation.
weather - Triggers a weather event.
teleport x,y,z- Teleport to a tile within the active region.
find 2421 - Checks if entity of given index is available in the region and where.
time 2421 - Moves the time forward by 2421 turns.
settlebump - Increases our settlement level by 1 if possible.