Lust Goddess [Steam]

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Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by 45hgv43whgf »

For current Cheats check page 85 and newest pages:
crediar wrote:
Fri Feb 14, 2025 1:43 am
I basically wrote a tool that proxies all the traffic while injecting a changed rewards files so you can just change it to whatever item and amount, that is the proxy mode the tool does support another mode server in which all traffic is handled locally with the supplied files.

Once the rewards are claimed you have to relog for them to show up again.

To use it you must add the supplied cert as trusted and add an entry to your hosts file like this:
The password is the name of the game all lowercase :)

For proxy mode simply start the program after those steps for server mode you have to start the program with the supplied server files as its argument like:

Code: Select all

HornyGoddess.exe [full path to server files]

Made by crediar

old method(not working, do not attempt):
Game: Lust Goddess
Platform: Steam
Game Version: 5.0.0
Cheats: Savegame Toolkit
Toolkit Version: v0.35
Status: not working since Patch 5.0.1 (not loading old version anymore)

Changelog v0.35
+updated Gamefiles Switcher, switched gamefiles from 4.0.5 to 5.0.0 and corrected rewrite rules.xml for 5.0.0

previous Changelogs:
Changelog v0.34
New Feature:
+Added new Girls Thora, Angel of Anarchy and Fanatic
+assigned different maxParts values for different rarities of Girls and corrected name for Sneaky Tease in the Girl Manager.

Changelog v0.33
New Feature:
+Added new mascots Nymeria and Thora
+In the Gamefiles Switcher added a "Current Version" status text that checks your gamefile versions and displays them(if known) whenever you start the switcher/change gamefiles with the buttons/select a steam game path manually

Changelog v0.32
New Feature:
+Added new mascot Lucretia.
+Enhanced the debug menu's content search functionality to cycle through results when the search button is clicked again, and adjusted the arrow button positions for better usability.
+Resolved issues in the debug menu where sorting options did not correctly affect search results and scroll position. Also ensured content search resets when a key is reselected.

Changelog v0.31
+Updated the textbox in the debug menu to resolve an issue preventing keys with over 18,000 characters from being edited correctly.
+Improved scroll position accuracy in the debug menu, ensuring it jumps to the last scroll position after refreshing.
+Enhanced the save method in the debug menu to refresh the interface after any successful or failed save attempt.

Changelog v0.30
+Enhanced the debug menu for greater convenience, including adjustments to improve usability.

Changelog v0.29
+Enhanced the debug menu with sorting options (by Size/Alphabetical), a resizable left display window, and dynamic size/button adjustments when resizing the entire window.
+Updated "Add X Chests" in the Chest Manager to respect the user's chest slot limits, support automatic chest name generation, allow owning more than one chest prior to adding, and prompt users about overwriting existing chests.
+Improved "Unlock Chest Slots" to allow unlocking 1-4 paid chest slots instead of all slots at once.
+Refined "Unlock Premium Battlepass" to enable unlocking for Regular, Event, or PvP Battlepass, only if the selected Battlepass is already owned.
+Added missing "Multiple Savegame Check" functionality to Commander, Collection, Statistics, Relationship, and Tutorial Managers.
+Standardized and streamlined error messages in "Load" operations across all managers.

Changelog v0.28
New Features & Fixes:
+Fixed several hidden (not important) values that weren't saving properly. Added Window duplicate check & removed lock of any window when other windows are opened, allowing multiple Manager/Windows to use at once.

Changelog v0.27
New Features & Fixes:
+Added the Gamefiles Switcher and improved all Managers to not lock the main window anymore. Removed the password for debug.

Changelog v0.26
+Reverted changes from v0.25 to ensure compatibility only with the old game version savegame.
New Features:
+Added new Mascots Belle and Lorraine in the Girl Manager.
+Included new Girls Belle, Steel Nymph and Charmer in the Girl Manager.

Changelog v0.25
fixed Girl Manager, Chest Manager, Resource Manager, Battlepass Manager & Referral Manager due to the newest changes in the game.
(Do not use v0.25! Attempted changes will reset your progress.)

Changelog v0.24
+Enhanced "Alliance Troops Resources" in the Resource Manager by including "Top Gear" and "Apex" resources.
+Refined the Chest Manager to identify new chest names more accurately.
+Updated "Add X Chests" to require owning exactly one chest before adding, preventing incorrect data usage during chest creation.

Changelog v0.23
New Features:
+Added "Alliance Troops Resources" in the Resource Manager for easy discovery of Alliance Troop-related resources.
+Added "Miss Fortune Cards" in the Resource Manager to simplify accessing them.
+Corrected "Boss Attempts" in the Resource Manager to enforce the maximum limit for Pitkeys accurately.
+Updated various manager buttons to resize dynamically when the window is resized.

Changelog v0.22
New Feature:
+Added the new Mascot Lilith.

Changelog v0.21
+Updated the Chest Manager to handle new chest names dynamically. Notifications will alert users of newly discovered chest names, and they can now add chests with adjusted names derived from the new discoveries. Additional chest data is used to enhance realism when creating new chests.
+Renamed "Convert Chests to Legendary" to "Convert Chests" and added the ability to select the desired chest rarity. Fixed an issue related to this functionality.
+Improved "Remove Timer from Chests" by allowing users to specify the amount of time to subtract. Also fixed an issue related to this functionality.

Changelog v0.20
+Resolved error checks for function usage without loading first in three managers.
+Fixed "Remove Timer" and the set time in "Add X Chests" in the Chest Manager to function properly and added support for uncommon chests.
+Corrected an issue where uncommon chests were not being converted correctly.
+Made multiple enhancements to debug mode.
+Simplified "Add X Chests" in the Chest Manager with a dropdown selection.
+Redesigned the main window

Changelog v0.19
+Resolved an issue where some managers displayed additional rows unnecessarily.
New Feature:
+Added the Referral Manager.

Changelog v0.18
+Fixed "Get All Girls" and "Add Commanders" to source from the correct known ID list and removed duplicate lists.
+Resolved an issue where manual edits were not saving in the Commander Manager.
+Enhanced several dropdown lists to display "Name(ID)" instead of "ID(Name)" for better searchability.
+Improved "Delete Commander" to require skinID and monster_id, ensuring the name of the Commander is verified before deletion.
New Features:
+Added two buttons, "Boss Attempts" and "Recruiting Scrolls," in the Resource Manager for easier value discovery.
+Added the new Commander Wanda to the ID list.

Changelog v0.17
+Reduced repetitive code in the main window, improved visibility of buttons when resized, and added a background image.
New Features:
+Added the Collection Manager.
+Added the Savegame Manager.

Changelog v0.16
+Enhanced "Check Name by ID" in the Girl Manager to also support checking ID by Name.
+Renamed "Delete Monster" to "Delete Girls" in the Girl Manager and upgraded it to allow deletion of specific Girls or entire ranges of Girls.
+Added the last two missing Girls to the known Girl ID List in the Girl Manager.
+Modified the "Change Souls for all Girls" feature to let users select a specific Girl from their collection to adjust the Souls amount, instead of affecting all Girls. The same improvement applies to "Change Level for all Girls" and "Delete Girls" functions.

Changelog v0.15
+(Commander Manager) Resolved an issue where the "Add Commander" function added unnecessary values (ActiveSkinID).
New Features:
+Introduced the Tutorial Manager.
+Added the Statistics Manager.
+Enhanced the Girl Manager with the ability to add all or specific Mascots.
+Implemented the "Outfits" feature in the Girl Manager to add known Outfits.

Changelog v0.14
+Adjusted manager window opening positions to center.
New Feature:
+Added the Relationship Manager.

Changelog v0.13
Enhancements to Girl Manager:
+Added a dropdown list of all known girls to the "Add Custom Girls" feature for improved selection convenience.
+Added a "Check Name by ID" button to validate monster IDs against the known ID/Name/Category list.
+Added a "Delete Monster" button, enabling the removal of girls from your collection.

New Features:
+Implemented a Battlepass Manager.
+Introduced the Commander Manager.

+Enhanced error and null checks for better stability and reliability.
+Removed all references to warlords/commanders from the Girl Manager since its fixed and merged into Commander Manager.

Changelog v0.12
+Resolved issues with the Resource Manager's savegame loading process and improved error message consistency.
+Corrected the Update Checker's download URL for accurate functionality.

New Feature:
+Added the Chest Manager, allowing advanced chest management.

Changelog v0.11
+Adjusted the Girl Manager to retain unedited data during the save process, ensuring data integrity.
New Features:
+Introduced the Resource Manager for managing game resources.
+Added the Update Checker to notify users of new updates.

Changelog v0.10
Initial Release:
+Launched the Girl Manager, providing tools for managing girls in your collection.

Instructions to use old game version to create compatible savegame to edit:
1. setup charles for future use (Charles Instructions and videos)
2. make sure charles rewrite is turned off
3. Open the "Gamefiles Switcher" in the Manager, just to be sure that there is no update and correct files are loaded, click "Switch to game version 4.0.5" and after its finished "Start Game", after its loaded fully, close the game.
4. read hashes in Charles and copy to notepad(login_hash_salt , build_hash & session_id)
5. replace noted hashes in your charles rewrite rules (carefully)
6. make sure rewrite is turned on.
7. Go back to the "Gamefiles Switcher" and use "Switch to game version 4.0.3" after its finished "Delete Savegame" and after thats finished as well, "Start Game" (BE PATIENT, loading after deleting a savegame always takes more time)
8. close game, edit values with Manager
9. check changes in old game version do anything to trigger a save(do a battle..)
10. Go back to the "Gamefiles Switcher" and use "Switch to game version 4.0.5"
11. make sure charles rewrite is turned off
12. "Start Game" and do anything to trigger a save(do a battle..)

Videos to visualize the setup and use of Charles with the 6 Instruction Steps.

Toolkit includes:
Girl Manager = Add/Modify/Delete Girls/Mascots and attributes like level/boosts/skins and more
Commander Manager = Add/Modify/Delete Commanders
Collection Manager = Unlock specific or all Collections
Resource Manager = Add/Modify Resources like Gems, Gold, Boss Attempts, Recruiting Scrolls and more
Chest Manager = Add/Modify Chests/Chest Slots and more
Statistics Manager = Disable Novice Event & Statistics
Relationship Manager = Add/Modify Gifts
Battlepass Manager = Unlock Premium Battlepass
Referral Manager = Reset Referrals
Tutorial Manager = Skip Tutorial
Savegame Manager = Backup/Replace local savegames
Gamefiles Switcher = Check/Switch Gamefiles easily, Delete Savegame and Start Game

Good to know: If you make any change and start up the game to check it and don't like the change(because it doesn't work or you don't want it anymore) you can immediately(as long as you don't do anything that triggers a save such as collecting rewards, making progress of any kind..) exit the game, go to the Girl Manager and use the "Server Error" feature to delete your savegame, then load up the game again(takes longer than usual) and the changes you attempted should have been reverted. (Now you can also utilize the Savegame Manager if you like)

Remember to always click Save to apply any changes to your Game.

Do not set crazy amount of values or the anticheat gonna take care of you very fast.

Usage of this tool can destroy your savegame irreversibly. Do not use on Accounts that you are not prepared to loose.

I wont take any responsibility for lost/destroyed savegames/accounts.


- Windows 7 or later
- .NET 8.0 runtime (if you haven't installed the correct one it will display an error message with a link to Microsoft to install the missing runtime.

Charles Instructions:

1. Get Charles [Link]
2. Install Charles
3. Open Charles
4. Help >>> Register
Registered Name: [Link]
License Key: 48891cf209c6d32bf4
(unregistered Charles only runs 30 Days and closes every 30 minutes)



1. Navigate to: Help >>> SSL Proxying >>> Install Charles Root Certificate ([Link])
2. Install Certificate ([Link])
3. Local Machine, Next ([Link]) (Note: Current User might work too)
4. Place all certificates in the following store, Browse ([Link])
5. Trusted Root Certification Authorities, OK, Next ([Link])
6. Finish ([Link])



Navigate to: Proxy >>> SSL Proxying Settings

1. Enable SSL Proxying if its not enabled already

On the left(Include) press Add
Port: 443
Press Ok.

On the left(Include) press Add
Port: 443
Press Ok.

On the left(Include) press Add
Port: 443
Press Ok.

On the left(Include) press Add
Port: 443
Press Ok.

On the left(Include) press Add
Port: 443
Press Ok.

On the left(Include) press Add
Port: 443
Press Ok.



Navigate to: Tools >>> Rewrite

1. Click on Import and choose the file "rewrite rules.xml" (in the main manager folder)


Now you have set up Charles for future use.

To get your own login hash and build id and session id you need to read it through Charles with the newest version of the game(all values are different on each game start on the normal version)

If something stops working after it already worked, acquire all 3 values new and replace them.



Make sure to go to Tools >>> Rewrite and DISABLE Rewrite for now! (otherwise you wont be able to load the game correctly)

The first symbol under File on the top left is for cleaning up logged things, you can do that before you start logging things. The second symbol is for recording which has to be enabled, the third symbol is for SSL Proxying which also has to be enabled. On the bottom left you can type "chick" without quotation marks so you will only see relevant results.

1. Start Lust Goddess with the newest version wait till its loaded in fully. Close game again
2. Check Charles for the Structure on the left named, not and click it ([Link])
3. double click get_parent_profile_id ([Link])
4. you might be on the overview tab when looking at the right side, click the Contents tab to see the values you need:

{"login_hash_salt": "********************************************", "build_hash": "********************************************","steam_ticket":"*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************"} (censored the actual ID's here, you should see yours)

if you see theses values, copy them into a notepad or something. If you only see weird code with white unidentifiable symbols you might have forgotten to enable SSL Proxying or not have correctly installed the certificate.([Link])
And if you get an exception error, just retry.


as for the Session ID, its almost in the same location as your login and build hashes. (copy it into notepad as well)

Go back into Tools >>> Rewrite and click the rule "rewrite version and hashes" and double click "Body" on the right.
Then Replace "PlaceYourLoginHashSaltHere" with your correct value you copied into your notepad. Also Replace "PlaceYourBuildHashHere" with your correct value you copied into your notepad.

make sure to paste your hashes correctly without removing anything necessary or missing anything

Click Ok. and click onto your other rule "rewrite sessionid" and double click "Body" on the right as well.
Then Replace "PlaceYourSessionidHere" with your correct value you copied into your notepad.

Click Ok.



Make sure to go to Tools >>> Rewrite and ENABLE Rewrite now! (otherwise you wont be able to load the game correctly)

Place the old version game files in the game folder, start your Game.

If you have done everything correctly, it will load your Game correctly. (If not, Game Update? hashes expired? Everything set correctly? retrace your steps or start from the beginning, if the status at this post is shown as WORKING, its working and you have made a mistake somewhere)


Important Extra Info

these login and build hashes expire shortly, at best they are valid a few hours for repeated logins. so you have to get them again if its not working anymore, if there is a game update you also need to change the version number in the Match Value inside Rewrite

as long as you have Charles open, you can open and close your game at will

If you still do not get it you are missing something. If you are 100% sure you set up Charles correctly, uninstall the Root Certificate at almost the same location you installed it, then close charles and uninstall it, for example with revo uninstaller, clean all left over files, restart PC and try again at Step 1.

If you want to go back to normal version without cheats, remember to disable rewrite or close Charles and put newest game files back.



Feature Guides:
Feature Guide Girl Manager:
Load = Loads your savegame. It will fail if multiple or no savegames are found.
Save = Saves the current savegame. It will fail if multiple or no savegames exist.
Add Custom Girls = Opens a menu to add one or multiple Custom Girls with personalized attributes. If unsure about the options, simply pick a Girl from the dropdown and submit without changing the defaults.
Change Souls for all Girls = Allows you to adjust the Souls for specific Girls from your Collection. (risky if abused)
Change Level for all Girls = Lets you modify the Levels for all Girls in your Collection. (very risky)
Get All Girls = Adds a predefined set of 172 known Girl IDs directly to your Collection. (risky due to the amount)
Server Error = Displays a prompt to permanently delete your local savegame.
Mascots = Opens a menu to add specific or all Mascots to your Collection.
Outfits = Opens a menu to add specific or all known Outfits to your Collection. (risky, very few people have these outfits)
Check Name or ID = Identifies the name, ID, and category of any inputted ID or name based on the predefined list of known Girl IDs.
Delete Girls = Prompts you to enter a Girl ID and removes the corresponding Girl from your Collection.

Feature Guide Commander Manager:
Load = Loads your current savegame. It will fail if multiple or no savegames are found.
Save = Saves your current savegame. It will fail if multiple or no savegames exist.
Add Commander = Opens a menu to select and add a Commander to your Collection.
Delete Commander = Prompts you to enter a Commander ID to remove the corresponding Commander from your Collection.

Feature Guide Collection Manager:
Load = Loads your current savegame. It will fail if multiple or no savegames are found.
Save = Saves your current savegame. It will fail if multiple or no savegames exist.
Unlock Collections = Unlock all Collections but don't claim the rewards. (Claiming all rewards in a row is very risky, claiming rewards might not be possible with this method.)
Unlock Collections Claimed = Unlock all Collections and set the rewards to already claimed.
Unlock Specific Collection = Opens a prompt to let you unlock specific Collections with a custom toggle for "Is Reward Collected?".

Feature Guide Resource Manager:
Load = Loads your current savegame. It will fail if multiple or no savegames are found.
Save = Saves your current savegame. It will fail if multiple or no savegames exist.
Boss Attempts = Will open 3 values responsible for different Boss Attempt Counters to modify. (The value in the middle is mostly used for Boss Attempts)
Recruiting Scrolls = Will open 5 values for Scrolls(for Recruiting) to modify.
Alliance Troops Resources = Change all Alliance Troops Resources. (risky if abused)
Miss Fortune Cards = Use only when Miss Fortune Event is open. (risky if abused)

To edit any other values like Gems, Gold and more, double-click on the desired value, modify it, and press Enter. Remember to click Save to apply and save your changes.
Don't be greedy.

Feature Guide Chest Manager:
Load = Loads your current savegame. It will fail if multiple or no savegames are found.
Save = Saves your current savegame. It will fail if multiple or no savegames exist.
Convert Chests = Convert all your existing chests into chests of a chosen rarity.
Remove Timer from Chests = Set the timer from all chests back to the chosen time.
Unlock Chest Slots = Unlocks Chest Slots.
Add X Chests = Allows you to add up to 8 unlocked chests of a selected rarity. Ensure you have enough free slots, as this can overwrite existing chests. Will also check if you have enough chest slots.(risky if abused)

Feature Guide Statistics Manager:
Load = Loads your current savegame. It will fail if multiple or no savegames are found.
Save = Saves your current savegame. It will fail if multiple or no savegames exist.
Disable Novice Event = Disables the Novice Event. (only for test accounts, not recommended for normal accounts)

Feature Guide Relationship Manager:
Load = Loads your current savegame. It will fail if multiple or no savegames are found.
Save = Saves your current savegame. It will fail if multiple or no savegames exist.
Change Gifts = Opens a prompt to modify the values of all 9 different Gifts. (risky if abused)

Feature Guide Battlepass Manager:
Load = Loads your current savegame. It will fail if multiple or no savegames are found.
Save = Saves your current savegame. It will fail if multiple or no savegames exist.
Unlock Premium Battlepass = Unlocks the (Regular, Event or PvP) Premium Battlepass.

Feature Guide Referral Manager:
Load = Loads your current savegame. It will fail if multiple or no savegames are found.
Save = Saves your current savegame. It will fail if multiple or no savegames exist.
Reset Referrals = Resets Referrals completely. (Friends as well) (!!!NOT TESTED!!!)

Feature Guide Tutorial Manager:
Load = Loads your current savegame. It will fail if multiple or no savegames are found.
Save = Saves your current savegame. It will fail if multiple or no savegames exist.
Complete Tutorial = Marks the (first) Tutorial as completed. (only for test accounts, not recommended for normal accounts)

Feature Guide Savegame Manager:
Create Backup Savegame = Create Backups of your Savegame with custom names.
Load Specific Backup Savegame = Choose a Savegame from your Backups to replace your current Savegame with.
Delete Specific Backup Savegame Choose a Savegame from your Backups to delete.
Info: Backups are bound to your Account, you can not use Backups across different Accounts. Older Backups might not be accepted by the game. Its mainly for quick backing up and replacing if you want to revert changes you did at this moment.

Feature Guide Gamefiles Switcher:
Switch to game version X.X.X = Switches Gamefiles to the shown version.
Delete Savegame = Deletes local savegame.
Start Game Starts Game via Steam.


Session expired error:
If suddenly the game throws you a "session expired error" mid game, especially after adding some things to your savegame, it usually means you are banned. Upon this error you should immediately exit the game, Delete Savegame and reload the game.(without Charles rewrite and with newest game version) Chances are that you wont be banned if you act fast enough. (In most cases you probably will still be banned but always worth a try.)


Download LG Toolkit:
(for for use with older game versions)

Download older versions of the game:
DepotDownloader: [Link]
Execute "Start.bat and enter the requested information.
AppID: 2808930
DepotID: 2808931
ManifestID: 5188576610006922976
Username Steam: <>
Password Steam: <>
(if 2fa) Guard Code or mobile confirmation: <>
(Account can be any but needs to own the game you want to download)
Make sure to delete the created DepotDownloader folder out of the main game folder before using them.(otherwise game will freeze upon starting due to integrity check)
Last edited by 45hgv43whgf on Fri Feb 21, 2025 4:13 am, edited 546 times in total.

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Re: Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by sakurano1 »

after doing this can u use in current game version for new progress

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Re: Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by sgtloon »

I like to say that I finally was caught as a cheater after using the somewhat free Legendary roulette once when I 3000 short of the currency. This was after following the instructions, so I did nothing insane. Of course, I used UNBAN to resume, but honestly the devs can suck it. The game is the sort of predatory crap that I'll never pay for. You shouldn't be dumping large amounts cash worth multiple alienware PCs to get edited AI generated porn images.

Thank for helping me only spend $1 on these crooks. Keep up the good fight!

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Re: Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by Sharp17 »

I set up and followed the guide correctly but when I open the game, it doesn't load . where did I go wrong?

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Re: Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by 45hgv43whgf »

sakurano1 wrote:
Tue Jun 18, 2024 11:32 am
after doing this can u use in current game version for new progress
if you manage to not get banned, yes, your progress is on your account.
however you can not directly use cheats within the newest version.
Sharp17 wrote:
Tue Jun 18, 2024 3:47 pm
I set up and followed the guide correctly but when I open the game, it doesn't load . where did I go wrong?
there are many steps to do, recheck them all again perhaps. if it doesnt load at all perhaps your ssl rewrite doesnt rewrite the correct stuff.
sgtloon wrote:
Tue Jun 18, 2024 3:03 pm
I like to say that I finally was caught as a cheater after using the somewhat free Legendary roulette once when I 3000 short of the currency. This was after following the instructions, so I did nothing insane. Of course, I used UNBAN to resume, but honestly the devs can suck it. The game is the sort of predatory crap that I'll never pay for. You shouldn't be dumping large amounts cash worth multiple alienware PCs to get edited AI generated porn images.

Thank for helping me only spend $1 on these crooks. Keep up the good fight!
glad you didnt fed them anything of real worth, roulette can land you on leaderboard event ranking with very suspicious points and people report but who knows what led to it, just consume content and throw away this generic pay2play garbage :D
Last edited by 45hgv43whgf on Wed Jun 19, 2024 12:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by ACCKris123 »

I have followed the steps but it gives me the error you have download the game from an unvertified source and leads me to the store .. how do I fix this?

and when I change the version to 2.0.8 it says network error

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Re: Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by 45hgv43whgf »

ACCKris123 wrote:
Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:57 pm
I have followed the steps but it gives me the error you have download the game from an unvertified source and leads me to the store .. how do I fix this?

and when I change the version to 2.0.8 it says network error
most likely some typos in rewrite, for the login and build hashes. either the hashes itself or any of the symbols in those fields.

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Re: Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by ACCKris123 »

Is the latest version 2.0.7? im not sure, and im pretty sure i did not make any typos, i have tried multiple times and still the same issue. Is it working for u if so, mind helping me out on discord or something? would really appreciate it.

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Re: Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by xjayxkunx »

When my hashes expire, which step should i start over with

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Re: Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by freakky2gg »

tried everything but when im finding the login text on all the text are symbols.


for example..

am i doing something wrong?

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Re: Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by 45hgv43whgf »

freakky2gg wrote:
Wed Jun 19, 2024 4:44 am
tried everything but when im finding the login text on all the text are symbols.


for example..

am i doing something wrong?
sounds like wrongly installed root certificate or not enabled SSL Proxying or not included hosts in SSL Proxying.
xjayxkunx wrote:
Wed Jun 19, 2024 4:10 am
When my hashes expire, which step should i start over with
Charles is already set up so you only need to

open up Charles
disable rewrite
make sure to remove all old game files and verify game files after with steam
load up newest version and read the newest hashes and place them into rewrite
then you are almost good to go, just place in old files
enable rewrite
start old version

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Re: Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by padeborn18 »

Did they update it or something? it works fine before, but after creating new account its only infinite loading

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Re: Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by ByLavarini22 »

padeborn18 wrote:
Wed Jun 19, 2024 1:15 pm
Did they update it or something? it works fine before, but after creating new account its only infinite loading
me too

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Re: Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by ByLavarini22 »

45hgv43whgf wrote:
Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:00 am
Game: Lust Goddess
Platform: Steam
Engine: Unity
Type of Cheats: modified game files IL/C#


followed up from the cluttered thread viewtopic.php?f=2&t=28894

I will keep this first post updated.

Currently you can only use cheats while using an older version of the game while simultaneously rewriting HTTPS requests to bypass the version check.

it looks complicated but it really isnt, to go along with the Instructions, i also made a Video:

[Link] (alternative video hoster: [Link])

Follow Instructions carefully step by step!

old game version 2.0.5 > [Link]
cheats for 2.0.5 in the second spoiler, you dont need them now, setup Charles and Game first.


1. Get Charles [Link]
2. Install Charles
3. Open Charles
4. Help >>> Register
Registered Name: [Link]
License Key: 48891cf209c6d32bf4
(unregistered Charles only runs 30 Days and closes every 30 minutes)



1. Help >>> SSL Proxying >>> Install Charles Root Certificate ([Link])
2. Install Certificate ([Link])
3. Local Machine, Next ([Link]) (Note: Current User might work too)
4. Place all certificates in the following store, Browse ([Link])
5. Trusted Root Certification Authorities, OK, Next ([Link])
6. Finish ([Link])



Proxy >>> SSL Proxying Settings ([Link])

1. Enable SSL Proxying ([Link])

On the left(Include) press Add
Port: 443
Press Ok.

On the left(Include) press Add
Port: 443
Press Ok.

only these two named are important


4.1 STEP

Tools >>> Rewrite

1. Press Add and then press on the newly added option ([Link])
mine is named "All" but yours might be a different name

"Rewrite Settings" has 2 "windows" to add things, for the top one, press Add and fill out both things and add them.

Protocol: https
Path: *

Protocol: https
Path: *


4.2 STEP

Now lets set first rule in Tools >>> Rewrite, Enable Rewrite first, now the "window" at the bottom press Add, click it and fill out both things and add them.

Type: Modify Header

Name: PNK-Version
Value: 2.0.5

Name: PNK-Version
Value: 2.0.7
Replace first


4.3 STEP

Tools >>> Rewrite

Now lets set second rule

Type: Body

click Regex for Value in Match
Value: \"login_hash_salt\":\"(.*)\",\"build_hash\":\"(.*)\",

Value: \"login_hash_salt": "YOURLOGINHASH", "build_hash": "YOURBUILDHASH",
Replace first

Note: These placeholders for your login hash and build hash are fine for now, you replace them in the next steps with your actual ID's.


Now you have set up Charles.

To get your own login hash and build id you need to read it through Charles with the newest version of the game(login hash AND build hash are always different on each game start!)


Make sure to go to Tools >>> Rewrite and DISABLE Rewrite for now! (otherwise you wont be able to load the game correctly)

The first symbol under File on the top left is for cleaning up logged things, you can do that before you start logging things. The second symbol is for recording which has to be enabled, the third symbol is for SSL Proxying which also has to be enabled.

1. Start Lust Goddess with the newest version wait till its loaded in fully.
2. Check Charles for the Structure on the left named, not and click it ([Link])
3. double click get_parent_profile_id ([Link])
4. you might be on the overview tab when looking at the right side, click the Contents tab to see the values you need:

{"login_hash_salt": "********************************************", "build_hash": "********************************************","steam_ticket":"*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************"} (censored the actual ID's here, you should see yours)

if you see theses values, copy them and close your game. If you only see weird code with white unidentifiable symbols you might have forgotten to enable SSL Proxying or not have correctly installed the certificate.([Link])

DO NOT PUT YOUR steam_ticket IN THE REWRITE, ONLY YOUR login_hash_salt AND build_hash !

Go back into Tools >>> Rewrite and modify your login hash and your build hash into the Replace Value (double click your Body rule)

make sure to paste your hashes correctly without removing anything necessary or missing anything



Make sure to go to Tools >>> Rewrite and ENABLE Rewrite now! (otherwise you wont be able to load the game correctly)

Delete your game files manually and place the old version game files in, start your Game.

If you have done everything correctly, it will load your Game correctly. (If not, Game Update? hashes expired? Everything set correctly?)

Extra Info

these login and build hashes might expire sometime, so you might have to get them again if its not working anymore, if there is a game update you also need to change the version number in the Match Value inside Rewrite

it might be safer to acquire new hashes from time to time considering the original game also switches hashes on each game start

aslong as you have Charles open, you can open and close your game and switch cheatfiles at will
you might want to save your session in Charles ([Link])

If you still do not get it you are missing something. If you are 100% sure you set up Charles correctly, uninstall the Root Certificate at almost the same location you installed it, then close charles and uninstall it, for example with revo uninstaller, clean all left over files, restart PC and try again at Step 1, some people have mentioned bugs with the program.
I myself only encountered bugs when i imported someone else's settings file(settings file is different from session file), it wouldn't let me update it and always send the login hash from the imported file and not my own one i replaced. You can see this by enabling debug log in rewrite, try and check logs what Charles is actually sending back. If its not your set hashes, its bugged.

If you want to go back to normal version without cheats, simply placing the newest game files might not work! Remove any instance of Charles or close it down. Delete your whole game folder manually and verify files with steam, this will let you back onto the newest version without errors.

Which Cheats are included and what are they doing? + Experimental AntiCheat Bypass Download at the bottom..READ

will update versions of cheats from time to time if i find improvements or add new cheats

unlock all mercenaries temporarily v2 = this will temporarily unlock all mercenaries & commanders(not the Event mercs/commanders), you still need to obtain them for example through Gacha or Shop or any other method, if you remove the cheat, you only keep the ones you obtained. If you getting all at once you probably getting banned. This will also give you all benefits from the highest League for example multiplying all rewards.This will not work with already banned accounts!
Link = [Link]

unlock all Chat dialogues permanently = permanently unlocks all chat dialogues to get all Dialogues and Images.
Extra Info = If you first use it, it will unlock all chat dialogues from all 10 characters. While using the cheat, all quests get auto completed if you progress in chat dialogues.
If you remove this cheat make sure to also remove "com.panoramik.als.dll" and replace it with the original file!
Link = [Link]

bypass real money purchase v2 = all $ made purchases just succeed and limited purchases can sometimes be bought multiple times.
Link = [Link]

skip all tutorials = will skip all New Game Tutorials to the point where you choose your name.
Link = [Link]

instant chest opener = will set the maximum wait time for chests to 1 second.
Link = [Link]

complete roadmap missions = Go to the next Roadmap Event mission, click Go, go back and claim reward. repeat as you like.
Link = [Link]

temporary UNBAN v4 = only changes errors into a no error state which makes your banned account usable again. This will not unban your account, only hide the errors that prevent a banned account from playing. (might still have unwanted side effects such as not saving certain progress or only saving it locally, do not open daily/weekly/epic task window, progress could be reset after game updates or other things)
Link = [Link]

Price -1000 Shop and Event v2 = Shop, Event Store, Alliance Store and possibly some other prices are set to -1000
Link = [Link]

Price -1 Shop and Event v2 = Shop, Event Store, Alliance Store and possibly some other prices are set to -1
Link = [Link]

Roulette somewhat free = always being able to spin the roulette, will consume Credits if you have Credits but will also work without Credits.
Link = [Link]

Gacha Pulls Free = being able to pull Rare, Epic or Legendary without any costs.(depending on what you have unlocked)
Link = [Link]

multi v9 alternative Price = contains same as multi v9 but Price -1000 for Shop and Event v2 is swapped with Price -1 for Shop and Event v2
Link = [Link]

multi v9 = contains: bypass real money purchase v2, skip all tutorials, instant chest opener, complete roadmap missions, temporary UNBAN v4, Price -1000 for Shop and Event v2, Roulette somewhat free, Gacha Pulls Free.
Link = [Link]

multi v10 alternative Price = contains same as multi v10 but Price -1000 for Shop and Event v2 is swapped with Price -1 for Shop and Event v2
Link = [Link]

multi v10 = contains: unlock all mercenaries temporarily v2, bypass real money purchase v2, skip all tutorials, instant chest opener, complete roadmap missions, temporary UNBAN v4, Price -1000 for Shop and Event v2, Roulette somewhat free, Gacha Pulls Free.
Link = [Link]

Location to place files>
......\Steam\steamapps\common\Lust Goddess\Adult_wars_Data\Managed

After placing cheat files once, in most cases you only need to replace Assembly-CSharp.dll to change your cheat file, the 3 bypass files work for all of them. Especially important if you use the custom ACTk.Runtime.dll from the bottom of this.

File Explanations>
ACTk.Runtime.dll = AntiCheat & integrity check bypass
ACTk.Runtime.hash.dll = original file but renamed to point the integrity check to
Assembly-CSharp.dll = Main Cheat file
Assembly-CSharp.hash.dll = original file but renamed to point the integrity check to
com.panoramik.als.dll = other cheat file, only used for "unlock all Chat dialogues permanently" in combination with Assembly-CSharp.dll

I've decided to not include the semi deactivation of the local anticheat, 1. i do not know if its more risky or less risky with it 2. once you remove mod files and play normal the anticheat will still pick up on odd numbers on your account. for example with disabled anticheat you get 100.000 Gems, remove mods and now the anticheat is active, whenever you update the value of your gems by either collecting or spending gems, the anticheat will pick up on your odd amount of gems and auto mark you as cheater. same goes for everything else that produces numbers that the anticheat checks for very odd numbers.

however if for some reason you want to try out the disabled AntiCheat files = [Link]
just use these 3 files, the other ACTk.Runtime.dll found with all the cheatfiles does not bypass the AntiCheat, it only bypasses the file integrity check. This new one does...or atleast trys both. only working with the 2.0.5 version.
use these 3 files with your modded Assembly-CSharp.dll or the original Assembly-CSharp.dll

rough overview of the changes within the AntiCheat:

ACTkDetectorBase (usage:? AntiCheat related and modified to always return no cheat detected)
ObscuredCheatingDetection (usage: number related AntiCheat, modified to always return no cheat detected)
DeviceIdHolder (usage: returns your device ID, modified to ALWAYS return a random device ID)
HashGeneratorResult (usage: returns file and build hashes, modified to always return a successful check)
InjectionDetector (usage: detects injections into the game, modified to always return no cheat detected)
SpeedHackDetector (usage: probably Obsolete by default, still modified to always return no cheat detected)
SpeedHackProofTime (usage: probably Obsolete by default, still modified to use Unity time instead of real time)
TimeCheatingDetector (usage: probably Obsolete by default, still modified to use Unity time instead of real time)
WallHackDetector (usage: probably Obsolete by default, still modified to always return no cheat detected)

as said this only works when using it and there is no guarantee that these changes dont trigger another response and that there are no other hidden AntiCheat techniques. from testing i can only say it seems to work.
Dont go wild with any of this if you dont want to get banned..or dont cheat at all!
crazy high numbers for currencies or any other hard abuse of cheats to gain something will be greeted with an automatic ban, doing anything crazy on event leaderboards or any other leaderboards will get you reported and banned as well.

Although this game requires an internet connection, there is no interaction between players that are tampered with, the combat is always against player profiles but with an AI playing it.

lastly, cheat requests or source requests can always be made in the thread.

stoped to work :(

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Re: Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by 45hgv43whgf »

Last edited by 45hgv43whgf on Wed Jul 17, 2024 10:49 am, edited 15 times in total.

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