i "figured" how MSP value work (i'm sured there's someone smarter than me know how this works/explanation for it)
Basically just get the double value that change your MSP to 0
Once you found it change it's value to "array of byte" with hexadecimal ticked OFF
it will be mumbo jumbo of numbers for some but don't panic, now all you have to do is right click the address and browse memory region
A new window will open and it has 2 side top and bottom (if possible don't scroll your mouse at all so we don't lose the address)
Now right click anywhere on the bottom half and choose Display Type > Byte Decimal
now we can cross check the array of byte with the byte shown here
if you didn't scroll the VERY TOP CORNER LEFT is your address, you can cross check it with the value from the previous window and it should be match (if it didn't match just close the window and reopen browse memory region)
now the tricky part,
right click the VERY TOP CORNER LEFT and Add This to Address List, do this to the next 5 value or more but don't add more than 9 addresses IMO (the value will shoot out of control)
CHANGE ALL OF IT TO 0 (trust me on this)
now... i don't know how this programming work or the stuff but basically the horizontal value is 1 - 16 - 256 - 4096 - 65536 - etc - etc if you change each address from 0 to 1, and if for example the first address is 1 the second address is also 1, it will summed up (17)
So if you want bazzilion MSP you just gotta change the very bottom address that you add to 1
Now you're done i guess
If you get the MSP address the medal is close to it, new search for unknown value just like MSP. Narrow it down as usual and if you find address that really close with MSP with no other address as close then it is the medal address. Same as MSP too but there's a catch, if MSP you just straight change the first address to 1, this time you skip to the fifth address (if you change the first 4 address it will revert both your MSP and medal to 0 so be careful). In the fifth address it works the same as MSP 1 - 16 - 256 - etc - etc
Thank you very much! worked for MGP but it seems for medals its a little harder I'm gonna keep trying 'til I get the correct things for it!
I found the correct value after I posted this, thanks again for the video!