[HELP] How to add a LUA script to a table?

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[HELP] How to add a LUA script to a table?

Post by ctl3d32 »


I'm adding the code below to a script inside a table, so that i can enable and disable it. The code bellow only works if variables "address", "original" and "newmem" are not locals. If another script uses the same variable names, it overwrites the values of these variables. When that happens, if i disable the first script the original bytes are not restored correctly and the process crashes.

Is it possible to add as many lua scripts to a table as i want using only local variables, so that i can enable and disable them?
By using local variables i can reuse this code with minimal chages. Else, i have to rename every global variable throughout the code.

Code: Select all

if syntaxcheck then return end
local address_list = AOBScan("F3 0F 10 * * * 00 00 0F 57 C0 0F 2F D0 F3 0F 10 * * * 00 00 0F 97 C0")
local address      = getAddress(address_list[0])
local original     = readBytes(address,8,true)
local edited       = readBytes(address,8,true)
edited[3]          = 0x11
local newmem       = allocateMemory(100,address)

local strOriginal  = "db"
for i, v in next,original do
  strOriginal = strOriginal .. string.format(" %.2X",v)
strOriginal = strOriginal .. string.format("\n")

local strEdited    = "db"
for i, v in next,edited do
  strEdited = strEdited .. string.format(" %.2X",v)
strEdited = strEdited .. string.format("\n")

local script_enable = [[
  movss xmm2,[value]
  ]].. strEdited ..[[
  ]].. strOriginal ..[[
  jmp return
  dd (float)1.0
  jmp newmem
  nop 3

local a, b = autoAssemble(script_enable, false)

Best regards,
Last edited by ctl3d32 on Fri Jun 21, 2024 9:59 am, edited 7 times in total.

RCE Fanatics
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Re: [HELP] How to add a LUA script to a table?

Post by Paul44 »

^ some suggestions: google...
> "cheat engine aobscan until aob exists"
> "cheat engine AOBScan with variable like registersymbol"

also: you could register symbols per memrecID:

Code: Select all


  -- might not work if script is enabled indirectly via lua; iow one needs to 'click' the script...
  local mrID = getAddressList().getSelectedRecord().ID

  local mySymbol = "mySymbol_"..mrID

  if not getAddressSafe(string.format('mySymbol_%d',mrID)) then
     registerSymbol(string.format('mySymbol_%d',mrID), allocateMemory(8))

  local addr = getAddress( string.format('mySymbol_%d',mrID) )
  print(string.format('%X ~ %s',addr,mySymbol))

  writeQword(addr,0x0102030305050807)  -- <= proof of concept; you can now check that mem_location

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