Feels more appropriate considering it's not related to that specific table.
First off, there are a lot of games I don't actually own.
Some I get gifted, some I get access to at a friend, but most of the time, I just wait for a good discount to get the whole game and all DLCs in one go.
I seldom pay full price for a game as most of the time, it's untested, buggy crap.
A lot of games cost so much money I can't afford it.
Games with Denuvo I don't buy, unless it gets removed. It's a principle.
Anyway, quite often, this means having to wait years for games.
I am not in a rush, a game is a game, and whenever I get to play it in its full glory, it will be new to me and I won't feel bad about paying 10-15 euros for a game that normally costs 50+. Again, as a principle, to me a game is either complete, including all DLCs, or it's a semi-complete game.
Every game I buy is money I have to take away from my family. It'd be nice to get a new PC at least every 10 years, too...
Second, the world is going to shit.
People talk a lot of mean shit, which is very demotivating.
Some people post tables with just one script and forcing people off-site to get the good stuff. I don't understand why they come here to advertise their junk. If they were good, people would be looking for the good stuff on their sites in the first place.
When someone posts good stuff, only a few bother giving a thumbs up.
And even then, people are complaining it does not work because a patch dropped. Well, another reason why I prefer working on older games - less bitching. I wonder how fellow members of this board can keep going with all this shit.
A lot of games coming out lately are just commercialized junk. No meaningful story, gameplay, immersion, or the controls are bad. We seldom get a good games lately.
Pathfinder is a good one, I am looking forward to buying the whole package when it's on a good discount - however, DLCs are still coming so it's unlikely I get a good price tag any soon. As you may know, DLCs are the means to keep a game alive and keep milking the cow.
Thirdly, it's a hobby.
I do it in my free time, out of free will, because I'm interested how games work, what can I bring out of it and learn a thing or two in the process.
As you may well be aware, a modded game is more fun to play - especially when it comes to sharing stories with friends; those can be more fun than the game itself.
Anyhow, there is no other motivation for me, really.
Sure, there are people who try to make money - and a living - out of this, but I ain't one of them.
If I have something others can use, I am happy to share it with everyone for free.
I leave greed to others.
Lastly, I am a human being, having a family and as such, having a very limited time for my own.
When I chose to do something with my free time, I weight carefully how I spend it.
There are a set of games I pull out of the closet regularly - if you can call once a year or once every second year regular.
As I learn something new, I can apply that knowledge to modding older games and make things better.
If I have time for new games, and they are worth playing and affordable, then I take them next.
So, you see, there is no black and white answer; everyone is different, everyone's situation is different.
If you got this far, now you know mine.